附加练习 《剑桥英语语法》书后设计有附加练习(第284—300页)。这些练习帮助学生集中复习巩固书中所讲解过的语法知识。例如练习14是根据第26—40单元所讲述的语法项目设计的。 《剑桥英语语法》是为学生自学英语语法编写的,但老师也可以把它用作语法学习的教材。 《剑桥英语语法》适合具有中级或中高级英语水平的学生,帮助他们复习巩固语法知识及学习新的语法结构。它同样也适用于水平更高一些的学生。 《剑桥英语语法》内容按语法范畴分类(如:现在时与过去时、冠词与名词、介词等),教师可以根据教学大纲和学生的学习难点,让学生有选择地灵活使用。 《剑桥英语语法》既可以在课后练习中使用,也可以用作复习或补习英语语法知识。这本书可以让全班学生一起使用,也可以让不同的学生针对自己的弱点,个别使用。每单元左边一页(讲解与例句)是为学生自学准备的,但也可以用作教师的教学资料;右边一页的的练习可以让学生独自完成,也可以课上完成或作为家庭作业。 书后的附加练习(第284—300页)是针对书中各单元讲解的语法项目所设计的综合习题.
to the student
to the teacher
1 现在进行时(i am doing)
2 一般现在时(i do)
3 现在进行时与一般现在时(1)(i am doing与i do)
4 现在进行时与一般现在时(2)(i an doing与i do)
5 一般过去时(i did)
6 过去进行时(i was doing)
7 现在完成时(1)(i have done)
8 现在完成时(2)(i have done)
9 现在完成进行时(i have been doing)
10 现在完成进行时与现在完成时(i have been doing与i have done)
11 how long have you(been)...?
12 when...?与how long...? for与since
13 现在完成时与一般过去时(1)(i have done与i did)
14 现在完成时与一般过去时(2)(i have done与i did)
15 过去完成时(i had done)
.16 过去完成进行时(i had been doing)
17 have与have got
18 used to(do)
19 现在时(i am doing/i do)表示将来
20 (i’m)going to(do)
21 will/shall(1)
22 will/shall(2)
23 i will与i’m going to
24 will be doing与will have done
25 when i do/when i’ve done when与if
26 can,could与(be)able to
27 could(do)与could have(done)
28 must与can’t
29 may与might(1)
30 may与might(2)
31 must与have to
32 must mustn’t needn’t
33 should(1)
34 should(2)
35 had better it’s time...
36 can/could/would you...?等(请求,给予帮助,允许及邀请)
37 if i do...与if i did...
38 if i knew... i wish i knew...
39 if i had known... i wish i had known...
40 would i wish...would
41 被动语态(1)(is done/was done)
42 被动语态(2)(be/been/being done)
43 被动语态(3)
44 it is said that... he is said to... (be)supposed to...
45 have some thing done
46 间接引语(1)(he said that...)
47 间接引语(2)
48 疑问句(1)
49 疑问句(2)(do you know where...?/she asked me where...)
50 助动词(have/do/can等) i think so/i hope so等
51 附加疑问(do you?isn’t it?等)
52 动词+-ing(enjoy doing/stop doing等)
53 动词+to...(动词不定式)(decide to do/for get to do等)
54 动词十(宾语)+to...(i want(you)to do等)
55 动词+—ing或to...(1)(remember/regret等)
56 动词+—ing或to...(2)(try/need/help)
57 动词+—ing或to...(3)(like/would like等)
58 prefer与would rather
59 介词(in/for/about等)+-ing
60 ne/get used to something(i’m used to...)
61 动词+介词+-ing(succeed in-ing/accuse somebody of-ing等)
62 含有-ing的表达法
63 to...,for....和so that...(目的)
64 形容词+to...
65 to...(如afraid to do)和介词+-ing(如afraid of-ing)
66 see somebody do与see somebody doing
67 -ing从句(例如feeling tired,i went to bed early.)
