part1 extensive reading
unit 1: choosing a book for extensive reading
unit 2: reading and discussing nonfiction
unit 3: reading and discussing fiction
part2 vocabulary building
unit 1: strategies for building a powerful vocabulary
unit 2: learning new words from your reading
unit 3: inferring meaning from context
unit 4: word parts
unit 5: collocations
part3 comprehension skills
unit :1: previewing
unit 2: making inferences
unit 3: understanding paragraphs
unit 4: patterns of organization
unit 5: reading longer passages effectively
unit 6: skimming
unit 7: study reading
unit 8: summarizing
unit 9: critical reading
.part4 reading faster
unit 1: learning to read faster
unit 2: new technology and its impact around the world
unit 3: people who have made a difference
unit 4: inventions that are changing our lives
appendix 1: 2,000 most frequent words in english language texts
appendix 2: academic word list
appendix 3: record of books read
appendix 4: words and expressions
unit 1: choosing a book for extensive reading
unit 2: reading and discussing nonfiction
unit 3: reading and discussing fiction
part2 vocabulary building
unit 1: strategies for building a powerful vocabulary
unit 2: learning new words from your reading
unit 3: inferring meaning from context
unit 4: word parts
unit 5: collocations
part3 comprehension skills
unit :1: previewing
unit 2: making inferences
unit 3: understanding paragraphs
unit 4: patterns of organization
unit 5: reading longer passages effectively
unit 6: skimming
unit 7: study reading
unit 8: summarizing
unit 9: critical reading
.part4 reading faster
unit 1: learning to read faster
unit 2: new technology and its impact around the world
unit 3: people who have made a difference
unit 4: inventions that are changing our lives
appendix 1: 2,000 most frequent words in english language texts
appendix 2: academic word list
appendix 3: record of books read
appendix 4: words and expressions
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
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