The Dictionary of Contemporary American English
作 者:(美)Philip M.Rideout主编;何敏智等译
cut and paste. debit card.DVD HDTV.G7.hypertext,infomercial,ISP,lemon law.managed care.MRI,snail mail ,sport utility vehicle,spreadsheet,support
group.soccermom, talk radio, techie .TGIF,trashy, warehouse club.window of opportunity,Y2Kbug.
有关美国文化背景或重要语法知识(包括近义词)的词条均以专栏的形式进行说明(cf.according to.aerobics, affect.aint angry.green card.juvenlie ).
该词典注重释例。主编Philip Rideout认为。“没有例句的词典如同没有血肉的骷髅。”在这本词典中,释例占了很大篇幅(约30,000个例子)。几乎有出现的词条都给了例句,十分便于讯者使用。尤需指出的是,很多情况下,词义与句关联密切。相辅相成,以利进一步了解词语的全貌。
new words, terms, and phrases新词表
introduction 使用说明
guide to pronunciation symbols发音符号示例
abbreviations and terms used 缩略语和术语
the dictionary词典正文
appendixes 附录
1. american contemporary cui.tural references, business and technolo-gy terms当代美国文化用语商业和科技术语
2. grammar and punctuation terms that are dictionary entrifs作为本词典条目的语法和标点符号术语
3. countries & regions/nationalities/languages国家和地区/国籍/语言
4. irregular vfrbs 不规则动词
5. major world religions世界主要宗教
6. gfographical features地理特征: continents, mountains, and major bodifs of water 大洲、山脉和主要水体
7. days of the week, months of the year, cardinal and ori)inal numbers, weights and measurements, temperature chart 星期、月份、基数词和序数词、度量衡、温度图表
8. parts of the body 人体部位
9. us states, capital.s, and postal abbreviations美国各州、州首府及各州邮政缩写代码
introduction 使用说明
guide to pronunciation symbols发音符号示例
abbreviations and terms used 缩略语和术语
the dictionary词典正文
appendixes 附录
1. american contemporary cui.tural references, business and technolo-gy terms当代美国文化用语商业和科技术语
2. grammar and punctuation terms that are dictionary entrifs作为本词典条目的语法和标点符号术语
3. countries & regions/nationalities/languages国家和地区/国籍/语言
4. irregular vfrbs 不规则动词
5. major world religions世界主要宗教
6. gfographical features地理特征: continents, mountains, and major bodifs of water 大洲、山脉和主要水体
7. days of the week, months of the year, cardinal and ori)inal numbers, weights and measurements, temperature chart 星期、月份、基数词和序数词、度量衡、温度图表
8. parts of the body 人体部位
9. us states, capital.s, and postal abbreviations美国各州、州首府及各州邮政缩写代码
The Dictionary of Contemporary American English
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