A Cognitive Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Passives
作 者:王志军著
本书从认知语言学角度出发,以“人类经验—概念化—图式化—语言形式”这一基本假设为前提,探讨了英汉被动句产生异同的根本原因及深层机理,令人信服地解释了英汉被动句的局部不可对译性、宏观被动性、主语的间接受事性以及汉语特殊“被”字句的非转换性等问题,是近年来认知语言学领域内一本较有新意的专著。可供大专院校英语研究生、语言学研究者及爱好者参考使用。开本 32印张 6.75 字数 170字页数 205
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 English-Chinese contrastive studies: aims,status quo and problems
1.2 The problems concerning a contrastive study of English and Chinese passives
1.2.1 The problems concerning the definition of voice
1.2.2 The problems concerning a contrastive study of English and Chinese passives
1.3 My approach
1.4 The organization of the chapters
Chapter2 A Formalist Study of English and Chinese Passives
2.1 A formalist study of English passives and its problems
2.1.1 Early transformational analyses
2.1.2 The analysis of the passive using the ExtendedStandard Theory and Principles and Parameters Theory
2.2 A formalist study of Chinese passives and its problems
2.3 Summary
Chapter3 A Cognitive Study of English and ChinesePassives
3.1 A cognitive study of the passive:one of the functionalapproaches taken in the current study
3.2 A cognitive semantic study of the passive
3.2.1 A cognitive approach to semantics
3.2.2 A cognitive study of verb meaning:ICM of events
3.2.3 A cognitive analysis of“basic voice”
3.2.4 A cognitive analysis of the passive
3.3 A discourse-pragmatic study of the passive
3.3.1 The pragmatics of voice
3.3.2 The functional domains of the passive:demotion,promotion and resulting state
3.4 A cognitive definition of(passive)voice
3.5 A cognitive interpretation of English and Chinese pas-sives
3.5.1 A cognitive interpretation of English passives
3.5.2 A cognitive interpretation of Chinese passives
3.6 Summary
Chapter4 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Passives
4.1 The similarities and diffChinese prototypical passives in the process of conceptualization
4.1.1 The similarities between English and Chineseprototypical passives
4.1.2 The differences between English and Chineseprototypical passives The difference in the degree ofaffectedness The difference in actual realization ofsubjectivity
4.2 The similarities and differences between
4.2.1 The similarities between English and Chineseprototypical passives
4.2.2 The differences between English and Chineseprototypical passives The difference between English andChinese agentless passives The difference between English andChinese agentful passives
4.3 The similarities and differences between English andChinese non-prototypical passives
4.4 Summary
Chapter5 Concluding Remarks
5.1 Main contributions of the work
5.2 Implications for translation
5.3 Implications for language teaching
5.4 Limitations and suggestions for future research
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 English-Chinese contrastive studies: aims,status quo and problems
1.2 The problems concerning a contrastive study of English and Chinese passives
1.2.1 The problems concerning the definition of voice
1.2.2 The problems concerning a contrastive study of English and Chinese passives
1.3 My approach
1.4 The organization of the chapters
Chapter2 A Formalist Study of English and Chinese Passives
2.1 A formalist study of English passives and its problems
2.1.1 Early transformational analyses
2.1.2 The analysis of the passive using the ExtendedStandard Theory and Principles and Parameters Theory
2.2 A formalist study of Chinese passives and its problems
2.3 Summary
Chapter3 A Cognitive Study of English and ChinesePassives
3.1 A cognitive study of the passive:one of the functionalapproaches taken in the current study
3.2 A cognitive semantic study of the passive
3.2.1 A cognitive approach to semantics
3.2.2 A cognitive study of verb meaning:ICM of events
3.2.3 A cognitive analysis of“basic voice”
3.2.4 A cognitive analysis of the passive
3.3 A discourse-pragmatic study of the passive
3.3.1 The pragmatics of voice
3.3.2 The functional domains of the passive:demotion,promotion and resulting state
3.4 A cognitive definition of(passive)voice
3.5 A cognitive interpretation of English and Chinese pas-sives
3.5.1 A cognitive interpretation of English passives
3.5.2 A cognitive interpretation of Chinese passives
3.6 Summary
Chapter4 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Passives
4.1 The similarities and diffChinese prototypical passives in the process of conceptualization
4.1.1 The similarities between English and Chineseprototypical passives
4.1.2 The differences between English and Chineseprototypical passives The difference in the degree ofaffectedness The difference in actual realization ofsubjectivity
4.2 The similarities and differences between
4.2.1 The similarities between English and Chineseprototypical passives
4.2.2 The differences between English and Chineseprototypical passives The difference between English andChinese agentless passives The difference between English andChinese agentful passives
4.3 The similarities and differences between English andChinese non-prototypical passives
4.4 Summary
Chapter5 Concluding Remarks
5.1 Main contributions of the work
5.2 Implications for translation
5.3 Implications for language teaching
5.4 Limitations and suggestions for future research
A Cognitive Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Passives
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