《生活的艺术》是林语堂旅美专事创作后的第一部书,也是继《吾国与吾民》之后再获成功的又一英文作品。该于1937年在美国出版,次年便居美国畅销书排行榜榜首达52财,且接连再版四十余次,并为十余种文字所翻译。林语堂在该书中将旷怀达观,陶情遣兴的中国人的生活方式,和浪漫高雅的东方情调予以充分的传达, 向西方人娓娓道出了一个可供仿效的“生活最高典型”的模式,以致有书评家(Peter Precott)称:“读完这书后,我真想跑到唐人街,一遇见中国人,便向他行个鞠躬礼。”应该承认,本书无论从内容上还是语言上来说,都是我国英语爱好者难得的一本读物。但尢需指出的是,林氏的某些观点是与马克思主义相违背的,这绝不代表我们作为出版者的观点,希读者以科学的世界观和方法论为指导,慎审明辨。 同样的原因,我们对个别地方的删节也请读者理解。
chapter one the awakening
i. approach to life
ii. a pseudoscientific formula
iii. the scamp as ideal
chapter two views of manking
i. christian, greek and chinese
ii. earthbound
iii. a biological view
iv. human life a poem
chapter three our animal heritage
i. the monkey epic
ii. in the image of the monkey
iii. on being mortal
iv. on having a stomach
v. on having strong muscles
vi. on having a mind
chapter four on being human
i. on human dignity
.ii. on playful curiosity:the rise of human civilization
iii. on dreams
iv. on hte sense of humor
v. on being wayard and incalculable
vi. the doctrine of the individual
chapter five who can best enjoy life?
i. find thyself:chuangtse
ii. passion,wisdom and courage:mencius
iii. cynicism,folly and camouflage:laotse
iv. "philosophy of life: t'ao yuanming
v. a lover of life: t'ao yuanming
chapter six the feast of life
i. the problem of happiness
ii. human happiness is sensuous
iii. chin's thirty-three happy moments
iv. misunderstandings of materialism
v. how about mental pleasures?
chapter seven the importance of loafing
i. man the only working animal
ii. the chinese theory of leisure
iii. the cult of the idle life
iv. this earth the only heavenonly heaven
v. what is luck?
vi. three american vices
chapter eight the enjoyment of the home
i. on getting biological
ii. celibacy a freak of civilization
iii. on dex appeal
iv. the cinese family ideal
v. on growing old gracefully
chapter nine the enjoyment of living
i. on lying in bed
ii. on sitting in chairs
iii. on conversation
iv. on tea and friendship
v. on smoke and incense
vi. on drink and wine games
vii. on food and medicine
viii. some curious western customs
ix. the inhumanity of western dress
x. on house and interiors
x. on house and interiors
chapter ten the enjoyment of nature
i. paradise lost?
ii. on bigness
iii. two chinese ladies
a. ch'iufu
b. yun
iv. on rocks and trees
v. on flowers and flower arrangements
vi. the "vase flowers" of wan chunglang
vii. the epigrams of chang ch'ao
chapter eleven the enjoyment of travel
i. on going about and seeing things
ii. "the travels of mingliaotse"
a. the reason for the flight
b. the way of traveling
c. at austere heights
d. back to humanity
e. philosophy of the flight
chapter twelve the enjoyment of culture
i. good taste in knowledge
ii. art as play and personality
iii. the art of reading
iv. the art of writing
chapter thirteen relationship to god
i. the restoration of religion
ii. why i an a pagan
chapter fourteen the art of thinking
i. the need of humanized thinking
ii. the return to common sense
iii. be reasonable
chapter one the awakening
i. approach to life
ii. a pseudoscientific formula
iii. the scamp as ideal
chapter two views of manking
i. christian, greek and chinese
ii. earthbound
iii. a biological view
iv. human life a poem
chapter three our animal heritage
i. the monkey epic
ii. in the image of the monkey
iii. on being mortal
iv. on having a stomach
v. on having strong muscles
vi. on having a mind
chapter four on being human
i. on human dignity
.ii. on playful curiosity:the rise of human civilization
iii. on dreams
iv. on hte sense of humor
v. on being wayard and incalculable
vi. the doctrine of the individual
chapter five who can best enjoy life?
i. find thyself:chuangtse
ii. passion,wisdom and courage:mencius
iii. cynicism,folly and camouflage:laotse
iv. "philosophy of life: t'ao yuanming
v. a lover of life: t'ao yuanming
chapter six the feast of life
i. the problem of happiness
ii. human happiness is sensuous
iii. chin's thirty-three happy moments
iv. misunderstandings of materialism
v. how about mental pleasures?
chapter seven the importance of loafing
i. man the only working animal
ii. the chinese theory of leisure
iii. the cult of the idle life
iv. this earth the only heavenonly heaven
v. what is luck?
vi. three american vices
chapter eight the enjoyment of the home
i. on getting biological
ii. celibacy a freak of civilization
iii. on dex appeal
iv. the cinese family ideal
v. on growing old gracefully
chapter nine the enjoyment of living
i. on lying in bed
ii. on sitting in chairs
iii. on conversation
iv. on tea and friendship
v. on smoke and incense
vi. on drink and wine games
vii. on food and medicine
viii. some curious western customs
ix. the inhumanity of western dress
x. on house and interiors
x. on house and interiors
chapter ten the enjoyment of nature
i. paradise lost?
ii. on bigness
iii. two chinese ladies
a. ch'iufu
b. yun
iv. on rocks and trees
v. on flowers and flower arrangements
vi. the "vase flowers" of wan chunglang
vii. the epigrams of chang ch'ao
chapter eleven the enjoyment of travel
i. on going about and seeing things
ii. "the travels of mingliaotse"
a. the reason for the flight
b. the way of traveling
c. at austere heights
d. back to humanity
e. philosophy of the flight
chapter twelve the enjoyment of culture
i. good taste in knowledge
ii. art as play and personality
iii. the art of reading
iv. the art of writing
chapter thirteen relationship to god
i. the restoration of religion
ii. why i an a pagan
chapter fourteen the art of thinking
i. the need of humanized thinking
ii. the return to common sense
iii. be reasonable
The importance of living
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