A New Concise History of English Literature


作   者:张定铨,吴刚编著





  本书意欲带领读者浏览英国文学宝库中的主要作品,力图以规范的英语,浅易流畅的文句向读者介绍每位作家在英国文学史上的地位和影响,并力求在评述上具有新意:在以马克思文艺思想为指导的大前提下,强调借鉴西方最新文学批评理论。 本书简洁而全面地介绍了英国文学发生、发展、消化、嬗变的流程。全书框架设计采用主体、体裁、历史三结合的方式,脉络清晰,裁取合理,讲述到位;语言浅显流畅,内容深入浅出,易学易懂;其二战后的部分更是填补了同类书这方面的空白。本书既是大学英语专业学生学习文学的好教材,又为广大文学爱好者提供了学习语言的好素材。


chapter 1 the beginning period of english literature.

i the seminal period

ii the transitional period

iii three mojor poets in 14th-century england

chapter 2 the glory of poetry:from sidney to pope

i overview

ii major poets of the elizabethan age

iii metaphysical poets

iv john milton

v the neoclassicists

chapter 3 the golden age of english drama

i origins and influences

ii the elizabethan dramatists who influenced shakespeare

iii william shakespeare

iv other major dramatists of the period

chapter 4 the beauty of prose:from malory to pepys

i overview

ii sir thomas malory

iii prose in 16th century

iv prose in 17th century

.chapter 5 the rise of the novel

i english novels before the 18th century

ii the rise of the novel in the 18th century

iii the maturity of the novel

chapter 6 a false world:english drama from dryden to sheridan

i overview

ii restoration drama

iii drama in the 18th century

chapter 7 emotion and nature in romatic poetry

i overview

ii william black

iii robert burns

iv william wordsworth

v samuel taylor colerigde

vi george gordon,lord byron

vii percy bysshe shelley

viii john keats

chapter 8 female novelists in 19th-century england

i overview

ii mary wollstonecraft comments

iii mary wollstonecraft shelley

iv the bronte sisters

v eizabeth cleghorn gaskell..

vi george eliot

chapter 9 social images in 19th-century english novels

i overview

ii charles john huffam dickens

iii william makepeace theckeray

iv george meredith

v thomas hardy

chapter 10 satirical voices and humanistic concerns:english prose in the 18th and 19th centuries

i 18th-century prose

ii 19th-century prose

iii prose writers at the end of the 19th century

chapter 11 various moods in 19th-century english poetry

i overview

ii alfred,lord tennyson

iii robert browning

iv elizabeth barrett browning

v matthew arnold as a poet

vi dante gabriel rossetti

chapter 12 social life on the stage:english drama from wilde to o'casey

i overview

ii oscar fingal o'flagerty wills wilde

iii george bernard shaw

iv john millington synge

vi other writers contributing to english drama

chapter 13 the erosion of confidence:major novelists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

i overview

ii robert louis stevenson

iii rudyard kipling

iv joseph conrad

v john galsorthy

vi h.g.(herbert george)wells

vii arnold bennet

chapter 14 the unseen reality:the stream of consciousness novels

i overview

ii lytton strachey

iii virginia woolf

iv james augustine aloysius joyce

chapter 15 the new poetry in the 20th century

i overview

ii william butler yeats

iii t.s.eliot

iv w.h.auden

v dylan marlain thomas

vi philip larkin

chapter 16 spiritual crisis and moral tension:20th-century novels before 1950

i overview

ii david herbert lawrence

iii william somerset maugham

iv katherine mansfield

v george orwell

vi graham greene

chapter 17 despair and absurdity in contemporary english drama

i overview

ii the angry young men trandition

iii the absurd tradition

iv caryl churchill and other dramatists

chapter 18 diversified topics in contemporary english novels

i overview

ii william golding

iii kingsley amis

iv alan sillitoe

v muriel spark

vi iris jean murdoch

vii doris lessing...



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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