English Superhighway.3


作   者:(美)Howard Beckerman,(美)Karen Peratt著;张黎新译





▲本册是《走进美国》的“快车道”,供具有中、高级英语水平的学习者使用。 ▲本册配有录音磁带5盒,VCD 5张。 《走进美国》分三册,涵盖家居、交通、超市、商场、服务、商务、保健、娱乐以及旅行9大美国生活主题。每个主题又下分10个场景,囊括了初到美国生活的人必须天天面对的主要问题。第一册到第三册采用了慢车道、中速道和快车道的独特编写方法。读者可以根据自己的程度调节学习进度,增强学习信心,不断挑战自我,逐步提高口语及听力水平。 权威——《走遍美国》作者、著名ESL专家,美语教程的又一权威力作。全力助您迅速掌握现代美语,了解美国文化,带您深入走进美国! 实用——本教材摒弃了以往很多美语教材内容脱离实际的缺点,围绕九大美国生活主题,真实再现美国生活情景。精挑细选,贴近实际、绝对实用的最新素材,让您学以致用,出口成章。 全面——本书配有录音磁带,实景VCD,全方位、多角度的多媒体学习配套产品,带您快乐实践美语听说,为您提供全面、完美、立体化的美语学习方案。 挑战——从简单的生存美语直至高级专业水平,全套教材采用科学进阶的教授更多>>


unit 1 at home
scene 1 in the kitchen preparing a meal
scene 2 in the dining room setting the table
scene 3 in the garage straightening up
scene 4 by the pool giving commands
scene 5 in the living room arranging furniture
scene 6 in the laundry room washing clothes
scene 7 in the bedroom describing clothes
scene 8 in the bathroom identifying items
scene 9 at the door welcoming guests
scene 10 in the family room introducing friends and family
unit 2 transportation
scene 1 by bus finding out about bus routes
scene 2 by car seeing someone off; giving directions
scene 3 on foot asking for / giving directions
scene 4 by taxi talking about destinations / distances
scene 5 at the gas station asking for gasoline
scene 6 by subway finding out about stations and routes
scene 7 by ferry finding out about schedules
scene 8 rules of the road learning driving instructions
.scene 9 road signs identifying signs
scene 10 routes & schedules getting travel information by phone
unit 3 the supermarket
scene 1 supermarket aisles classifying items
scene 2 fish asking about food availability and preparations
scene 3 beverages locating items
scene 4 dairy weights and measures
scene 5 fruits & vegetables comparing items
scene 6 frozen food checking prices
scene 7 by phone verifying hours / asking about picnic items
scene 8 counting change paying at the checkout counter
scene 9 paying by check writing a check
scene 10 health & beauty aids checking a bill
unit 4 the department store
scene 1 men's clothing suggesting a gift
scene 2 women's clothing asking about price / size
scene 3 appliances talking about kitchen items
scene 4 electronics describing product features
scene 5 hardware talking about tools and machines
scene 6 shoes talking about size and style
scene 7 product safety talking about items for children
scene 8 product warranties discussing product warranties
scene 9 catalogue orders ordering from a catalogue
scene 10 opening and account using a credit card
unit 5 services
scene 1 a new band account opening an account
scene 2 checks cashing a check / making a deposit
scene 3 getting cash getting cash
scene 4 at the post office requesting postal services
scene 5 at the library finding / checking out books
scene 6 at the service station asking about auto services
scene 7 ordering phone service requesting new service
scene 8 calling "information" requesting a phone number
scene 9 calling 911 reporting an accident
scene 10 at the hair salon getting a haircut / style
unit 6 business
scene 1 help wanted calling about an employment ad
scene 2 a job interview talking about abilities
scene 3 a resume talking about background
scene 4 the stock market discussing buying and selling
scene 5 the reception desk giving and taking messages
scene 6 messages relaying / responding to messages
scene 7 computers getting technical support
scene 8 office supplies confirming and order
scene 9 real estate discussing buying a house
scene 10 a business meeting presenting information
unit 7 health & fitness
scene 1 at the gym talking about exercise
scene 2 health insurance getting information
scene 3 diets discussing eating habits
scene 4 making a doctor's appointment calling a doctor
scene 5 a visit to the doctor talking about health
scene 6 talking about sports commenting on a game
scene 7 playing tennis playing a game
scene 8 patient information giving information
scene 9 before surgery discussing procedure
scene 10 the great outdoors enjoying nature
unit 8 entertainment
scene 1 at the movies meeting for a date
scene 2 at an art gallery discussing artwork
scene 3 at a restaurant getting a table
scene 4 on the menu discussing food choices
scene 5 dinner for two ordering a meal
scene 6 at a night club discussing music
scene 7 before the theater getting tickets
scene 8 after the play reacting the play
scene 9 at a video store renting a movie
scene 10 a day off talking about plans
unit 9 travel
scene 1 at a travel agency requesting information
scene 2 travel plans booking a vaction
scene 3 a train trip discussing schedules / rates
scene 4 going by plane reserving tickets
scene 5 packing to go packing for a trip
scene 6 hotel reservations getting a room
scene 7 checking in checking in / checking out
scene 8 hotel services calling the front desk
scene 9 renting a car calling in a reservation
scene 10 at the beach relaxing / having fun
answer key
cultural vocabulary



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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