英文共同题名:Channel your English intermediate student’s book
作 者:H.Q.Mitchell,J.Scott[编著];《畅通英语》改编组编
units 01 window on the world
people countries nationalities customs lifestyles culture
units 02 food for thought
food restaurants vegeterianism eating habits
units 03 time on your hands
everyday life hobbies leisure activities
units 04 get the message communication languages mobile phones the internet
units 05 urban life
life in the city places in a city cities
units 06 bon voyage!
travel transport
units 07 cash m hand
money shopping
units 08 a good sport
sports games fitness
units 09 working your way
studies jobs career
units 10 health matters
health ailments problems advice
units 11 in person
.people personality character
units 12 on holiday
holiday hotels
revision units 10-12 page94
pairwork activities
british and american english
grammar reference
list of functions
useful expressions
proper names
people countries nationalities customs lifestyles culture
units 02 food for thought
food restaurants vegeterianism eating habits
units 03 time on your hands
everyday life hobbies leisure activities
units 04 get the message communication languages mobile phones the internet
units 05 urban life
life in the city places in a city cities
units 06 bon voyage!
travel transport
units 07 cash m hand
money shopping
units 08 a good sport
sports games fitness
units 09 working your way
studies jobs career
units 10 health matters
health ailments problems advice
units 11 in person
.people personality character
units 12 on holiday
holiday hotels
revision units 10-12 page94
pairwork activities
british and american english
grammar reference
list of functions
useful expressions
proper names
英文共同题名:Channel your English intermediate student’s book
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