Microelectronic Circuits:Analysis and Design
chapter 1 introduction to electronics and design
1.2history of electronics
1.3electronic systems
1.4electronic signals and notation
1.5classifications of electronic systems
1.6specifications of electronic systems
1.7design of electronic systems
1.8design of electronic circuits
1.9electronic devices
chapter 2 diodes
2.2ideal diodes
2.3transfer characteristic of diode circuits
2.4practical diodes
2.5physical operation of junction diodes
2.6characteristic of practical diodes
2.7determination of diode constants
2.8temperature effects
.2.9analysis of practical diode circuits
2.10modeling of practical diodes
2.11zener diodes
2.12light-emitting diodes
2.13schottky barrier diodes
2.14power rating
2.15diode data sheets
chapter 3 applications of diodes
3.2diode rectifiers
3.3output filters for rectifiers
3.5clamping circuits
3.6peak detectors and demodulators
3.7voltage multipliers
3.8function generators
chapter 4 introduction to amplifiers
4.2amplifier characteristics
4.3amplifier types
4.4pspice/spice amplifier models
4.5gain relationships
4.6cascaded amplifiers
4.7introduction to transistor amplifiers
4.8frequency response of amplifiers
4.9miller's theorem
4.10amplifier design
chapter 5 amplifying devices
5.2bipolar junction transistors
5.3field-effect transistors
5.4fets versus bjts
5.5design of amplifiers
chapter 6 introduction to operational amplifiers
6.2characteristics of ideal op-amps
6.3op-amp pspice/spice models
6.4analysis of ideal op-amp circuits
6.5op-amp applications
6.6circuits with op-amps and diodes
6.7op-amp circuit design
chapter 7 characteristics of practical op-amps
7.2internal structure of op-amps
7.3parameters fo practical op-amps
7.4offset voltaage adjustment
7.5measurement of offset parameters
chapter 8 frequency response of amplifiers
8.2frequency model and response of bjts
8.3frequency model and response of fets
8.4bode plots
8.5amplifier frequency response
8.6short-circuit and zero-value methods for determining break frequencies
8.7frequency response of common-emitter bjt amplifiers
8.8frequency response of common-collector bjt amplifiers
8.9frequency response of common-base bjt amplifiers
8.10frequency response of fet amplifiers
8.11multistage amplifiers
8.12frequency rseponse of op-amp circuits
8.13designing for frequency response
chapter 9 active filters
9.2active versus passive filters
9.3types of active filters
9.4the biquadratic function
9.5butterworth filters
9.6low-pass filters
9.7high-pass filters
9.8band-pass filters
9.9band-reject filters
9.10all-pass filters
9.11switched capacitor filters
9.12filter design guidelines
chapter 10 feedback amplifiers
10.3feedback analysis
10.4feedback topologies
10.5analysis of feedback amplifiers
10.6series-shunt feedback
10.7series-series feedback
10.8shunt-shunt feedback
10.9shunt-series feedback
10.10feedback circuit design
10.11stability analysis
10.12compensation techniques
chapter 11 oscillators
11.2principles of oscillators
11.3phase-shift oscillators
11.4quadrature oscillators
11.5three-phase oscillators
11.6wien-bridge oscillators
11.7colpitts oscillators
11.8hartley oscillators
11.9crystal oscillators
11.10active-filter tuned oscillators
11.11design of oscillators
chapter 12 introduction to digital electronics
12.2logic states
12.3logic gates
12.4performance parameters of logic gates
12.5nmos inverters
12.6nmos logic circuits
12.7cmos inverters
12.8cmos logic circuits
12.9comparison of cmos and nmos gates
12.10bjt inverters
12.11transistor-transistor logic(ttl)gates
12.12emitter-coupled logic(ecl)or/nor gates
12.13bicmos inverters
12.14interfacing of logic gates
12.15comparison of logic gates
12.16design of logic circuits
chapter 13 active sources and differential amplifiers
