1 basic concepts of electric circuits.
1.1 introduction
1.2 charge and current
1.3 voltage
1.4 power and energy
1.5 summary
2 basic laws of electric circuit
2.1 introduction
2.2 ohm's law
2.3 kirchhoffs laws
2.4 series resistors and voltage division
2.5 parallel resistors and current division
2.6 sununary
3 capacitors and inductors
3.1 introduction
3.2 capacitors
3.3 inductors
3.4 summary
4 electronic system
4.1 introduction
.4.2 electronic system block diagrams
4.3 information processing versus power electronics
4.4 analog versus digital systems
4.5 conversion of signals from analog to digital form
4.6 relative advantages of analog and digital systems
5 operational amplifiers
5.1 introduction
5.2 operational amplifiers
5.3 ideal op-amp
5.4 inverting amplifier
5.5 noninverting amplifier
5.6 summary
6 digital logic circuits
6.1 basic concepts
6.1.1 logic variables and digital words
6.1.2 the and gate
6.1.3 the logic inverter
6.1.4 the or gate
6.1.5 boolean algebra..
6.1.6 nand, nor, and xor gates
6.1. 7 logical sufficiency of nand gates and of nor gates
6.2 electrical specifications for logic gates
6.2.1 logic ranges
6.2.2 positive versus negative logic
6.2.3 input and output currents
7 transformer
7.1 introduction
7.2 construction of transformer
7.3 the ideal transformer
8 electrical machines
8.1 a brief overview
8.2 induction machines
8.2.1 introduction
8.2.2 induced voltages
8.3 synchronous machines
8.3.1 introduction
8.3.2 construction of synchronous machines
8.4 direct-current machines
8.4.1 introduction
8.4.2 armature voltage
9 automatic control systems
9.1 introduction
9.2 block diagrams and transfer functions
9.2.1 block diagrams
9.2.2 transfer functions
9.3 open-loop control
9.4 closed-loop control. feedback
9.5 objectives of a control system
10 measurement
10.1 introduction
10.2 statistics
10.3 operating characteristics
10.3.1 measurement
10.3.2 operation
10.4 static characteristics
10.5 velocity measurement
10.5.1 sensing methods
10.5.2 dc tachometers
10.5.3 ac tachometers
10.5.4 optical tachometers
11 switching components
11.1 introduction
11.2 mechanical switching components
11.2.1 mechanical switches
11.2.2 relays
11.2.3 time-delay relays
11.2.4 contactors and motor starters
11.3 solid-state components
11.3.1 diodes
11.3.2 transistors
11.3.3 silicon-controlled rectifiers
11.3.4 triacs
12 power semiconductor switches
12.1 introduction
12.2 thyristors
12.3 metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transiswrs
12.4 gate turn-off thyristors
12.5 insulated gate bipolar transistors
12.6 desired characteristics in controllable switches
13 rectifiers and inverters
13.1 introduction
13.2 basic rectifier concepts
13.2.1 pure resistive load
13.2.2 inductance load
13.2.3 load with an internal dc voltage
13.3 practical thyristor converters
13.4 inverter mode of operation
14 basic knowledge of power systems
14. 1 introduction
14.2 electrical energy
14.3 fossil-fuel plant
14.4 nuclear power plant
14.5 hydroelectric power plant
14. 6 other energy sources
14.7 transmission and distribution systems
14.8 faults
14.9 system protection components
1.1 introduction
1.2 charge and current
1.3 voltage
1.4 power and energy
1.5 summary
2 basic laws of electric circuit
2.1 introduction
2.2 ohm's law
2.3 kirchhoffs laws
2.4 series resistors and voltage division
2.5 parallel resistors and current division
2.6 sununary
3 capacitors and inductors
3.1 introduction
3.2 capacitors
3.3 inductors
3.4 summary
4 electronic system
4.1 introduction
.4.2 electronic system block diagrams
4.3 information processing versus power electronics
4.4 analog versus digital systems
4.5 conversion of signals from analog to digital form
4.6 relative advantages of analog and digital systems
5 operational amplifiers
5.1 introduction
5.2 operational amplifiers
5.3 ideal op-amp
5.4 inverting amplifier
5.5 noninverting amplifier
5.6 summary
6 digital logic circuits
6.1 basic concepts
6.1.1 logic variables and digital words
6.1.2 the and gate
6.1.3 the logic inverter
6.1.4 the or gate
6.1.5 boolean algebra..
6.1.6 nand, nor, and xor gates
6.1. 7 logical sufficiency of nand gates and of nor gates
6.2 electrical specifications for logic gates
6.2.1 logic ranges
6.2.2 positive versus negative logic
6.2.3 input and output currents
7 transformer
7.1 introduction
7.2 construction of transformer
7.3 the ideal transformer
8 electrical machines
8.1 a brief overview
8.2 induction machines
8.2.1 introduction
8.2.2 induced voltages
8.3 synchronous machines
8.3.1 introduction
8.3.2 construction of synchronous machines
8.4 direct-current machines
8.4.1 introduction
8.4.2 armature voltage
9 automatic control systems
9.1 introduction
9.2 block diagrams and transfer functions
9.2.1 block diagrams
9.2.2 transfer functions
9.3 open-loop control
9.4 closed-loop control. feedback
9.5 objectives of a control system
10 measurement
10.1 introduction
10.2 statistics
10.3 operating characteristics
10.3.1 measurement
10.3.2 operation
10.4 static characteristics
10.5 velocity measurement
10.5.1 sensing methods
10.5.2 dc tachometers
10.5.3 ac tachometers
10.5.4 optical tachometers
11 switching components
11.1 introduction
11.2 mechanical switching components
11.2.1 mechanical switches
11.2.2 relays
11.2.3 time-delay relays
11.2.4 contactors and motor starters
11.3 solid-state components
11.3.1 diodes
11.3.2 transistors
11.3.3 silicon-controlled rectifiers
11.3.4 triacs
12 power semiconductor switches
12.1 introduction
12.2 thyristors
12.3 metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transiswrs
12.4 gate turn-off thyristors
12.5 insulated gate bipolar transistors
12.6 desired characteristics in controllable switches
13 rectifiers and inverters
13.1 introduction
13.2 basic rectifier concepts
13.2.1 pure resistive load
13.2.2 inductance load
13.2.3 load with an internal dc voltage
13.3 practical thyristor converters
13.4 inverter mode of operation
14 basic knowledge of power systems
14. 1 introduction
14.2 electrical energy
14.3 fossil-fuel plant
14.4 nuclear power plant
14.5 hydroelectric power plant
14. 6 other energy sources
14.7 transmission and distribution systems
14.8 faults
14.9 system protection components
Special English for electrical engineering and automation
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