《当代大学英语(第3级)(听说交互英语)(学生学习课本)》内容简介:I consider myself very lucky and privileged to be given the opportunity to read the manuscripts of Active English Learners' Workbook series for Band 3 before they are out for general public. At the series editors' cordial request, I venture to make the following observations.
Unit 1 How do you do!
Unit 2 Introducing a speaker
Unit 3 Giving a speech
Unit 4 A trip down the river
Unit 5 The motion picture industry
Unit 6 Help!My computer’S down!
Unit 7 Coming for a meal
Unit 8 Breaking the ice
Unit 9 Welcome to the US
Unit 10 Talking about energy
Unit 11 Money makes the world go around
Unit 12 The world of work
Unit 2 Introducing a speaker
Unit 3 Giving a speech
Unit 4 A trip down the river
Unit 5 The motion picture industry
Unit 6 Help!My computer’S down!
Unit 7 Coming for a meal
Unit 8 Breaking the ice
Unit 9 Welcome to the US
Unit 10 Talking about energy
Unit 11 Money makes the world go around
Unit 12 The world of work
Active English,Interactive English,Learner’s Workbook,Band 3
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