

作   者:丁旻,李阳编著





《每天听点原声CNN精华:入门级学生新闻英语听力、单词轻松听》编辑推荐:轻松听懂CNN就这么简单! 听力、单词、口语、语法 多重突破! (1)大开本、大字号。大屏幕才是王道!对照原文听音频,你不会再觉得吃力,不会再不知道自己听到了哪里。最大程度上减轻你的学习压力,保护视力。 (2)选材新鲜,语料权威,语言地道,趣味性强。政治、经济、生活、娱乐样样齐全,全面提升你对听力的兴趣。你可以按照自己的喜好、需要选择学习方向和重点,更可以全面锻炼自己分辨美音、英音的能力。 (3)2分钟内容长度符合听力训练最佳效果要求。太长则容易疲惫,太短则达不到训练效果。每篇新闻选材控制在2分钟左右,是英语听力考试专家推荐的最佳训练长度。 (4)原声音频清晰流畅,现场感强。可反复多听几遍,尽量配合新闻背景并联系上下文推敲新闻大意,增强你的辨音及反应能力。另外请大胆模仿发音,认真跟读,并注意语调和语气。每天听一点,读一点,做到“口耳合一”,轻松同步提高听力水平和口语能力。 (5)单词对应标准音标,清晰划分四六级考试级别,方便备考。选取生词、难词,单词下面对应标准音标,方便你准确发音并根据音标记忆单词;单词标注四六级,方便你学习和积累,更有助于备考重要考试。 (6)“帮助”让你如虎添翼。听力点拨、知识讲解、语法分析均清晰标明,应有尽有。让你从根本上学会并掌握听力技巧,积累更多专业性与趣味性的外语知识,并能更好的练习、吸收语法知识。


Unit 1 社会万象
Christmas in China and Western Countries中国与西方的圣诞节
Pictures Taken Appealing for the Great Barrier Reef Protection拍摄照片以呼吁人们保护大堡礁
Endeavour Crawling on the Road奋进号现身公路
Students Cutting Pictures in the Museum Causes Controversy学生在博物馆割画惹争议
A Charitable Organization in the U.S. Gets into Scandal美国一慈善组织陷入募捐丑闻
Australian Stunt Man Jumps from the High for the Dream澳大利亚知名特技人为梦想挑战高空一跳
More Working Time, More Smooth Retire Life工作更长时间以谋求安稳的退休生活
Inspiration of a London Building Comes from Life伦敦建筑灵感源于生活
“Memorial Day” Was Held in America美国举行“阵亡将士纪念日”活动
Presidents and Their Pets美国总统们的宠物情缘
Americans Are Facing Serious Obesity美国人将面临严重的肥胖问题
High Price for a Coin Is Just for Memory硬币拍出天价,买主只为回忆
Unit 2 国际动态
A Royal Rule Changed英国王室规则改变
UNSC Accused the Israeli—Palestinian Violence Bloodshed联合国安全理事会指责巴以暴力流血事件
World Leaders Gathered in New York for the UN Conference世界各国领导人聚集纽约参加联合国会议
The 2012 Nobel Peace Prize Goes to the European Union2012年诺贝尔和平奖授予欧盟
The International Community Searching for New Method to End the Conflict in Libya国际社会努力寻找新方法结束利比亚冲突
FBI Investigates on Divulging Confidential Information of National Security美国联邦调查局调查泄露国家安全机密信息
NATO Formulates the Afghan Transitional Policy北大西洋公约组织制定阿富汗过渡方针
President Obama Visited Afghanistan Causes An Uneasy Position Back in America奥巴马阿富汗之行引"自家后院"不太平
The Arab League Tried t Find Out the Method to Deal with Syria Crisis阿拉伯联盟试图找出方法应对叙利亚危机
Islands Dispute between England and Argentina Warms Up Again英国阿根廷群岛争端再次升温
2012 Election Year2012选举年
President Obama Visited Australia奥巴马总统访问澳大利亚
Unit 3 政坛要闻
Obama Seek for New Ideas after His Reappointment奥巴马连任后寻找新思维
America Presidential Debate Is Over, Election Will Start Within Two Weeks美国总统辩论已结束,选举两周内开始
Similarities between President Obama and Governor Romney总统奥巴马和州长罗姆尼相似处
Third Parties in the United States美国的第三党派
Chavez Was Appointed the Next President of Venezuela查韦斯获任委内瑞拉下届总统
17—year—old Representative Was Placed Great Hope in Tampa to Search for Solutions共和党17岁代表被寄予厚望
The Republican Presidential Candidates Are Ready for the General Election共和党各总统候选人跃跃欲试参加大选
Wisconsin Governor Faced Recall Election美国威斯康辛州州长面临罢免选举
Election Candidates Played the Gasoline Depreciation Card美选战候选人大打汽油降价牌
