‘Design 2 business 2009’ & ‘tsinghua international design managemnt symposium’
作 者:蔡军,刘吉昆编辑;2009清华国际设计管理大会论文集编委会编
《创新+设计+管理:2009清华国际设计管理大会论文集》中Design 2 Business(Design to Business)是一个国际性的高等教育机构合作组织,旨在寻求如何在全球背景下提高社会和企业对设计管理的认识,促进针对学术界与产业从业人员的设计管理理论与案例分析的出版和传播,并拓展新兴经济体和发达经济体之间的合作研究。
今天,我们所面临的不仅是“重视工业设计”这样的口号,更需要的是将设计作为企业的竞争战略武器来认识,在企业管理层面通过设计促进和带动品牌创新、产品创新、市场创新和用户创新的战略,推动中国企业从世界加工业制造基地的模式向世界制造业中心的模式转变,改变中国企业缺乏自主创新和品牌创新的低端发展模式。在国际社会,设计作为企业创新发展的重要战略已为学术界与产业界广泛认同,设计创新与管理正在成为企业的竞争优势。 ”设计竞争力”已成为无可辩驳的事实!
通过增强顾客体验建立强势品牌 Building Brand through Customer Experience 徐小宁
新经济形式下中小型制造业企业产品创新模式的研究 Analysis on Product Innovation Models for SME...
ID2.0模式下的设计和设计管理战略 Design and Design Management Strategies in the Approach of ID2.0 范乐明 刘洋
基于用户中心的创新设计 Creative Design Based on User Center 张融 周茜
产学研合作项目——中国风格图案设计案例分析 Project of Industry and School and Research Institution:China Style Pattern Design Case Study黄海燕 鲁晓波 焦锐
工业设计团队创造力的提升途径——构建合理的设计师群体 Ways to Improve the Creativity of Industrial Design Team:Construction of a Logical Designing Group 杨松 钟莹
基于VALS模型应用与演变的设计管理方法探讨 A Probe into Design Management Methods Based on the Application and Evolvement of VALS 李 斌 顾惠忠
“日常生活审美化”语境下的艺术设计价值探讨 Research on Value of Artistic Design in the Context of“the Aestheticization of Everyday Life” 高维 白路
艺术设计学科基础与我国高校设计管理教学的思考 Foundation of Art Design Subject and the Teaching of Design Management in Chinese Universities 祝锡琨 王 婷 谢世鹏
市场细分背景下的商业赠品开发设计策略 Design Strategies for Promotion-gifts Development in the Context of Market...
设计的变革与成长——试论企业可持续设计战略 The Changing and Growth of Design:Study on Sustainable Design Strategy 王超 韩笑
设计对中小企业创新力的作用——中小企业如何有效地应用设计创新提高竞争力 The Role of Design for SMEs Creativity and Innovation:How can SMEs Use Design Effectively to Make More Competitive 于娅妮
赢在设计:珠三角中小制造业新视点 Win by Design:New Viewpoint for Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Pearl River Delta 童慧明
主题餐饮空间的设计与策划——“设计与服务”体验经济下的设计趋势 the Theme of Food and Beverage Space Design and Planning:“Design and Services”Experience Economy Design Trends 吴宗敏
创新产学合作模式-TiC Early Design Campaign A Model of Innovative Collaboration between University and Industry:TiC Early Design Campaign 梁又照 黄鼎豪 邱文科
使用者导向情境体验创新设计方法之产业应用与效益初探 A Pilot Study of the Application and Effectiveness of User Oriented and Scenario Experienced Innovation Design 黄鼎豪 梁又照 邱文科
数字电子人模与体型模拟工具于用户中心设计研究与应用 Application of the Digital Human Model(DHM)Database by Using the Biomorphic Tool During the User centered Design Process 王明旭 邱文科 梁又照
设计科系学生对于高龄使用者之认知探讨 A Study on the Knowledge and Attitudes for Students of Industrial Design toward Elderly Users 林美玲 邱文科
为科技建立模糊前端新服务发展的用户导向创新设计管理 User Oriented Innovation Design...
