本书是根据美国作家亨德列克·范隆所写的《圣经的故事》节选而成的。范隆写这本书时删除了《圣经》中神话迷信的部分,只采用了较为可信的史实。 它的文笔简洁流畅,很值得学习。在选编时,又删除了一些不太重要的章节。在第二十五章中,引用了两段“登山宝训”的原文,使读者可以更清楚地看到耶酥基督所宣扬的“爱”,实质上是一种超阶级的爱。对了,应该告诉你的是,这是一本英文简易读物,后附中文注解以便读者更好的理解全文,可以说,这是英语爱好者必备之书。
chapter i a literary inheritance
chapter ii creation
chapter iii the pioneers
chapter iv further westward
chapter vi the escape from slavery
chapter vii wandering in the
chapter xi a jewish kingdom
chapter xx the birth of jesus
chapter xxi john the baptist
chapter xxii the mission of jesus
chapter xxii the disciples
chapter xxiv the new teacher
chapter xxv the old enemies
chapter xxvi the death of jesus
appendix: some parables told by jesus christ
chapter ii creation
chapter iii the pioneers
chapter iv further westward
chapter vi the escape from slavery
chapter vii wandering in the
chapter xi a jewish kingdom
chapter xx the birth of jesus
chapter xxi john the baptist
chapter xxii the mission of jesus
chapter xxii the disciples
chapter xxiv the new teacher
chapter xxv the old enemies
chapter xxvi the death of jesus
appendix: some parables told by jesus christ
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