Obama Intends to Repeat History in the Election奥巴马总统拟在选战中重演历史
Primary Election in Florida佛罗里达州州长初选
Election Candidates Try to Win the Last Support, Voters Cast Their Ballots美国大选年候选人赢取最后支持,选民投出期望选票
Unit 4 金融财经
The Rich Class Hopes Obama Extend the Tax Cuts美国富有阶层希望奥巴马延长减税
Stimulus Funds for Laredo Create and Bring Employment Opportunities刺激资金为拉雷多创造并带来就业机会
Four Questions Restrict the Economic Recovery of the United States四个疑点制约美国经济复苏
Economic Austerity and Stimulation经济紧缩与刺激
The U.S. Unemployment Rate Declined Slightly美国失业率略有下降
The Deadline for Americans to Pay the Taxes Is Approaching美国人缴税大限临近
Discontentment on Government Officials’ Fat Salary in a Small Town of California加州小镇政府官员高薪引不满
Japanese Economy Ushered in Historical Low日本经济迎来历史低谷
Coin Manufacturing Value Is Not Proportional to Its Actual Value硬币制造价值已经和实际面值不成正比
Romney Couple Leaves a Huge Amount of Property for Their Posterity罗姆尼夫妇为后代下血本
Facebook Applies For Going Public Facebook申请公开上市
Unit 5 法制时空
Prospect of American Medical Reform Bill Is Not Optimistic美国医疗改革法案前景不乐观
The Electoral College选举团
President Obama Signed the Health Care Reform Bill into Law奥巴马签署医疗改革法案
The Protection of American Intellectual Properties美国知识产权保护
The Scientists Were Sentenced Due to Misdetection on Earthquake科学家误测地震被判刑
Obama’s New Policy Seeks Welfare for Immigrants奥巴马新政为移民谋福利
Sugary Drinks Are Planned To Be Banned in New York纽约计划禁止销售大容量含糖饮料
Liberia and Syria’s Domestic Situation利比里亚与叙利亚国内形势
Kagan Was Nominated American Chief Judge, All Parties Accused Her Lack of Judicial Experiences卡根被提名美大法官,各党派指责其无司法经验
Obama’s Health Insurance Reform Bill Is Unconstitutional奥巴马医疗保险改革法案违宪
Unit 6 军事热点
The Palestinian and Israeli Discuss Long—Term Peace Agreement巴以商讨长期和平协议
Situation in Regions Near the Strait of Hormuz Were Tension with Constant Military Exercises霍尔木兹海峡附近地区局势紧张
Israeli Air Strikes Against Terrorist in Gaza, Including Hamas Leaders以色列空中打击加沙恐怖主义目标
Israel Attacks more than 1300 Places in Gaza以色列针对加沙1300多个地方发动袭击
Malala, 14—year—old Pakistan Girl Was Sent to Britain for Treatment巴基斯坦14岁女孩马莱拉被送往英国医治
Turkey Vowed to Defend its Territory土耳其誓要保卫领土
11th Anniversary of 9·11 Held in the United States美国纪念“9·11事件”11周年
The 68th Anniversary of D—day纪念诺曼底登陆68周年
The World War II British Aircraft Wreckage Was Found in Africa第二次世界大战英军战机残骸在非洲被发现
US Army Handed the Command of Night Raids to Afghanistan美军将夜袭指挥权交给阿富汗
American Companies Have Been Attacked美国公司遭袭击
Unit 7 科技在线
12—year—old Girl Rebuilt A Car12岁小女孩重组汽车
New Environmentally—friendly Bike新型环保自行车
Voyager I Continues its Journey in Space旅行者一号继续太空之旅
SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launched Successfully SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭发射成功
Egyptian Student Sent Spiders into Space Orbit埃及学生将蜘蛛送入宇宙轨道
New York Starts up a Costly Subway Expansion Project纽约地铁启动造价不菲扩建工程