应用数字人体模型于高龄用户导向设计研究 Application of Digital Human Model in...
创新产品设计与开发方法:以社交互动平台设计为例 IPDD Approach:A Case Study on the Development of ShareTouch 蔡采璇 张贤宗 曾俊儒
以使用者需求为导向之计算机辅助远距协同产品设计系统平台架构 A User-Oriented QFD System Framework for Distributed Collaborative Product Development 曾俊儒
原创设计与工业设计产业链创新 Original Design and Innovation for“Industrial Chain”of Industrial Design 柳冠中
展示设计的可持续发展研究——“四化”展示 Study on Sustainable Development of Exhibition Design:Four“Orientation” Exhibition 范寅良 马赛 史习平
经济衰退下中国制造业的出路 Escape Way of Manufacturing Industry of China under Economic Decline 严扬
研究生设计管理课程的探索与实践 The Research & Practice of Design Management Course for MA Program 蔡军
可持续设计的发展与中国现状 The Development of Design for Sustainability...
基于创新人才培养——展示设计教学再思考 Based on Innovative Personnel Training:Rethinking About the Education of Display Design 史习平 范寅良 马赛
依托设计战略创建企业的品牌价值——中国中小企业未来发展方向之探索 Relying on the Design Strategy...
虚拟环境中的设计团队管理模式研究 Studies on the Management Model for Online Design Team in Virtual Space 付志勇 冼枫
色彩教研与色彩流行趋势和市场消费需求的关联性研究 Study on Relevance of Color Education,Color Trends and Market Needs 苏华
设计研究:研究什么与怎么研究 Design Research:What and How 唐林涛
新产品开发过程管理要素 The Factors of Design Management in the Product Innovation Process 刘振生
以创新为核心的基础造型训练 Innovation-Oriented Fundamental Form Training 张雷 刘凯威
展示中的“势”与“示” The Influence and Show in Exhibition Design 马赛 史习平 范寅良
半导体指纹身份识别产品设计开发 Product Design Development of Semiconductor Fingerprint Identification 杨霖
建立面向地域文化需求的中小型卫浴企业设计创新与品牌形象:文献综述与现状分析 How Chinese Small Bathroom Facility Manufactures...
寻找创新的DNA——对当前本土企业设计战略的趋势研究 Finding the DNA of Innovation:The Study of Design Strategies for Present Enterprises in China 王小龙 蔡军
设计的“短板”——论产品设计中组织型人才的缺失 The“Shortage”of Design:in Terms of the Shortage of Organizational Persons in the Production Design 蒋红斌
情境构建的设计方法 Context:Construction for Information Art Design 吴琼
整合设计在品牌会展创建与传播中的应用研究 The Applied Research on the Integrated Design in Brand Exhibition to Create and Disseminate 王馨欣
“和而不同”视野下的工业产品设计 A View of Industrial Design from a Perspective of“Harmony with Differences” 刘佳
从用户体验出发的产品概念设计教学模式探析 Research for the Course of Product Concept Design Standing on User Experience 邹一了
战略,组织与创新——设计管理角色在中国商业环境中的挑战 Strategic,Operational and Innovative:Design Management in China at the Cutting Edge of the Business Environment 邓剑烨
制造业的最大迷思:OEM的真正设计创新意义和价值 The Greatest Misunderstanding of Manufacturing Industry:True Meaning and Value of OEM in Design Innovation 唐裔隆
浅谈跨地域性的产品品牌构建 The Study on the Building of Regional Brand of Products 李若辉
设计组织管理是实现成功目标的根本保障 Design Management is a Fundamental Guarantee for Success 张伟明 张蕾
设计作为中小企业的主要营销工具——设计管理为商业创造价值 Design as Major Tool of Marketing in SME:Design Management Executes Value Creation in Business 李建明
探索建筑设计文档管理体系的控制要素 The Control Elements of Architecture Design Document Management System 李力
产学研合作案例解析——上海“设计工厂”创意产业园区发展模式研究 Study on Development Mode of“Design Factory”Creative...
