现代凝聚态和超冷原子物理的实验发展对理论学家来说是巨大的挑战。该书以利于教学的方式介绍了粒子物理中的量子场论,重点介绍了该理论在具体问题中的应用。 第2版包括两个新的章节,研究用路径积分分析经典量子非平衡态的问题。其他章节涵了多体技术和泛函积分,重整化群方法、响应函数理论和拓扑学。该书重点介绍了基本概念和规范化方法操作,但是讨论部分集中在凝聚态物理及其相关领域研究现场的实验应用上。
1 From particles to fields
1.1 Classical harmonic chain: phonons
1.2 Functional analysis and variational principles
1.3 Maxwell's equations as a variational principle
1.4 Quantum chain
1.5 Quantum electrodynamics
1.6 Noether's theorem
1.7 Summary and outlook
1.8 Problems
2 Second quantization
2.1 Introduction to second quantization
2.2 Applications of second quantization
2.3 Summary and outlook
2.4 Problems
3 Feynman path integral
3.1 The path integral: general formalism
3.2 Construction of the path integral
3.3 Applications of the Feynman path integral
3.4 Problems
3.5 Problems
4 Functional field integral
4.1 Construction of the many-body path integral
4.2 Field integral for the quantum partition function
4.3 Field theoretical bosonization: a case study
4.4 Summary and outlook
4.5 Problems
5 Perturbation theory
5.1 General structures and low-order expansions
5.2 Ground state energy of the interacting electron gas
5.3 Infinite-order expansions
5.4 Summary and outlook
5.5 Problems
6 Broken symmetry and collective phenomena
6.1 Mean-field theory
6.2 Plasma theory of the interacting electron gas
6.3 Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity
6.4 Superconductivity
6.5 Field theory of the disordered electron gas
6.6 Summary and outlook
6.7 Problems
7 Response functions
7.1 Crash course in modern experimental techniques
7.2 Linear response theory
7.3 Analytic structure of correlation functions
7.4 Electromagnetic linear response
7.5 Summary and outlook
7.6 Problems
8 The renormalization group
8.1 The one-dimensional Ising model
8.2 Dissipative quantum tunneling
8.3 Renormalization group: general theory
8.4 RG analysis of the ferromagnetic transition
8.5 RG analysis of the nonlinear a-model
8.6 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition
8.7 Summary and outlook
8.8 Problems
9 Topology
9.1 Example: particle on a ring
9.2 Homotopy
9.3 0-0terms
9.4 Wess-Zumino terms
9.5 Chern-Simons terms
9.6 Summary and outlook
9.7 Problems
10 Nonequilibrium (classical)
10.1 l~hndamental questions of (nonequilibrium) statistical mechanics
10.2 Langevin theory
1 From particles to fields
1.1 Classical harmonic chain: phonons
1.2 Functional analysis and variational principles
1.3 Maxwell's equations as a variational principle
1.4 Quantum chain
1.5 Quantum electrodynamics
1.6 Noether's theorem
1.7 Summary and outlook
1.8 Problems
2 Second quantization
2.1 Introduction to second quantization
2.2 Applications of second quantization
2.3 Summary and outlook
2.4 Problems
3 Feynman path integral
3.1 The path integral: general formalism
3.2 Construction of the path integral
3.3 Applications of the Feynman path integral
3.4 Problems
3.5 Problems
4 Functional field integral
4.1 Construction of the many-body path integral
4.2 Field integral for the quantum partition function
4.3 Field theoretical bosonization: a case study
4.4 Summary and outlook
4.5 Problems
5 Perturbation theory
5.1 General structures and low-order expansions
5.2 Ground state energy of the interacting electron gas
5.3 Infinite-order expansions
5.4 Summary and outlook
5.5 Problems
6 Broken symmetry and collective phenomena
6.1 Mean-field theory
6.2 Plasma theory of the interacting electron gas
6.3 Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity
6.4 Superconductivity
6.5 Field theory of the disordered electron gas
6.6 Summary and outlook
6.7 Problems
7 Response functions
7.1 Crash course in modern experimental techniques
7.2 Linear response theory
7.3 Analytic structure of correlation functions
7.4 Electromagnetic linear response
7.5 Summary and outlook
7.6 Problems
8 The renormalization group
8.1 The one-dimensional Ising model
8.2 Dissipative quantum tunneling
8.3 Renormalization group: general theory
8.4 RG analysis of the ferromagnetic transition
8.5 RG analysis of the nonlinear a-model
8.6 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition
8.7 Summary and outlook
8.8 Problems
9 Topology
9.1 Example: particle on a ring
9.2 Homotopy
9.3 0-0terms
9.4 Wess-Zumino terms
9.5 Chern-Simons terms
9.6 Summary and outlook
9.7 Problems
10 Nonequilibrium (classical)
10.1 l~hndamental questions of (nonequilibrium) statistical mechanics
10.2 Langevin theory
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