CHAPTER 1The Scope and Method of Economics
A. Why Study Economics?
B. The Scope of Economics
C. The Method of Economics
CHAPTER 2Market and Governments in a Modern Economy
A. The Market Mechanism
B. How a Market Solves the Three Economic Problems
C. Demand and Supply
D. The Governor of the Market
CHAPTER 3The Major Factors of Production
A. Labor
B. Land, Natural Resources and Rent
C. Capital
CHAPTER 4The Business Organization
A. The Nature of Business
B. The Forms of Business Ownership
C. Creating the Organization
D. The Managerial Process
CHAPTER 5The Contemporary Accounting
A. Accounting Profession
B. The Conventions of Contemporary Accounting (1)
C. The Conventions of Contemporary Accounting (2)
D. Accounting Equation and Double Entry
E. The Financial Management
CHAPTER 6Major Concepts in Macro Economics
B. Consumption, Income and Saving
C. Investment and Capital Formation
D. Capital Market
CHAPTER 7Money, Interest Rate and Money Market
A. Money
B. Interest Rate
C. Money Market
CHAPTER 8 Bank Management and the Federal Reserve System
A. Bank Management
B. The Structure of the Federal Reserve System
C. The Instrument of Central Banking
CHAPTER 9 International Business
A. The Principle of Comparative Advantage
B. The activities of International Business
C. The Balance of International Payments
D. International Trade
CHAPTER 10Business Cycles and Their Effects to the Economy
A. Business Cycles
B. Unemployment
C. Inflation
CHAPTER 11Fiscal Policy, Budget Deficits and the Government Debt
A. Fiscal Policy
B. Budget Deficits
C. Government Debt
A. Why Study Economics?
B. The Scope of Economics
C. The Method of Economics
CHAPTER 2Market and Governments in a Modern Economy
A. The Market Mechanism
B. How a Market Solves the Three Economic Problems
C. Demand and Supply
D. The Governor of the Market
CHAPTER 3The Major Factors of Production
A. Labor
B. Land, Natural Resources and Rent
C. Capital
CHAPTER 4The Business Organization
A. The Nature of Business
B. The Forms of Business Ownership
C. Creating the Organization
D. The Managerial Process
CHAPTER 5The Contemporary Accounting
A. Accounting Profession
B. The Conventions of Contemporary Accounting (1)
C. The Conventions of Contemporary Accounting (2)
D. Accounting Equation and Double Entry
E. The Financial Management
CHAPTER 6Major Concepts in Macro Economics
B. Consumption, Income and Saving
C. Investment and Capital Formation
D. Capital Market
CHAPTER 7Money, Interest Rate and Money Market
A. Money
B. Interest Rate
C. Money Market
CHAPTER 8 Bank Management and the Federal Reserve System
A. Bank Management
B. The Structure of the Federal Reserve System
C. The Instrument of Central Banking
CHAPTER 9 International Business
A. The Principle of Comparative Advantage
B. The activities of International Business
C. The Balance of International Payments
D. International Trade
CHAPTER 10Business Cycles and Their Effects to the Economy
A. Business Cycles
B. Unemployment
C. Inflation
CHAPTER 11Fiscal Policy, Budget Deficits and the Government Debt
A. Fiscal Policy
B. Budget Deficits
C. Government Debt
Economic English
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