Author's Preface i
Translator's Preface iii
Introduction v
Fortress Besieged 1
Notes 351
Ch'ien Chung-shu and His 'fortress Besieged' Yang Chiang
记钱锺书与《围城》 杨绛 375
Fortress Besieged,or Wei-ch’eng,first seriahzed in Literary Renaissance(Wen-i fu-hsing)and published in book form in l947,has been acclaimed as“one of modern China’Stwo best novels,” or her"greatest novel;" it has been the subiect of two doctoral dissertatons and one master's thesis and various scholarly papers in English and Chinese. Among differing views on the merits of the novel,C.T.Hsia has highly praised the novel's comic exuberance and satire; Dennis Hu,its linguistic manipulation;Theodore Huters,its relationship to modern Chinese letters;and Mai Ping—k’un has written favorably on both Ch'ien's -essays and his fiction.What each critic has stressed is one aspect of the novel's multifaceted brilliance, and it is the intent of this introduction to discuss the novel as artistic whole.
On November21,1910,Ch'ien Chung—shu,the author of Fortress Besieged,was born into a literary famiyin Wuhsi,Kiangsu province.His father Ch’ien Chi—po(1887—1957)was a renowned literary his
Fortress Besieged,or Wei-ch’eng,first seriahzed in Literary Renaissance(Wen-i fu-hsing)and published in book form in l947,has been acclaimed as“one of modern China’Stwo best novels,” or her"greatest novel;" it has been the subiect of two doctoral dissertatons and one master's thesis and various scholarly papers in English and Chinese. Among differing views on the merits of the novel,C.T.Hsia has highly praised the novel's comic exuberance and satire; Dennis Hu,its linguistic manipulation;Theodore Huters,its relationship to modern Chinese letters;and Mai Ping—k’un has written favorably on both Ch'ien's -essays and his fiction.What each critic has stressed is one aspect of the novel's multifaceted brilliance, and it is the intent of this introduction to discuss the novel as artistic whole.
On November21,1910,Ch'ien Chung—shu,the author of Fortress Besieged,was born into a literary famiyin Wuhsi,Kiangsu province.His father Ch’ien Chi—po(1887—1957)was a renowned literary his
Fortress Besieged
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