《搏流英语视听说教程教师参考书1&2》是对应《搏流英语视听说教程1》和《搏流英语视听说教程2》编写而成。每单元包括四个部分:Introduction、Module Overview、Teaching Notes和Video Script(各单元的Video Script集中放在每册书的最后)。全书用英文撰写,但在Teaching Notes的Vocabulary部分既给出了详细的英文解释又提供了中文释义,方便教师有选择地将知识应用到课堂上。本书的主要部分为Teaching Notes,针对Before You Watch、While You Watch、After You Watch、Watch Again和Everyday English提供了文化背景、词汇、教学步骤、参考答案等方面的信息,供教师在备课和授课时参考使用。
contents of book 1
modeule 1 family & friends
modeule 2 a way of life
modeule 3 eat, drink and enjoy
modeule 4 all in the past
modeule 5 adventure
modeule 6 moments in life
modeule 7 in a world of our own
modeule 8 for dear life
modeule 9 go for it!
modeule 10 incredible but true
video script
contents of book 2
modeule 1 people of the world
modeule 2 the blue planet
modeule 3 moments in life
modeule 4 feel good
modeule 5 modern living
modeule 6 our world
modeule 7 holidays & schooldays
.modeule 8 let's have fun
modeule 9 busy people
modeule 10 in action
video script
modeule 1 family & friends
modeule 2 a way of life
modeule 3 eat, drink and enjoy
modeule 4 all in the past
modeule 5 adventure
modeule 6 moments in life
modeule 7 in a world of our own
modeule 8 for dear life
modeule 9 go for it!
modeule 10 incredible but true
video script
contents of book 2
modeule 1 people of the world
modeule 2 the blue planet
modeule 3 moments in life
modeule 4 feel good
modeule 5 modern living
modeule 6 our world
modeule 7 holidays & schooldays
.modeule 8 let's have fun
modeule 9 busy people
modeule 10 in action
video script
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