对当代中国设计市场客户的剖析 Analysis on the Relationship between Designers and Clients in China-s Design Market 徐放
基于工业设计创新体系下的产品研发——FEP-BY系列高能聚焦超声肿瘤治疗机研发项目案例分析 Product Research and Development based on the Innovation System of Industrial Design 陈冬亮
论设计伦理道德的理性回归 Discussion on the Rational Regression of Design Ethics Moral 刘卷
基于过程的设计管理及其策略研究 Study of Design Management and Strategies Based on Design Process 陈路
“快乐设计”带给企业创新的启示 A Revelation Comes from“Happy Design”which Bring Innovation to Enterprise 闵洁
从理论到实践的转变——研究型与实践型工业设计教学体系的再探索 From Theory to Practice:Re-explorations to the Research and Practice-based Teaching System of Industrial Design 钟 辉
设计中分布式资源的建构与管理 Structuring and Managing Distributed Resource in Design 陈贤浩
可持续设计战略——挖掘上海老字号非物质文化遗产精髓,创造品牌体验 Sustainable Design Strategy:Create Brand Experience……
设计管理和可持续设计 The Design Management and Sustainable Design System 何如利
论设计批判在设计管理评价体系中的作用 On the Design of Critical Systems in the Design of Management Evaluation of the Role 李龙生 费利君
享受博物馆——体验经济下的设计博物馆管理及运作 Enjoy Museum:the Management and Operation of Design Museum under the Experience Economy 胡鸿
卖产品,还是卖服务?——设计经济,影响中国商业竞争的新因素 Selling Product or Service:Design Economy as a New Influential Factor to Chinese Commercial Competence孙磊
设计管理提升城市文化辐射力 Exalting Culture Force of City by Design Management 裴苹汀
试论设计教育中的设计管理教学之规划 On Design Management Program in Design Education 曹盛盛 王卓然
京剧动漫推广策略的探析——基于设计管理策略的推广研究 The Peking Opera Cartoons Promotion Straegy Searches Analyzes:Based on Design Management Strategy Promoted Research 夏丽君 朱俊波
产品商业化过程中设计管理的职责 Design Management Responsibilities in Product Commercialization Process 王秋惠
多品类产品企业的PI探索 PI Exploration for Manufacturers with Multiple Product Categories 续骏
对家居软装饰行业设计型销售方式的初探及研究 Elementary Exploration and Research for the Modes of Sale of Home Design Industry 刘强
产品色彩系统设计:以C公司的一个手机项目为例 Product Color System Design:A Case of Mobile Phone Design for Company C 傅炯
通过增强顾客体验建立强势品牌 Building Brand through Customer Experience 徐小宁
新经济形式下中小型制造业企业产品创新模式的研究 Analysis on Product Innovation Models for SME...
ID2.0模式下的设计和设计管理战略 Design and Design Management Strategies in the Approach of ID2.0 范乐明 刘洋
基于用户中心的创新设计 Creative Design Based on User Center 张融 周茜
产学研合作项目——中国风格图案设计案例分析 Project of Industry and School and Research Institution:China Style Pattern Design Case Study黄海燕 鲁晓波 焦锐
工业设计团队创造力的提升途径——构建合理的设计师群体 Ways to Improve the Creativity of Industrial Design Team:Construction of a Logical Designing Group 杨松 钟莹
基于VALS模型应用与演变的设计管理方法探讨 A Probe into Design Management Methods Based on the Application and Evolvement of VALS 李 斌 顾惠忠
“日常生活审美化”语境下的艺术设计价值探讨 Research on Value of Artistic Design in the Context of“the Aestheticization of Everyday Life” 高维 白路
艺术设计学科基础与我国高校设计管理教学的思考 Foundation of Art Design Subject and the Teaching of Design Management in Chinese Universities 祝锡琨 王 婷 谢世鹏
市场细分背景下的商业赠品开发设计策略 Design Strategies for Promotion-gifts Development in the Context of Market...
