Ⅰ Goals for Studying Rhetoric
Ⅱ The Three Aesthetic Criteria in English Rhetoric
Ⅲ The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations (A) :Selecting Words and Phrases
Ⅳ The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations (B) :SeekingSentence Variety
Ⅴ The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations (C) : Writing aParagraph and Arranging Paragraphs into a CompleteText
Ⅵ Meanings of Words: A Multifaceted Notion
Ⅶ Denotation and Connotation
Ⅷ Generalization and Specification
Ⅸ Economy and Clarity
Ⅹ Accuracy and Vaguene
Ⅺ Unity and Coherence
Ⅻ The Literal Ues and Figurative Use of Language
ⅩⅢ Propriety and Creativity
ⅩⅣ Keys to the Exercises
ⅩⅤ Index
ⅩⅥ Bibliography
Ⅱ The Three Aesthetic Criteria in English Rhetoric
Ⅲ The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations (A) :Selecting Words and Phrases
Ⅳ The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations (B) :SeekingSentence Variety
Ⅴ The Three Levels of Rhetorical Operations (C) : Writing aParagraph and Arranging Paragraphs into a CompleteText
Ⅵ Meanings of Words: A Multifaceted Notion
Ⅶ Denotation and Connotation
Ⅷ Generalization and Specification
Ⅸ Economy and Clarity
Ⅹ Accuracy and Vaguene
Ⅺ Unity and Coherence
Ⅻ The Literal Ues and Figurative Use of Language
ⅩⅢ Propriety and Creativity
ⅩⅣ Keys to the Exercises
ⅩⅤ Index
ⅩⅥ Bibliography
English rhetoric an introduction
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