Study on individual aerosol particles in fog, brown haze, and dust storm episodes


作   者:李卫军,邵龙义著





《雾霾和沙尘污染天气气溶胶单颗粒研究》是系统论述极端污染天气条件下气溶胶颗粒物研究的理论框架与研究方法的学术专著,全面概述气溶胶单颗粒分析方法的特点与优势,并以沙尘暴、灰霾和雾天为研究对象,采用以透射电镜和扫描电镜技术为基础的单颗粒分析方法,阐述沙尘暴、灰霾和雾天条件下气溶胶单颗粒的理化特性、形貌特征、粒度分布、组分来源和混合状态,揭示气溶胶单颗粒经过长距离输送后发生老化现象与非均相化学反应的机理。《雾霾和沙尘污染天气气溶胶单颗粒研究》数据翔实、内容丰富,展示了极端污染天气条件下气溶胶颗粒物研究的最新成果,丰富了气溶胶颗粒物研究的内涵和外延。 《雾霾和沙尘污染天气气溶胶单颗粒研究》可供大气科学、大气环境化学和环境地质学等领域的科研人员、高等院校大气环境科学相关专业的师生以及从事环境保护事业的管理人员参考。《雾霾和沙尘污染天气气溶胶单颗粒研究》以中英文对照的形式出版,还可供读者查阅和了解大气环境科学领域的英文专业词汇。