“Discovery” Has Formally Settled in the Museum “发现号”航天飞机正式落户博物馆
Medical Equipment Cleaning Failure Causes Infections医疗设备清洗失败导致病人感染
The HD TV is Coming Closer to You高清电视走近你
The Archaeological Work without Disturbing the Ground不破坏地面的考古工作
Fast—pace of Life Leads to Heart Disease生活节奏快导致心脏病
The Government Takes Measures to Control Light Pollution政府准备采取措施控制光污染
The Colorado Company Turns Garbage into Treasure Using New Technology新技术将垃圾变废为宝
Slavery Database of Virginia State Helps People to Find Their Ancestors奴隶身份资料库帮助市民找到祖先起源
Unit 8 天灾人祸
More than 10,000 Deaths Per Year in the United States Due to Drunkenness or Alcohol美国每年1万多人因醉酒或因酒精导致死亡
Natural Disaster Attacks Pakistan Again自然灾害再袭巴基斯坦
Devastating Disaster Area after Sandy飓风“桑迪”过后,灾区满目疮痍
Obama Headed to New Jersey after Sandy奥巴马前往灾区新泽西
Indonesia Suffered Severe Earthquake印度尼西亚发生大规模地震
Isaac Landed at Haiti热带风暴“艾萨克”登陆海地
Outbreak of West Nile Virus in the U.S., Texas美国德克萨斯州爆发西尼罗河病毒
Tropical Storm Beryl Formed on the North Carolina Coast热带风暴“百瑞尔”在美国东南海岸形成
President Obama Visited the Gulf of Mexico奥巴马总统抵达墨西哥湾
Storm Isaac Disrupt the Republican Convention, Romney Faced Weather Resistance风暴“艾萨克”扰乱共和党大会
The 1th Anniversary of Earthquake Was Held in Japan日本大地震一周年举行纪念活动
3 People Died in Washington Avalanche华盛顿州雪崩3人死亡
The Government of Ukraine Takes Measures to Cope with the Arctic Weather乌克兰政府采取措施应对极寒天气
Chain Collision Accident in Florida Killed At Least 10 People美国佛罗里达州发生连环撞车事故
Unit 9 体育娱乐
German Soccer Players Join American National Soccer Team美德后裔球员加入美国国家足球队
With too Many Visitors, Michelangelo’s Masterpiece Faces Great Threat参观者过多,米开朗基罗名作恐遭破坏
The Rubik’s Cube魔方
One Second Every Day一秒一天生活微电影
The San Diego Animation Festival圣地亚哥动漫节开幕
American Professional Football Players and the Professional League Confront at Court美国职业橄榄球员与美国职业橄榄球大联盟对簿公堂
The Older Generation Carries the Banner of Revitalization of the Video Game Industry振兴电子游戏行业由老年一代扛起大旗
Impact of Concussion on Young Athletes脑震荡对年轻运动员的影响
Athletes Derrick Brooks Runs A School运动员德瑞克·布鲁克斯办学校
Hollywood Blockbusters好莱坞大片回顾
Messy Mount Fuji富士山变成了垃圾山
The Statue of Liberty Is Open Again自由女神像重新开放
Unit 10 校园教育
“The Time Collaborative” Project May Help Students to Increase Their Test Scores “时间协作”项目或有助提高学生的考试成绩
Jobs, Economy and Education Are Big Issues Now工作、经济、教育成难题
An Increase in Students Missing School学校缺课日渐频繁
ROTC Program Is Back in Harvard哈佛恢复后备军官训练队计划
Presidential Candidates Talked About Ways to Make College More Affordable总统竞选人谈论如何减轻学生上学负担
Obama’s Official Note for Leave for Late Student奥巴马总统为迟到学生出具官方假条
Smart Ways to Reduce the Cost of University降低大学成本有妙招
More Healthy Food in American Schools美国学校推行更健康食品
Little Tiny Thing to A Strong Woman从小不点儿到女强人
Black Culture Month into Famous Schools黑人文化月走进历史名校



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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