

作   者:[ ]Chitra Fernando[著]





   本书的一大特点就是角度新颖,以往的习语研究常常把重点放在 习语本身的结构上,而本书的作者则把习语置于语言环境中,更注重习 语作为一种约定俗成,简洁有效的语言形式在人们语言交流中所起的 作用——从单纯的表达意义的功能,到反映对话者之间关系的交际功 能,直至使文章通顺、流畅、连贯的联系功能。作者运用了许多生动翔 实,而又有代表性的例子,使本书既有科学性,又简洁易懂。    本书是一本颇有启发性的习语研究专著。它适用于具有一定习语 知识基础的英语专业高年级学生、硕士生和博士生,可以作为他们的教 材或参考书,对于专门从事习语研究的专家和学者也具有相当高的参 考价值。   



the author and series editors


text data, its sources, and presentation

1 review and setting

1.1 introduction

1.2 lexically and grammatically regular idioms

1.2.1 a. makkai (1972)

1.2.2 u. weinreich (1969)

1.2.3 b. fraser (1970)

1.2.4 a.p. cowie and r. mackin (1975); a. p. cowie,

r. mackin, and i. r. mccaig (1983)

1.2.5 j. strassler (1982)

1.2.6 conclusions

1.3 idiosyncratic idioms

1.3.1 m.h. roberts (1944); l. p. smith (1925);

o. jespersen (1924); c. fillmore, p. kay, and

m. c. o'connor (1988)

1.3.2 conclusions

1.4 about this book

.2 conventional ways of saying

2.1 the novel and the conventional in language

2.1.1 introduction

2.1.2 idioms and idiomaticity

2.1.3 idioms, semi-idioms, literal idioms, and

habitual collocations

2.1.4 conclusions

2.2 the lexicogrammar of idioms

2.2.1 introduction

2.2.2 compounds, phrases, semi-clauses, and clauses

2.3 idioms and transformations

2.3.1 introduction

2.3.2 replacements or substitutions

2.3.3 additions

2.3.4 permutations

2.3.5 deletions

2.3.6 summary and conclusions on the

transformations in idioms

2.4 the collocability of idioms

2.5 the semantics of pure and semi-idioms

2.5.1 semantic unity

2.5.2 non-literalness

2.5.3 summary and conclusions on the semantics

of idioms

2.6 idioms: indicators of conventionality

2.6.1 introduction

2.6.2 conventionality and currency

2.6.3 conventionality and frequency

2.7 categorizing idioms

2.7.1 lexicogrammatical categorizations

2.7.2 functional categorizations

2.8 conclusions on idioms

2.9 idiomatic usage: an exercise in comparative usage

2.9.1 introduction

2.9.2 english verb formations and bracketing in

relation to german

2.9.3 sinhala: verb formations and deletion in

relation to english

2.9.4 lankan english

2.9.5 australian english

2.9.6 conclusions

2.10 general conclusions: conventionalized ways of saying

3 ideational idiomatic expressions: images

of the world

3.1 vocabulary as an analogue of the world and its ways

3.1.1 introduction

3.1.2 images of the world: generalities

3.1.3 images of the world: the vague

3.1.4 images of the world: specificities

3.1.5 conclusions

3.2 images of the world: the politics of jane and joe bloggs

3.2.1 introduction

3.2.2 the politics of the bloggs: the emperor's new


3.2.3 the politics of the bloggs: red herrings

3.2.4 conclusions

3.3 images of the world: inside jane and joe bloggs

3.3.1 introduction

3.3.2 the heart and the head of the bloggs

3.3.3 the states of the heart: joy

3.3.4 the states of the heart: grief

3.3.5 the states of the heart: anger

3.3.6 conclusions

3.4 men, women, manners, and morals: attitudinal


3.4.1 introduction

3.4.2 attitudes in discourse

3.4.3 appraisals of manners and morals

3.4.4 conclusions

3.5 the world, language, and language-users

3.6 conclusions

4 interpersonal idiomatic expressions:

conviviality and conflict in verbal interactions

4.1 interpersonal idiomatic expressions: vehicles of

participation and exchange

4.1.1 introduction

4.1.2 interpersonal idiomatic expressions as markers

of conviviality: politeness routines

4.1.3 service encounters

4.1.4 small talk

4.2 institutionalized good wishes and sympathy

4.2.1 introduction

4.2.2 christmas and new year greetings

4.2.3 birthday greetings

4.2.4 condolence, sympathy, and congratulations

4.3 forums: information-oriented talk

4.3.1 introduction

4.3.2 endorsements

4.3.3 mitigation

4.3.4 generosity

4.3.5 informing strategies

4.3.6 conclusions

4.4 interpersonal idiomatic expressions as markers of


4.4.1 introduction

4.4.2 conflict

4.4.3 conclusions

4.5 general conclusions

5 relational idiomatic expressions in exposition

and narrative

5.1 relational idiomatic expressions: vehicles of

logical and temporal coherence

5.1.1 introduction

5.1.2 anaphoric and conjunctive idiomatic expressions

in action

5.1.3 conclusions

5.2 temporal idiomatic expressions in action

5.2.1 introduction: public and personal time

5.2.2 public time

5.2.3 personal time

5.3 general conclusions

6 idiomatic expressions as vocabulary resource:

interdependencies, interconnections, and


6.1 what this chapter is about

6.2 the general and the specific reconsidered

6.3 currency reconsidered

6.4 topic-related collocations

6.5 idioms, topic, theme: the role of vocabulary in getting

the message across

6.6 practicalities

6.6.1 introduction

6.6.2 the role of idioms in language learning

6.7 interlocutor, thinker, and experiencer/reporter

6.8 conclusions







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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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