13.2internal structure of differential amplifiers
13.3bjt current sources
13.4jfet current sources
13.5mosfet current sources
13.6design of active current sources
13.7active voltage sources
13.8characteristics of differential amplifiers
13.9bjt differential amplifiers
13.10bjt differential amplifiers with active loads
13.11jfet differential amplifiers
13.12mos differential amplifiers
13.13bicmos differential amplifiers
13.14frequency response of differential amplifiers
13.15design of differential amplifiers
chapter 14 power amplifiers
14.2classification of power amplifiers
14.3emitter followers
14.4class a amplifiers
14.5class b push-pull amplifiers
14.6complementary class ab push-pull amplifiers
14.7quasi-complementary class ab push-pull amplifiers
14.8transformer-coupled class ab push-pull amplifiers
14.9short-circuit and thermal protection
14.10power op-amps
14.11thermal considerations
14.12design of power amplifiers
chapter 15 operational amplifiers
15.2internal structure of op-amps
15.3op-amp parameters
15.4jfet op-amps
15.5cmos op-amps
15.6bicmos op-amps
15.7bjt op-amps
15.8analysis of the lm741 op-amp
15.9design of op-amps
chapter 16 integrated analog circuits and appplications
16.3zero-crossing detectors
16.4schmitt triggers
16.5square-wave generators
16.6triangular-wave generators
16.7sawtooth-wave generators
16.8voltage-controlled oscillators
16.9the 555 timer
16.10phase-lock loops
16.11voltage-to-frequency and frequency-to-voltage converters
16.12sample-and-hold circuits
16.13digital-to-analog converters
16.14analog-to-digital converters
16.15circuit design using analog ics
appendix a:introduction to pspice
appendix b:review of basic circuits
appendix c:low-frequency hybrid bjt model
appendix d:ebers-moll model of bipolar junction transistors
appendix e:passive components
appendix f:design problems
answers to selected exercises
about the author
chapter 1 introduction to electronics and design
1.2history of electronics
1.3electronic systems
1.4electronic signals and notation
1.5classifications of electronic systems
1.6specifications of electronic systems
1.7design of electronic systems
1.8design of electronic circuits
1.9electronic devices
chapter 2 diodes
2.2ideal diodes
2.3transfer characteristic of diode circuits
2.4practical diodes
2.5physical operation of junction diodes
2.6characteristic of practical diodes
2.7determination of diode constants
2.8temperature effects
.2.9analysis of practical diode circuits
2.10modeling of practical diodes
2.11zener diodes
2.12light-emitting diodes
2.13schottky barrier diodes
2.14power rating
2.15diode data sheets
chapter 3 applications of diodes
3.2diode rectifiers
3.3output filters for rectifiers
3.5clamping circuits
3.6peak detectors and demodulators
3.7voltage multipliers
3.8function generators
chapter 4 introduction to amplifiers
4.2amplifier characteristics
4.3amplifier types
4.4pspice/spice amplifier models
4.5gain relationships
4.6cascaded amplifiers
4.7introduction to transistor amplifiers
4.8frequency response of amplifiers
4.9miller's theorem
4.10amplifier design
chapter 5 amplifying devices
5.2bipolar junction transistors
5.3field-effect transistors
5.4fets versus bjts
5.5design of amplifiers
chapter 6 introduction to operational amplifiers
6.2characteristics of ideal op-amps
6.3op-amp pspice/spice models
6.4analysis of ideal op-amp circuits
6.5op-amp applications
6.6circuits with op-amps and diodes
6.7op-amp circuit design
chapter 7 characteristics of practical op-amps
7.2internal structure of op-amps
7.3parameters fo practical op-amps
7.4offset voltaage adjustment
7.5measurement of offset parameters
chapter 8 frequency response of amplifiers
8.2frequency model and response of bjts
8.3frequency model and response of fets
8.4bode plots
8.5amplifier frequency response
