Cognio-pragmatic approach to anaphora resolution in stream-of-consciousness discourse
作 者:赵卫著
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Present Study
1.2 Basic Notions and Terminology
1.3 The Aims of the Research
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Methodology
1.6 Significance of the Present Study
1.7 Outline of the Study
Chapter 2 Theories of Discourse Anaphora
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theories of Discourse Anaphora:An Overview
2.3 Conclllsion
Chapter 3 A Metonymic Account of Anaphora in Stream of cOnsciousness Discourse
3.1 Theoretical underpinnings
3.2 Rationales of the Proposed Theoretical Framework
3.3 A Metonymic Model of Anaphora Resolution。
3.4 The Metonymic Principles of Anaphora Resolution。
3.5 The Relation between the Model and Principles within the Pro posed Framework
Chapter 4 The Metonymic Principles of Anaphora Resolution in Stream of consciousness Discourse
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Applications of the Principles to Anaphora Resolution in Stream of consciousness Discourse
4.3 Associative Anaphora for Metonymic Relation of “Concept for Thing”
4.4 Anaphora for Metonymic Relation of “Concept for Concept”
4.5 Zero Pronoun Anaphora for Metonymic Relation of“Thing for Form”
4.6 Zero Pronoun Anaphora for Metonymic Relation of“Concept for Form”
Chapter 5 Discussions and Conclusions
5.1 DiSCLassions
5.2 Conclusions
1.1 Background of the Present Study
1.2 Basic Notions and Terminology
1.3 The Aims of the Research
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Methodology
1.6 Significance of the Present Study
1.7 Outline of the Study
Chapter 2 Theories of Discourse Anaphora
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theories of Discourse Anaphora:An Overview
2.3 Conclllsion
Chapter 3 A Metonymic Account of Anaphora in Stream of cOnsciousness Discourse
3.1 Theoretical underpinnings
3.2 Rationales of the Proposed Theoretical Framework
3.3 A Metonymic Model of Anaphora Resolution。
3.4 The Metonymic Principles of Anaphora Resolution。
3.5 The Relation between the Model and Principles within the Pro posed Framework
Chapter 4 The Metonymic Principles of Anaphora Resolution in Stream of consciousness Discourse
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Applications of the Principles to Anaphora Resolution in Stream of consciousness Discourse
4.3 Associative Anaphora for Metonymic Relation of “Concept for Thing”
4.4 Anaphora for Metonymic Relation of “Concept for Concept”
4.5 Zero Pronoun Anaphora for Metonymic Relation of“Thing for Form”
4.6 Zero Pronoun Anaphora for Metonymic Relation of“Concept for Form”
Chapter 5 Discussions and Conclusions
5.1 DiSCLassions
5.2 Conclusions
Cognio-pragmatic approach to anaphora resolution in stream-of-consciousness discourse
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