Berkeley problems in mathematics = 伯克利数学问题集 / 3rd ed.
作 者:Paulo Ney de Souza, Jorge-Nuno Silva.
i problems.
1 real analysis
1.1 elementary calculus
1.2 limits and continuity
1.3 sequences, series, and products
1.4 differential calculus
1.5 integral calculus
1.6 sequences of functions
1.7 fourier series
1.8 convex functions
2 multivariable calculus
2.1 limits and continuity
2.2 differential calculus
2.3 integral calculus
3 differential equations
3.1 first order equations
3.2 second order equations
3.3 higher order equations
3.4 systems of differential equations
.4 metric spaces
4.1 topology of rn
4.2 general theory
4.3 fixed point theorem
5 complex analysis
5.1 complex numbers
5.2 series and sequences of functions
5.3 conformal mappings
5.4 functions on the unit disc
5.5 growth conditions
5.6 analytic and meromorphic functions
5.7 cauchy's theorem
5.8 zeros and singularities
5.9 harmonic functions
5.10 residue theory
5.11 integrals along the real axis
6 algebra
6.1 examples of groups and general theory
6.2 homomorphisms and subgroups
6.3 cyclic groups
6.4 normality, quotients, and homomorphisms
6.5 sn, an, dn, ...
6.6 direct products
6.7 free groups, generators, and relations
6.8 finite groups
6.9 rings and their homomorphisms
6.10 ideals
6.11 polynomials
6.12 fields and their extensions
6.13 elementary number theory
7 linear algebra
7.1 vector spaces
7.2 rank and determinants
7.3 systems of equations
7.4 linear transformations
7.5 eigenvalues and eigenvectors
7.6 canonical forms
7.7 similarity
7.8 bilinear, quadratic forms, and inner product spaces
7.9 general theory of matrices..
ii solutions
1 real analysis
1.1 elementary calculus
1.2 limits and continuity
1.3 sequences, series, and products
1.4 differential calculus
1.5 integral calculus
1.6 sequences of functions
1.7 fourier series
1.8 convex functions
2 multivariable calculus
2.1 limits and continuity
2.2 differential calculus
2.3 integral calculus
3 differential equations
3.1 first order equations
3.2 second order equations
3.3 higher order equations
3.4 systems of differential equations
4 metric spaces
4.1 topology of rn
4.2 general theory
4.3 fixed point theorem
5 complex analysis
5.1 complex numbers
5.2 series and sequences of functions
5.3 conformal mappings
5.4 functions on the unit disc
5.5 growth conditions
5.6 analytic and meromorphic functions
5.7 cauchy's theorem
5.8 zeros and singularities
5.9 harmonic functions
5.10 residue theory
5.11 integrals along the real axis
6 algebra
6.1 examples of groups and general theory
6.2 homomorphisms and subgroups
6.3 cyclic groups
6.4 normality, quotients, and homomorphisms
6.5 sn, an, dn, ...
6.6 direct products
6.7 free groups, generators, and relations
6.8 finite groups
6.9 rings and their homomorphisms
6.10 ideals
6.11 polynomials
6.12 fields and their extensions
6.13 elementary number theory
7 linear algebra
7.1 vector spaces
7.2 rank and determinants
7.3 systems of equations
7.4 linear transformations
7.5 eigenvalues and eigenvectors
7.6 canonical forms
7.7 similarity
7.8 bilinear, quadratic forms, and inner product spaces
7.9 general theory of matrices
iii appendices
a how to get the exams
a.1 on-line
a.2 off-line, the last resort
b passing scores
c the syllabus
i problems.
1 real analysis
1.1 elementary calculus
1.2 limits and continuity
1.3 sequences, series, and products
1.4 differential calculus
1.5 integral calculus
1.6 sequences of functions
1.7 fourier series
1.8 convex functions
2 multivariable calculus
2.1 limits and continuity
2.2 differential calculus
2.3 integral calculus
3 differential equations
3.1 first order equations
3.2 second order equations
3.3 higher order equations
3.4 systems of differential equations
.4 metric spaces
4.1 topology of rn
4.2 general theory
4.3 fixed point theorem
5 complex analysis
5.1 complex numbers
5.2 series and sequences of functions
5.3 conformal mappings
5.4 functions on the unit disc
5.5 growth conditions
5.6 analytic and meromorphic functions
5.7 cauchy's theorem
5.8 zeros and singularities
5.9 harmonic functions
5.10 residue theory
5.11 integrals along the real axis
6 algebra
6.1 examples of groups and general theory
6.2 homomorphisms and subgroups
6.3 cyclic groups
6.4 normality, quotients, and homomorphisms
6.5 sn, an, dn, ...
6.6 direct products
6.7 free groups, generators, and relations
6.8 finite groups
6.9 rings and their homomorphisms
6.10 ideals
6.11 polynomials
6.12 fields and their extensions
6.13 elementary number theory
7 linear algebra
7.1 vector spaces
7.2 rank and determinants
7.3 systems of equations
7.4 linear transformations
7.5 eigenvalues and eigenvectors
7.6 canonical forms
7.7 similarity
7.8 bilinear, quadratic forms, and inner product spaces
7.9 general theory of matrices..
ii solutions
1 real analysis
1.1 elementary calculus
1.2 limits and continuity
1.3 sequences, series, and products
1.4 differential calculus
1.5 integral calculus
1.6 sequences of functions
1.7 fourier series
1.8 convex functions
2 multivariable calculus
2.1 limits and continuity
2.2 differential calculus
2.3 integral calculus
3 differential equations
3.1 first order equations
3.2 second order equations
3.3 higher order equations
3.4 systems of differential equations
4 metric spaces
4.1 topology of rn
4.2 general theory
4.3 fixed point theorem
5 complex analysis
5.1 complex numbers
5.2 series and sequences of functions
5.3 conformal mappings
5.4 functions on the unit disc
5.5 growth conditions
5.6 analytic and meromorphic functions
5.7 cauchy's theorem
5.8 zeros and singularities
5.9 harmonic functions
5.10 residue theory
5.11 integrals along the real axis
6 algebra
6.1 examples of groups and general theory
6.2 homomorphisms and subgroups
6.3 cyclic groups
6.4 normality, quotients, and homomorphisms
6.5 sn, an, dn, ...
6.6 direct products
6.7 free groups, generators, and relations
6.8 finite groups
6.9 rings and their homomorphisms
6.10 ideals
6.11 polynomials
6.12 fields and their extensions
6.13 elementary number theory
7 linear algebra
7.1 vector spaces
7.2 rank and determinants
7.3 systems of equations
7.4 linear transformations
7.5 eigenvalues and eigenvectors
7.6 canonical forms
7.7 similarity
7.8 bilinear, quadratic forms, and inner product spaces
7.9 general theory of matrices
iii appendices
a how to get the exams
a.1 on-line
a.2 off-line, the last resort
b passing scores
c the syllabus
Berkeley problems in mathematics = 伯克利数学问题集 / 3rd ed.
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