何玲、李霄翔主编的《新思路大学英语视听说教 程(第1册教师参考书第2版)》是学生用书的同步教师 用书,包括背景知识、补充材料、教学建议、参考教 案及参考答案等,是教师教学和学生学习的必备用书 。本书为视听说教程第一册教师参考书。
Unit 1 A Good Beginning Is Half DoneCollege LifeGreetings and IntroducingUnit 2 Everyone to His TasteHobbiesAsking for Hobbies and RespondingUnit 3 Friendship——One Soul in Two BodiesFriendshipAsking for and Responding to InvitationsUnit 4 Good Luck, Good Health, Good Cheer. I Wish You a Happy New Year!FestivalsMaking PlansUnit 5 Reading Is to the Mind What Exercise Is to the BodyPeople's Sports PreferencesMaking CommentsUnit 6 "After you" Is Good MannersCulture and MannersAsking for and Responding to RequestsUnit 7 He That Travels Far Knows MuchTourism and CustomExpressing Personal AttitudesUnit 8 We Are What We EatFoodAsking for and Expressing Opinions
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