68 可数名词与不可数名词(1)
69 可数名词与不可数名词(2)
70 可数名词的单复数
71 a/an与the
72 the(1)
73 the(2)(school/the school)
74 the(3)(children/the children)
75 the(4)(the giraffe/the telephone/the piano等;the+形容词)
76 带the与不带the的名称(1)
77 带the与不带the的名称(2)
78 单数与复数
79 名词+名词(a tennis ball/a headache等)
80 -’s(the girl’s name)和of...(the name of the book)
81 a friend of mine my own house on my own/by myself
82 myself/yourself/themselves等
83 there...与it...
84 some与any
85 no/none/any
86 much,many,little,few,a lot,plenty
87 all/all of most/most of no/none of等
88 both/both of neither/neither of either/either of
89 all,every与whole
90 each与every
91 关系从句(1)——由关系代词who/that/which引起的从句
92 关系从句(2)——who/that/which的省略
93 关系从句(3)——whose/whom/where
94 关系从句(4)——非限定性从句(1)
95 关系从句(5)——非限定性从句(2)
96 -ing与-ed短语(the woman talking to tom,the boy injured in the accident)
97 以.ing和-ed结尾的形容词(boring/bored等)
98 形容词词序(a nice new house) 动词后的形容词(you look tired)
99 形容词和副词(1)(quick/quickly)
100 形容词和副词(2)(well/fast/late,hard/hardly)
101 so与such
102 enough与too
103 quite与rather
104 比较(1)——cheaper,more expensive等
105 比较(2)
106 比较(3)——as...as/than
107 最高级——the longest/the most enjoyable等
108 词序(1)——动词十宾语;地点和时间
109 词序(2)——副词与动词
110 still,yet与already any more/any longer/no longer
111 even
112 although/though/even though in spite of/despite
113 in case
114 unless as long as与provided/providing
115 as(原因与时间)
116 like与as
117 as if
118 for,during与while
119 by与until by the time...
120 at/on/in(时间)
121 on time/in time at the end/in the end
122 in/at/on(地点)(1)
123 in/at/on(地点)(2)
124 in/at/on(地点)(3)
125 to/at/in/into
126 on/in/at(其它用法)
127 by
128 名词+介词(表原因的for,表起因的of等)
129 形容词+介词(1)
130 形容词+介词(2)
131 动词十介词(1)at与to
132 动词+介词(2)about/for/of/after
133 动词+介词(3)about与of
134 动词+介词(4)of/for/from/on
135 动词+介词(5)in/into/with/to/on
136 短语动词(get up/break down/fill in等)
appendix 1 规则动词与不规则动词
appendix 2 现在时与过去时
appendix 3 将来时
appendix 4 情态动词(can/could/will/would等)
appendix 5 缩写形式(i’m/you’ve/didn’t等)
appendix 6 拼写法
appendix 7 美国英语
to the student
to the teacher
1 现在进行时(i am doing)
2 一般现在时(i do)
3 现在进行时与一般现在时(1)(i am doing与i do)
4 现在进行时与一般现在时(2)(i an doing与i do)
5 一般过去时(i did)
6 过去进行时(i was doing)
7 现在完成时(1)(i have done)
8 现在完成时(2)(i have done)
9 现在完成进行时(i have been doing)
10 现在完成进行时与现在完成时(i have been doing与i have done)
11 how long have you(been)...?
12 when...?与how long...? for与since
13 现在完成时与一般过去时(1)(i have done与i did)
14 现在完成时与一般过去时(2)(i have done与i did)
15 过去完成时(i had done)
.16 过去完成进行时(i had been doing)
17 have与have got
18 used to(do)
19 现在时(i am doing/i do)表示将来
20 (i’m)going to(do)
21 will/shall(1)
22 will/shall(2)
23 i will与i’m going to
24 will be doing与will have done
25 when i do/when i’ve done when与if
26 can,could与(be)able to
27 could(do)与could have(done)
28 must与can’t
29 may与might(1)
30 may与might(2)
31 must与have to
32 must mustn’t needn’t
33 should(1)
34 should(2)
35 had better it’s time...
36 can/could/would you...?等(请求,给予帮助,允许及邀请)
37 if i do...与if i did...
38 if i knew... i wish i knew...
39 if i had known... i wish i had known...
