Rapid interpretation of heart and lung sounds : a guide to cardiac and respiratory auscultation i...
作 者:Francis W.K. Smith, Bruce W. Keene, Larry Patrick Tilley ; illustrations by Thomas Xenakis, Denis...
Composed of an audio CD and a companion book, this package demonstrates how to do accurate clinical evaluations of the heart and lungs in the examining room. The CD offers step-by-step instructions on how to identify, interpret, and differentiate heart and lung sounds in dogs and cats. Made by using a heart sound simulator as well as recordings from patients, the CD also covers heart murmurs and arrhythmias. The book expands on the CD content and offers clear, concise illustrations of electrocardiograms (ECGs) and polarcardiograms (PCGs). It also includes pretests and posttests to ensure thorough understanding of the material, as well as content on properties of sound, the stethoscope, and keys to successful auscultation. * NEW! Lung sounds are now included, in addition to heart sounds. * An easy-to-follow format simplifies learning. * Pretests may be taken prior to reviewing the CD to measure how much the user already knows. * Posttests help determine when the material has been mastered. * Clinically relevant conditions are included, making it easy for readers to apply this information to day-to-day practice.
Suggestions for Program Use
Heart Sounds
Objectives (Section 1)
Pretest 1
Table of Abbreviations
Some Properties of Sound
Cardiovascular Sound
The Stethoscope
Keys to Successful Auscultation
Conditions that Alter Loudness of All Heart Sounds
Principal Areas of Cardiac Auscultation
Hemodynamics of the Cardiac Cycle
The First Heart Sound (S1)
Abnormally Accentuated S1
Abnormally Diminished S1
The Second Heart Sound (S2)
Persistent Splitting of S2
Fixed Splitting of S2
Paradoxical Splitting of S2
Abnormally Accentuated S2
Abnormally Diminished S2
The Third Heart Sound (S3)
Causes of S3 (Protodiastolic Gallop)
The Fourth Heart Sound (S4)
Conditions Associated with S4
Quadruple Rhythm and Summation Sound or Gallop
Ejection Sounds or Clicks
Aortic Ejection Sounds
Pulmonic Ejection Sounds
Mid-Systolic Click or Clicks
Answers to Pretest 1
Post-Test 1
Answers to Post-Test 2
Objectives (Section 2)
Pretest 2
Evaluation of Heart Murmurs
Timing, Configuration, and Duration
Pitch and Timbre
Point of Maximal Loudness and Radiation
Grading Loudness
Breed Predilections for Cardiac Disorders
Systolic Murmurs
Ejection Systolic Murmurs
Causes of Ejection Systolic Murmurs
Holosystolic or Regurgitant Murmurs
Causes of Holosystolic Murmurs
Mitral Regurgitation
Myxomatous Degeneration of the Mitral Valve
Ruptured Chordae Tendinae
Dilated Carimyopathy
Tricuspid Regurgitation
Ventricular Septal Defect
Late Systolic Murmurs
Diastolic Murmurs
Continuous Murmurs
Other Causes (Rare) of Organic or Pathologic
Continous Murmurs
Answers to Pretest 2
Post-Test 2
Answers to Post-Test 2
Objectives (Section 3)
Pretest 3
Auscultation of Selected Arrhythmias
Answers to Pretest 3
Post-Test 3
Answers to Post-Test 3
Lung Sounds
Suggestions for Program Use
Heart Sounds
Objectives (Section 1)
Pretest 1
Table of Abbreviations
Some Properties of Sound
Cardiovascular Sound
The Stethoscope
Keys to Successful Auscultation
Conditions that Alter Loudness of All Heart Sounds
Principal Areas of Cardiac Auscultation
Hemodynamics of the Cardiac Cycle
The First Heart Sound (S1)
Abnormally Accentuated S1
Abnormally Diminished S1
The Second Heart Sound (S2)
Persistent Splitting of S2
Fixed Splitting of S2
Paradoxical Splitting of S2
Abnormally Accentuated S2
Abnormally Diminished S2
The Third Heart Sound (S3)
Causes of S3 (Protodiastolic Gallop)
The Fourth Heart Sound (S4)
Conditions Associated with S4
Quadruple Rhythm and Summation Sound or Gallop
Ejection Sounds or Clicks
Aortic Ejection Sounds
Pulmonic Ejection Sounds
Mid-Systolic Click or Clicks
Answers to Pretest 1
Post-Test 1
Answers to Post-Test 2
Objectives (Section 2)
Pretest 2
Evaluation of Heart Murmurs
Timing, Configuration, and Duration
Pitch and Timbre
Point of Maximal Loudness and Radiation
Grading Loudness
Breed Predilections for Cardiac Disorders
Systolic Murmurs
Ejection Systolic Murmurs
Causes of Ejection Systolic Murmurs
Holosystolic or Regurgitant Murmurs
Causes of Holosystolic Murmurs
Mitral Regurgitation
Myxomatous Degeneration of the Mitral Valve
Ruptured Chordae Tendinae
Dilated Carimyopathy
Tricuspid Regurgitation
Ventricular Septal Defect
Late Systolic Murmurs
Diastolic Murmurs
Continuous Murmurs
Other Causes (Rare) of Organic or Pathologic
Continous Murmurs
Answers to Pretest 2
Post-Test 2
Answers to Post-Test 2
Objectives (Section 3)
Pretest 3
Auscultation of Selected Arrhythmias
Answers to Pretest 3
Post-Test 3
Answers to Post-Test 3
Lung Sounds
Rapid interpretation of heart and lung sounds : a guide to cardiac and respiratory auscultation i...
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