设计的变革与成长——试论企业可持续设计战略 The Changing and Growth of Design:Study on Sustainable Design Strategy 王超 韩笑
设计对中小企业创新力的作用——中小企业如何有效地应用设计创新提高竞争力 The Role of Design for SMEs Creativity and Innovation:How can SMEs Use Design Effectively to Make More Competitive 于娅妮
赢在设计:珠三角中小制造业新视点 Win by Design:New Viewpoint for Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Pearl River Delta 童慧明
主题餐饮空间的设计与策划——“设计与服务”体验经济下的设计趋势 the Theme of Food and Beverage Space Design and Planning:“Design and Services”Experience Economy Design Trends 吴宗敏
创新产学合作模式-TiC Early Design Campaign A Model of Innovative Collaboration between University and Industry:TiC Early Design Campaign 梁又照 黄鼎豪 邱文科
使用者导向情境体验创新设计方法之产业应用与效益初探 A Pilot Study of the Application and Effectiveness of User Oriented and Scenario Experienced Innovation Design 黄鼎豪 梁又照 邱文科
数字电子人模与体型模拟工具于用户中心设计研究与应用 Application of the Digital Human Model(DHM)Database by Using the Biomorphic Tool During the User centered Design Process 王明旭 邱文科 梁又照
设计科系学生对于高龄使用者之认知探讨 A Study on the Knowledge and Attitudes for Students of Industrial Design toward Elderly Users 林美玲 邱文科
为科技建立模糊前端新服务发展的用户导向创新设计管理 User Oriented Innovation Design...
应用数字人体模型于高龄用户导向设计研究 Application of Digital Human Model in...
创新产品设计与开发方法:以社交互动平台设计为例 IPDD Approach:A Case Study on the Development of ShareTouch 蔡采璇 张贤宗 曾俊儒
以使用者需求为导向之计算机辅助远距协同产品设计系统平台架构 A User-Oriented QFD System Framework for Distributed Collaborative Product Development 曾俊儒
原创设计与工业设计产业链创新 Original Design and Innovation for“Industrial Chain”of Industrial Design 柳冠中
展示设计的可持续发展研究——“四化”展示 Study on Sustainable Development of Exhibition Design:Four“Orientation” Exhibition 范寅良 马赛 史习平
经济衰退下中国制造业的出路 Escape Way of Manufacturing Industry of China under Economic Decline 严扬
研究生设计管理课程的探索与实践 The Research & Practice of Design Management Course for MA Program 蔡军
可持续设计的发展与中国现状 The Development of Design for Sustainability...
基于创新人才培养——展示设计教学再思考 Based on Innovative Personnel Training:Rethinking About the Education of Display Design 史习平 范寅良 马赛
依托设计战略创建企业的品牌价值——中国中小企业未来发展方向之探索 Relying on the Design Strategy...
虚拟环境中的设计团队管理模式研究 Studies on the Management Model for Online Design Team in Virtual Space 付志勇 冼枫
色彩教研与色彩流行趋势和市场消费需求的关联性研究 Study on Relevance of Color Education,Color Trends and Market Needs 苏华
设计研究:研究什么与怎么研究 Design Research:What and How 唐林涛
新产品开发过程管理要素 The Factors of Design Management in the Product Innovation Process 刘振生
以创新为核心的基础造型训练 Innovation-Oriented Fundamental Form Training 张雷 刘凯威
展示中的“势”与“示” The Influence and Show in Exhibition Design 马赛 史习平 范寅良
半导体指纹身份识别产品设计开发 Product Design Development of Semiconductor Fingerprint Identification 杨霖
建立面向地域文化需求的中小型卫浴企业设计创新与品牌形象:文献综述与现状分析 How Chinese Small Bathroom Facility Manufactures...