1 大气颗粒物的研究意义
1.1 气溶胶的气候意义
1.2 气溶胶的组分、粒径和混合状态
1.3 国内气溶胶单颗粒研究进展
1.4 单颗粒的仪器分析方法
1.4.1 扫描电镜
1.4.2 透射电镜
1.4.3 气溶胶飞行质谱仪
1.4.4 环境扫描电镜和环境透射电镜
1.4.5 其他单颗粒分析方法
1.4.6 气溶胶单颗粒技术在气溶胶研究中的不足之处
2 灰霾期间空气污染的现状与评价
2.1 空气污染现状
2.2 采样和实验设备
2.2.1 采样点
2.2.2 沙尘暴、灰霾和雾的区别
2.2.3 采样仪器介绍
2.2.4 样品信息
2.2.5 实验设备介绍
2.2.6 K2SO4和KNO3标准颗粒的实验室制备
2.2.7 透射电镜实验分析
2.2.8 扫描电镜实验分析
2.2.9 图像分析
2.2.10 矿物颗粒的X射线分析
3 灰霾气溶胶颗粒的来源和类型
3.1 灰霾气溶胶颗粒的研究现状
3.2 灰霾事件描述
3.3 灰霾气溶胶颗粒类型
3.4 气溶胶单颗粒来源及混合颗粒
3.5 小结
4 灰霾和沙尘暴期间矿物颗粒表面的硝酸盐
4.1 矿物颗粒非均相化学反应的研究意义
4.2 中国北方的区域性灰霾和沙尘事件
4.3 带壳的矿物颗粒
4.4 矿物颗粒表面壳的比较
4.4.1 矿物颗粒相关的大气化学反应
4.4.2 研究结果在大气科学中的应用
4.5 结论
5 气溶胶中有机组分的混合状态
5.1 有机气溶胶研究的气候意义
5.2 水透析实验
5.3 有机组分内混于无机颗粒
5.3.1 颗粒物的分类
5.3.2 单颗粒的水透析实验
5.4 大气科学的应用
5.5 结论
6 农业生物质燃烧的气溶胶单颗粒研究
6.1 生物质燃烧研究的重要性
6.2 区域灰霾的描述
6.3 气溶胶的粒径分布及主要类型
6.3.1 气溶胶的粒径分布
6.3.2 富钾颗粒
6.3.3 富硫颗粒
6.3.4 烟尘颗粒
6.3.5 非挥发性有机气溶胶
6.4 农业生物质燃烧影响的灰霾事件
6.5 农业生物质燃烧排放对灰霾形成的影响
6.6 中国大气灰霾事件的进一步思考
6.7 小结
7 雾天条件下矿物颗粒的物理化学特性
7.1 雾中气溶胶研究现状
7.2 雾中矿物颗粒的TEM和SEM分析
7.2.1 矿物颗粒的数量粒度分布
7.2.2 矿物颗粒的类型
7.2.3 矿物颗粒中S的分布
7.3 矿物颗粒的化学修改机理及雾的形成过程
7.4 结论
8 亚洲沙尘暴颗粒的组分及其非均相化学反应
8.1 亚洲沙尘暴期间沙尘颗粒研究现状
8.2 三次沙尘暴事件
8.3 气溶胶单颗粒的形貌特征
8.4 沙尘颗粒的矿物类型
8.4.1 沙尘单颗粒中钙的分布
8.4.2 沙尘单颗粒中硫的分布
8.5 三次沙尘事件研究结果对比
8.6 小结
9 北京特大沙尘暴颗粒的矿物组成分析
9.1 沙尘暴研究的意义
9.2 特大沙尘暴的后向气流轨迹图及PM10质量浓度变
9.3 矿物颗粒的粒度分布
9.4 XRD半定量分析
9.5 特大沙尘暴期间研究结果对比
9.6 结论
10 沙尘暴期间的降尘矿物学研究及来源分析
10.1 亚洲沙尘暴研究的概述
10.2 沙尘暴降尘中矿物来源、粒度和组分
10.3 不同沙尘暴期间沙尘颗粒矿物组分对比
10.4 不同沙尘暴期间黏土矿物组分对比
10.5 结论
1 Significance of Aerosol Study
1.1 Climatic significance of aerosol study
1.2 Compositions,sizes,and mixing states of aerosol particles
1.3 Study of individual aerosol particles in China
1.4 Instrumental methods for individual aerosol particle analyses
1.4.1 Scanning electron microscopy
1.4.2 Transmission electron microscopy
1.4.3 Aerosol time of flight mass spectrometer
1.4.4 Environmental SEM and TEM
1.4.5 Other individual particle analyzed methods
1.4.6 Shortcomings of individual aerosol particle techniques
2 Evaluation of Air Pollution during Haze Episodes
2.1 Evaluation of air pollution in urban Beijing
2.2 Sampling and experimental equipments
2.2.1 Sampling locations
2.2.2 Identification among dust storm,haze,and fog episodes
2.2.3 Sampling equipments
2.2.4 Data of samples
2.2.5 Introductions of experimental equipments
2.2.6 Generation of K2SO4and KNO3particles in the laboratory
2.2.7 TEM analysis
2.2.8 SEM analysis
2.2.9 Image analysis
2.2.10 X-Ray diffraction for mineral components
3 Sources and Types of Haze Aerosol Particles
3.1 Introduction of study on haze aerosol particles
3.2 Description of regional haze episodes
3.3 Nature of aerosol particles
3.4 Mixing and sources of aerosol particles
3.5 Conclusions
4 Nitrate-coated Mineral Dust Particles in Haze and Dust Storm Episodes
4.1 Study on mineral dust particles
4.2 Haze and dust episodes over northern China
4.3 Coated mineral particles
4.4 Comparisons of coatings on mineral particles
4.4.1 Reactions on mineral particles
4.4.2 Atmospheric implications
4.5 Conclusions
5 Mixing States of Particulate Organics in Aerosol Particles
5.1 Significance of organic aerosols in the atmosphere
5.2 Water dialysis of individual aerosol particles
5.3 Organics internally mixed in inorganic particles
5.3.1 Particle classification
5.3.2 Water dialysis of individual aerosol particle
5.4 Atmospheric implications
5.5 Conclusions
6 Direct Observation of Agricultural Biomass Burning Particles
6.1 Significance of biomass burning study
6.2 General description of regional haze
6.3 The major fine aerosols and their size distribution
6.3.1 Size distribution
6.3.2 K-rich particles
6.3.3 S-rich particles
6.3.4 Soot particles
6.3.5 Non-volatile organic aerosols
6.4 Identification of the regional hazes affected by agricultural biomass burning
6.5 Effects of agricultural biomass burning emissions on the brown hazes
6.6 Further considerations about regional brown hazes over China
6.7 Conclusions
7 Characterization of Mineral Particles in Fog Episodes
7.1 Introduction of study on aerosols in fog episodes
7.2 TEM and SEM observations of mineral particles
7.2.1 Number-size distributions of mineral particles
7.2.2 Types of mineral particles
7.2.3 Distributions of sulfur in mineral particles
7.3 Chemical modification mechanisms of mineral particles and fog formation
7.4 Conclusions
8 Compositions and Heterogeneous Reaction of Asian Dust Storm Particles
8.1 Introduction of study on dust particles in Asian dust storm
8.2 Descriptions of three dust storm episodes
8.3 Morphology of aerosol particles
8.4 Types of individual dust particles
8.4.1 The distribution of calcium in individual dust particle
8.4.2 Distribution of sulfur in individual dust particles
8.5 Comparisons of three different dust episodes
8.6 Conclusions
9 Mineralogical Characteristics of Airborne Particles during a Severe Asian Dust Storm Period in Beijing
9.1 Significance of dust storm study
9.2 Back trajectory and mass concentration of PM10 during the severe dust storm
9.3 Size distribution of mineral particles
9.4 XRD analysis of mineral particles
9.5 Comparisons of results from different severe dust storms episodes
9.6 Conclusions
10 The Mineralogy and Possible Sources of Spring dust Particles
10.1 Study on Asian dust storm
10.2 Sources,sizes,and mineral compositions of ADS dustfall particles
10.3 Comparisons of mineral compositions of dust particles in different dust storms
10.4 Comparisons of clay species in dust samples of different dust storms
10.5 Conclusions



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Study on individual aerosol particles in fog, brown haze, and dust storm episodes
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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