Language and Culutre:Contexts in Translating
本书由三个部分组成一是作者1993年在我社出版的Language, Culture and Translating一书的修订版;二是根据作者1999年在我 国10余所著名外语院校巡回讲学的讲稿整理而成的Contexts in Translating;三是作者近几年同我国记者、专家和朋友的部分谈话或 通信。在这部新著中,奈达博士从不同侧面分析了语言与文化的密 切联系,并进而从语境角度论述怎样处理翻译中的种种关系和问 题。此外,他还在科学与艺术、理论与实践以及改革翻译教学等问 题上阐明或重申了自己的观点。
preface to part one
1. paradoxes of translating
2. the functions and theories of language
3. the structures of language
4. the structures and meaning of lexemes
5. the structures and meaning of syntax
6. the structures and meaning of discourse
7. language and culture
8. functional equivalence
9. translation procedures
10. theories of translation
preface to part two
1. what is translating?
2. more about language and culture
3. words in context
4. relations between words
5. translating texts
6. representative treatments of translating
7. three major types of translation theories
1. an interview with the correspondent of the
journal of foreign languages
2. an interview with professor liao qiyi
3. the correspondence with professor zhang jinghao
4. a letter to professor huang ren
preface to part one
1. paradoxes of translating
2. the functions and theories of language
3. the structures of language
4. the structures and meaning of lexemes
5. the structures and meaning of syntax
6. the structures and meaning of discourse
7. language and culture
8. functional equivalence
9. translation procedures
10. theories of translation
preface to part two
1. what is translating?
2. more about language and culture
3. words in context
4. relations between words
5. translating texts
6. representative treatments of translating
7. three major types of translation theories
1. an interview with the correspondent of the
journal of foreign languages
2. an interview with professor liao qiyi
3. the correspondence with professor zhang jinghao
4. a letter to professor huang ren
Language and Culutre:Contexts in Translating
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