Chapter 1 OverviewWarming up ExercisesWriting as a Process of DiscoveryThe Three Stages of Writing ProcessWriting as Both a Linear and Circular ActivityThe Purpose Behind Your WritingThe Audience of Your WritingThe Dynamics of WritingAssignmentsChapter 2 Pre-writingAssessing the Writing SituationGenerating IdeasOrganizing ideasAssignmentsChapter 3 ComposingDrafting an Introduction with a ThesisDrafting the BodyDrafting a ConclusionRule of Thumb for ComposingAssignmentsChapter 4 RevisingGlobal RevisionEditingProofreadingTwo Types of TitlesSuggestions for Titling an EssayAssignmentsChapter 5 Thesis StatementPre-writingIntroduction to an EssayOrganization of an EssayThesis and Thesis StatementHow to Write a Good Thesis StatementEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 6 IntroductionPre-writingIntroduction to an EssayHow to Write an IntroductionEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 7 BodyPre-writingBody of an EssayHow to Write Good Body ParagraphsEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 8 ConclusionPre-writingConclusion of an EssayHow to Write a ConclusionEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 9 NarrationPre-writingWriting a Narrative EssayStructure of a Narrative EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 10 DescriptionPre-writingWriting a Descriptive EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 11 IllustrationPre-writingWriting an Illustrative EssayStructure of an Illustrative EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 12 Cause-EffectPre-writingWriting a Cause-and-Effect EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 13 Comparison-ContrastPre-writingWriting a Comparison/Contrast EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 14 ProcessPre-writingWriting a Process EssayStructure of a Process EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 15 ArgumentationPre-writingWriting an Argumentative EssayEvaluation of Student SamplesAssignmentsChapter 16 Passage summaryUses of Short SummariesTypes of SummariesProcess of Writing a SummaryMethods of Summary WritingAssignments
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