The English Selection from World History and International Relations
作 者:刘德斌主编
一、历史全景(the perspectives ofworld history)
1.funeral oration of pericles
2.nature ofworld history
3.the world history
4.the rise and fall of the great powers
5.the age of revolution:1789~1848
6.the nature of contemporary history
7.the modern world—system
8.global transformations:politics,economics and culture
9.systems,history and the english school
. 研究》)
二、大事记(the great events)
1.columbus discovers america
2.the thirty years’war(1618-1648)
3.industrialism in britain:incentives and inventions
4.the american revolution
5.the revolutions of 1789
6.the congress of vienna and the european settlement
7.the first world war(1914~18)
8.the paris peace settlement
9.the league of nations and the limits of international co—operation.1919—33
10.the great depression
11.the second world war(1939~45)
12.preparations for peace
13.the structure of the united nations
14.cold war
15.gulf war(1991)
一、历史全景(the perspectives ofworld history)
1.funeral oration of pericles
2.nature ofworld history
3.the world history
4.the rise and fall of the great powers
5.the age of revolution:1789~1848
6.the nature of contemporary history
7.the modern world—system
8.global transformations:politics,economics and culture
9.systems,history and the english school
. 研究》)
二、大事记(the great events)
1.columbus discovers america
2.the thirty years’war(1618-1648)
3.industrialism in britain:incentives and inventions
4.the american revolution
5.the revolutions of 1789
6.the congress of vienna and the european settlement
7.the first world war(1914~18)
8.the paris peace settlement
9.the league of nations and the limits of international co—operation.1919—33
10.the great depression
11.the second world war(1939~45)
12.preparations for peace
13.the structure of the united nations
14.cold war
15.gulf war(1991)
The English Selection from World History and International Relations
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