40 would i wish...would
41 被动语态(1)(is done/was done)
42 被动语态(2)(be/been/being done)
43 被动语态(3)
44 it is said that... he is said to... (be)supposed to...
45 have some thing done
46 间接引语(1)(he said that...)
47 间接引语(2)
48 疑问句(1)
49 疑问句(2)(do you know where...?/she asked me where...)
50 助动词(have/do/can等) i think so/i hope so等
51 附加疑问(do you?isn’t it?等)
52 动词+-ing(enjoy doing/stop doing等)
53 动词+to...(动词不定式)(decide to do/for get to do等)
54 动词十(宾语)+to...(i want(you)to do等)
55 动词+—ing或to...(1)(remember/regret等)
56 动词+—ing或to...(2)(try/need/help)
57 动词+—ing或to...(3)(like/would like等)
58 prefer与would rather
59 介词(in/for/about等)+-ing
60 ne/get used to something(i’m used to...)
61 动词+介词+-ing(succeed in-ing/accuse somebody of-ing等)
62 含有-ing的表达法
63 to...,for....和so that...(目的)
64 形容词+to...
65 to...(如afraid to do)和介词+-ing(如afraid of-ing)
66 see somebody do与see somebody doing
67 -ing从句(例如feeling tired,i went to bed early.)
68 可数名词与不可数名词(1)
69 可数名词与不可数名词(2)
70 可数名词的单复数
71 a/an与the
72 the(1)
73 the(2)(school/the school)
74 the(3)(children/the children)
75 the(4)(the giraffe/the telephone/the piano等;the+形容词)
76 带the与不带the的名称(1)
77 带the与不带the的名称(2)
78 单数与复数
79 名词+名词(a tennis ball/a headache等)
80 -’s(the girl’s name)和of...(the name of the book)
81 a friend of mine my own house on my own/by myself
82 myself/yourself/themselves等
83 there...与it...
84 some与any
85 no/none/any
86 much,many,little,few,a lot,plenty
87 all/all of most/most of no/none of等
88 both/both of neither/neither of either/either of
89 all,every与whole
90 each与every
91 关系从句(1)——由关系代词who/that/which引起的从句
92 关系从句(2)——who/that/which的省略
93 关系从句(3)——whose/whom/where
94 关系从句(4)——非限定性从句(1)
95 关系从句(5)——非限定性从句(2)
96 -ing与-ed短语(the woman talking to tom,the boy injured in the accident)
97 以.ing和-ed结尾的形容词(boring/bored等)
98 形容词词序(a nice new house) 动词后的形容词(you look tired)
99 形容词和副词(1)(quick/quickly)
100 形容词和副词(2)(well/fast/late,hard/hardly)
101 so与such
102 enough与too
103 quite与rather
104 比较(1)——cheaper,more expensive等
105 比较(2)
106 比较(3)——as...as/than
107 最高级——the longest/the most enjoyable等
108 词序(1)——动词十宾语;地点和时间
109 词序(2)——副词与动词
110 still,yet与already any more/any longer/no longer
111 even
112 although/though/even though in spite of/despite
113 in case
114 unless as long as与provided/providing
115 as(原因与时间)
116 like与as
117 as if
118 for,during与while
119 by与until by the time...
120 at/on/in(时间)
121 on time/in time at the end/in the end
122 in/at/on(地点)(1)
123 in/at/on(地点)(2)
124 in/at/on(地点)(3)
125 to/at/in/into
126 on/in/at(其它用法)
127 by
128 名词+介词(表原因的for,表起因的of等)
129 形容词+介词(1)
130 形容词+介词(2)
131 动词十介词(1)at与to
132 动词+介词(2)about/for/of/after
133 动词+介词(3)about与of
134 动词+介词(4)of/for/from/on
135 动词+介词(5)in/into/with/to/on
136 短语动词(get up/break down/fill in等)
appendix 1 规则动词与不规则动词
appendix 2 现在时与过去时
appendix 3 将来时
appendix 4 情态动词(can/could/will/would等)
appendix 5 缩写形式(i’m/you’ve/didn’t等)
appendix 6 拼写法
appendix 7 美国英语
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