Dimension view of metalanguage and its philosophical stand


作   者:王爱华著







  Chapter 1 Introduction
   1.1 Introductory remarks
   1.2 The object of this study
   1.2.1 The etymology of ML
   1.2.2 The language system
   1.2.3 The incompleteness of the previous definitions of ML
   1.2.4 The definition of ML for this study
   1.2.5 The notions of OL and metalinguality
   1.2.6 Some examples of ML phenomena
   1.3 Rationale for the study
   1.4 Objectives of this study
   1.5 Some methodological preliminaries
   1.6 The organization of the dissertation
  Chapter 2 Previous approaches to ML
   2.1 The philosophical approach
   2.1.1 The reflexivity of language
   2.1.2 The didymous relation between ML and OL
   2.2 The linguistic approach
   2.2.1 The pervasiveness of ML in language
   2.2.2 Metalinguistic consciousness
   2.2.3 ML's functioning
   2.3 Comments on the previous approaches to ML
   2.3.1 Contributions
   2.3.2 Limitations and inspirations
   2.4 Summary
  Chapter 3 The dimension view of ML
   3.1 Introduction
   3.2 The most basic requirement of metalinguality
   3.2.1 Russell's view on linguistic reflexivity
   3.2.2 The most basic requirement of metalingua!ity
   3.3 Metalinguality in language
   3.3.1 Metalinguality in linguistic sounds
   3.3.2 Metalinguality in syntax
   3.3.3 Metalinguality in words
   3.3.4 The metalinguistic power embedded in a linguistic sign
   3.3.5 Summary
   3.4 Metalinguality in speech
   3.4.1 ML use as a dynamic process of metalinguistic operation
   3.4.2 ML use displaying an explicit/implicit scale
   3.4.3 ML use occurring in all language use
   3.4.4 Summary
   3.5 Conclusion: language and speech anchored in metalinguality
   3.5.1 Summary
   3.5.2 Philosophical implications
  Chapter 4 Another argument for metalinguality in
   speech: ML's rescuing language from its
   4. 1 Language imperfection
   4. 1.1 Incapacity of language
   4. 1.2 Fallacies, errors and indeterminacy in language
   4. 2 The philosophers' rescue of language from its imperfection
   4. 2. 1 Rescuing imperfect language by Locke
   4. 2.2 Rescuing imperfect language by analytic philosophers
   4.3 ML and self-rescue of language
   4. 3.1 ML as rescuing devices and the Hegelian dialectic
   4. 3.2 ML rescuing the linearity and one-dimension of language
   4. 3.3 ML rescuing the discreteness and contractedness of language
   4. 3.4 ML rescuing the finiteness of language
   4. 3, 5 ML rescuing the indeterminacy of language
   4. 3. 6 ML rescuing the fallacies and errors in language
   4.4 Conclusion: both metalinguality and remediable
   language imperfection as necessary dimensions of
   4. 4. 1 Summary and conclusion
   4. 4. 2 Philosophical implications
  Chapter 5 Metalinguality in human mind
   5.1 The notion of mind
   5.2 The controversial issue about mind and language
   5.2. 1 The identity view
   5.2. 2 The separability view
   5.2. 3 The inseparability view
   5.2.4 Conclusion
   5.3 Human mind is linguistic (1) : biological arguments
   5.4 Human mind is linguistic (2) : metaphysical arguments
   5.5 Do human beings think in mentalese or natural language?
   5.6 Metalinguistic link between mentalese and NL
   5.6.1 Approximation between mentalese and NL
   5.6.2 Metalinguality linking mentalese and NL
   5.7 How human mind works: metalinguistic operations on NL
   5.7. 1 The workplace hypothesis
   5.7.2 The active-symbol hypothesis
   5.7.3 The active-passive-symbol hypothesis
   5.7.4 Summary
   5.8 Conclusion
   5.8. 1 Metalinguality of human mind
   5.8.2 Philosophical implications
  Chapter 6 ML and reality
   6. 1 The notion of reality
   6. 2 ML dimension empowering language to be constructive
   6. 2. 1 What is constructivism?
   6. 2. 2 The constructive power of ML dimension
   6.3 ML and constructive reality
   6. 3. 1 Cookie-cutter reality by global ML
   6. 3.2 Mangrove-effect reality
   6. 3.3 Constructive realities accumulated by local ML
   6. 3.4 The thing-in-itself, dimensions of reality and constructive reality
   6.4 Conclusion and philosophical implications
   6.4. 1 Conclusion
   6.4. 2 Philosophical implications of the relationship between language
   and reality
  Chapter 7 Conclusion
   7.1 Contributions of the study
   7.2 Theoretical and philosophical implications of the study
   7.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for future work



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Dimension view of metalanguage and its philosophical stand
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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