Business English Listening and Speaking:Teacher’s Book.3
作 者:杨翠萍总主编;戴红珍,宋梅主编
unit 1 what is globailxation?
unit 2 we're a true multinational corporation
unit 3 have you haeard of our company?
unit 4 i'm going to explain the structure of the departement
unit 5 planning,necessary and worthwhile
unit 6 overpayment stops people from moving on
unit 7 what else do you care in business?
unit 8 in business world you always have competitors
unit 9 money's electronic future
unti 10 diversified investment portfolio
unit 11 we'd like to have the insurance covered by you
unit 12 do you think people on the web tend to order more?
unit 2 we're a true multinational corporation
unit 3 have you haeard of our company?
unit 4 i'm going to explain the structure of the departement
unit 5 planning,necessary and worthwhile
unit 6 overpayment stops people from moving on
unit 7 what else do you care in business?
unit 8 in business world you always have competitors
unit 9 money's electronic future
unti 10 diversified investment portfolio
unit 11 we'd like to have the insurance covered by you
unit 12 do you think people on the web tend to order more?
Business English Listening and Speaking:Teacher’s Book.3
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