寻找创新的DNA——对当前本土企业设计战略的趋势研究 Finding the DNA of Innovation:The Study of Design Strategies for Present Enterprises in China 王小龙 蔡军
设计的“短板”——论产品设计中组织型人才的缺失 The“Shortage”of Design:in Terms of the Shortage of Organizational Persons in the Production Design 蒋红斌
情境构建的设计方法 Context:Construction for Information Art Design 吴琼
整合设计在品牌会展创建与传播中的应用研究 The Applied Research on the Integrated Design in Brand Exhibition to Create and Disseminate 王馨欣
“和而不同”视野下的工业产品设计 A View of Industrial Design from a Perspective of“Harmony with Differences” 刘佳
从用户体验出发的产品概念设计教学模式探析 Research for the Course of Product Concept Design Standing on User Experience 邹一了
战略,组织与创新——设计管理角色在中国商业环境中的挑战 Strategic,Operational and Innovative:Design Management in China at the Cutting Edge of the Business Environment 邓剑烨
制造业的最大迷思:OEM的真正设计创新意义和价值 The Greatest Misunderstanding of Manufacturing Industry:True Meaning and Value of OEM in Design Innovation 唐裔隆
浅谈跨地域性的产品品牌构建 The Study on the Building of Regional Brand of Products 李若辉
设计组织管理是实现成功目标的根本保障 Design Management is a Fundamental Guarantee for Success 张伟明 张蕾
设计作为中小企业的主要营销工具——设计管理为商业创造价值 Design as Major Tool of Marketing in SME:Design Management Executes Value Creation in Business 李建明
探索建筑设计文档管理体系的控制要素 The Control Elements of Architecture Design Document Management System 李力
产学研合作案例解析——上海“设计工厂”创意产业园区发展模式研究 Study on Development Mode of“Design Factory”Creative...
对当代中国设计市场客户的剖析 Analysis on the Relationship between Designers and Clients in China-s Design Market 徐放
基于工业设计创新体系下的产品研发——FEP-BY系列高能聚焦超声肿瘤治疗机研发项目案例分析 Product Research and Development based on the Innovation System of Industrial Design 陈冬亮
论设计伦理道德的理性回归 Discussion on the Rational Regression of Design Ethics Moral 刘卷
基于过程的设计管理及其策略研究 Study of Design Management and Strategies Based on Design Process 陈路
“快乐设计”带给企业创新的启示 A Revelation Comes from“Happy Design”which Bring Innovation to Enterprise 闵洁
从理论到实践的转变——研究型与实践型工业设计教学体系的再探索 From Theory to Practice:Re-explorations to the Research and Practice-based Teaching System of Industrial Design 钟 辉
设计中分布式资源的建构与管理 Structuring and Managing Distributed Resource in Design 陈贤浩
可持续设计战略——挖掘上海老字号非物质文化遗产精髓,创造品牌体验 Sustainable Design Strategy:Create Brand Experience……
设计管理和可持续设计 The Design Management and Sustainable Design System 何如利
论设计批判在设计管理评价体系中的作用 On the Design of Critical Systems in the Design of Management Evaluation of the Role 李龙生 费利君
享受博物馆——体验经济下的设计博物馆管理及运作 Enjoy Museum:the Management and Operation of Design Museum under the Experience Economy 胡鸿
卖产品,还是卖服务?——设计经济,影响中国商业竞争的新因素 Selling Product or Service:Design Economy as a New Influential Factor to Chinese Commercial Competence孙磊
设计管理提升城市文化辐射力 Exalting Culture Force of City by Design Management 裴苹汀
试论设计教育中的设计管理教学之规划 On Design Management Program in Design Education 曹盛盛 王卓然
京剧动漫推广策略的探析——基于设计管理策略的推广研究 The Peking Opera Cartoons Promotion Straegy Searches Analyzes:Based on Design Management Strategy Promoted Research 夏丽君 朱俊波
产品商业化过程中设计管理的职责 Design Management Responsibilities in Product Commercialization Process 王秋惠
多品类产品企业的PI探索 PI Exploration for Manufacturers with Multiple Product Categories 续骏
对家居软装饰行业设计型销售方式的初探及研究 Elementary Exploration and Research for the Modes of Sale of Home Design Industry 刘强
产品色彩系统设计:以C公司的一个手机项目为例 Product Color System Design:A Case of Mobile Phone Design for Company C 傅炯
‘Design 2 business 2009’ & ‘tsinghua international design managemnt symposium’
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