《强化英语听说教程(4)》是强化英语听说教程系列中的一本。这套系列教程是应社会上广大英语爱好者急于提高英语听说水平的需要而编写的。经过几年的北京外国语大学强化英语听说短训班上的试用,受到学员们的欢迎和青睐。现正式出版,奉献给广大英语学习者。 此套系列教程共四册,分为一、二、三、四级;学完前二册听说能力可超过非英语专业四级水平,学完后二册,听说能力可达六级水平,或相当于英语专业大专水平。如此分级是考虑到本国英语学习者(Chinese English Learners)中,不少人的英语语言知识(语法、词汇),往往超过他们的英语语言运用技能(听、说、读、写),因此缺乏交际能力。分析其原因有以下几点: 1.我国英语教学偏重语言知识(usage)的传授,而忽略语言技能(use)的培养。 2.我国广大英语学习者缺少英语语言环境,很少听到英语作为母语的外国人(English native speakers)讲话。因此他们在运用英语时对“活的”英语没有反应,所学的英语是些“死”的知识。 此套教材的编写,正是为了克服上述缺点,强化听说技能的训练,培养交际能力。它既适合于广大已有一定水平的英语学习者的选择,又充分考虑到初学者起步入门学习。 已有一定英语水平者可选择略低于自己语言知识水平的听说教程起步,从选择教材上“退一步”,以求达到实际提高听说技能“进两步”,克服欲速不达的弊端。例如,如果自己属英语初级水平,可选择前初级水平的听说教程,以此类推。这样做可以克服不敢说英语的心理障碍,增强自信心和收获感,一步一个台阶加强练习,逐步将所学过的“死”知识转化为“活”的英语运用能力。 从零起点的初学者使用这套教材,开头即从听说入手,培养运用英语的意识,大胆实践,将语言知识与语言技能科学结合,起步即入正门,不复“聋哑”英语的旧辙。 此套教材不仅可供短训班使用,亦可供广大中学生、大学生、自学英语者使用。 本套教材有如下特点: 1.突出英语语音语调,句子重音和语速节奏的学习与训练。教材第一部分是为解决这一问题而设计的听说练习。录音磁带全部由外国学者、专家录制,“原汁原味”,学习者通过反复模仿与练习,可以学到地道的英语,克服和减少学习第二种语言中带有较多的母语味的弊端。 2.强调语言运用能力的培养。教材第二部分为交际英语,学习者将通过听懂外国人日常生活场景对话,而模仿相同场景与自己伙伴对话,这样大量地通过听来吸收语言,再通过主动地运用,完成由输入到输出这个掌握语言的循环过程。这样会将“死”的英语知识转化为“活”的语言运用能力。 3.强调多种目的听说训练(listening for different purposes)以便学习者适应不同目的、不同形式的英语。在这部分中我们编排有英语的故事、系列短剧、广播、报告、讲座以及英语听力测试题等等。 4.本系列教材每册分16或18单元,每单元配有30分钟录音磁带,本书共16单元配有8盘录音带。录音材料新颖,题材广泛,覆盖面广,训练方法多样,具有很强的实用性和趣味性。每本书自成体系,又相互关联,循序渐进,既可单独选用,又可配套使用。
unit one
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening for different purposes
unit two
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening fr different purposes
unit three
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening for different purposes
unit four
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening for different purposes
unit five
part one: pronunciatinon practice
.part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening for different purposes
unit six
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit seven
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit eight
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit nine
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit ten
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit eleven
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit twelve
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit thirteen
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit fourteen
unit fifteen
unit sixteen
tapescripts & notes &answers
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening for different purposes
unit two
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening fr different purposes
unit three
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening for different purposes
unit four
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening for different purposes
unit five
part one: pronunciatinon practice
.part two: listening and speaking practice
part three:listening for different purposes
unit six
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit seven
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit eight
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit nine
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit ten
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit eleven
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit twelve
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit thirteen
part one: pronunciation practice
part two: listening and spesking practice
part three:listening for different puactice
unit fourteen
unit fifteen
unit sixteen
tapescripts & notes &answers
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