8.6short-circuit and zero-value methods for determining break frequencies
8.7frequency response of common-emitter bjt amplifiers
8.8frequency response of common-collector bjt amplifiers
8.9frequency response of common-base bjt amplifiers
8.10frequency response of fet amplifiers
8.11multistage amplifiers
8.12frequency rseponse of op-amp circuits
8.13designing for frequency response
chapter 9 active filters
9.2active versus passive filters
9.3types of active filters
9.4the biquadratic function
9.5butterworth filters
9.6low-pass filters
9.7high-pass filters
9.8band-pass filters
9.9band-reject filters
9.10all-pass filters
9.11switched capacitor filters
9.12filter design guidelines
chapter 10 feedback amplifiers
10.3feedback analysis
10.4feedback topologies
10.5analysis of feedback amplifiers
10.6series-shunt feedback
10.7series-series feedback
10.8shunt-shunt feedback
10.9shunt-series feedback
10.10feedback circuit design
10.11stability analysis
10.12compensation techniques
chapter 11 oscillators
11.2principles of oscillators
11.3phase-shift oscillators
11.4quadrature oscillators
11.5three-phase oscillators
11.6wien-bridge oscillators
11.7colpitts oscillators
11.8hartley oscillators
11.9crystal oscillators
11.10active-filter tuned oscillators
11.11design of oscillators
chapter 12 introduction to digital electronics
12.2logic states
12.3logic gates
12.4performance parameters of logic gates
12.5nmos inverters
12.6nmos logic circuits
12.7cmos inverters
12.8cmos logic circuits
12.9comparison of cmos and nmos gates
12.10bjt inverters
12.11transistor-transistor logic(ttl)gates
12.12emitter-coupled logic(ecl)or/nor gates
12.13bicmos inverters
12.14interfacing of logic gates
12.15comparison of logic gates
12.16design of logic circuits
chapter 13 active sources and differential amplifiers
13.2internal structure of differential amplifiers
13.3bjt current sources
13.4jfet current sources
13.5mosfet current sources
13.6design of active current sources
13.7active voltage sources
13.8characteristics of differential amplifiers
13.9bjt differential amplifiers
13.10bjt differential amplifiers with active loads
13.11jfet differential amplifiers
13.12mos differential amplifiers
13.13bicmos differential amplifiers
13.14frequency response of differential amplifiers
13.15design of differential amplifiers
chapter 14 power amplifiers
14.2classification of power amplifiers
14.3emitter followers
14.4class a amplifiers
14.5class b push-pull amplifiers
14.6complementary class ab push-pull amplifiers
14.7quasi-complementary class ab push-pull amplifiers
14.8transformer-coupled class ab push-pull amplifiers
14.9short-circuit and thermal protection
14.10power op-amps
14.11thermal considerations
14.12design of power amplifiers
chapter 15 operational amplifiers
15.2internal structure of op-amps
15.3op-amp parameters
15.4jfet op-amps
15.5cmos op-amps
15.6bicmos op-amps
15.7bjt op-amps
15.8analysis of the lm741 op-amp
15.9design of op-amps
chapter 16 integrated analog circuits and appplications
16.3zero-crossing detectors
16.4schmitt triggers
16.5square-wave generators
16.6triangular-wave generators
16.7sawtooth-wave generators
16.8voltage-controlled oscillators
16.9the 555 timer
16.10phase-lock loops
16.11voltage-to-frequency and frequency-to-voltage converters
16.12sample-and-hold circuits
16.13digital-to-analog converters
16.14analog-to-digital converters
16.15circuit design using analog ics
appendix a:introduction to pspice
appendix b:review of basic circuits
appendix c:low-frequency hybrid bjt model
appendix d:ebers-moll model of bipolar junction transistors
appendix e:passive components
appendix f:design problems
answers to selected exercises
about the author
Microelectronic Circuits:Analysis and Design
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