剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)考试是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作举办的权威性考试。自2002年起,英国剑桥大学考试委员会对BEC考试大纲进行了重新修订,由原来的BEC1、BEC2、BEC3改为BEC Prlliminary(初级)、BEC Vantage(中级)和BEC Higher(高级)三个等级。该系列考试是一项水平考试,它根据商务工作的实际需要,从听、说、读、写四个方面对考生在商务和一般生活环境下使用英语的能力进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁布的标准统一的成绩证书。由于该证书的权威性,已成为在所有举办该考试的一百多个国家和地区求职的“通行证”。
第一部分 笔试练习
practice test 1
key to practice test 1
practice test 2
key to practice test 2
practice test 3
key to practice test 3
practice test 4
key to practice test 4
practice test 5
key to practice test 5
practice test 6
key to practice test 6
practice test 7
key to practice test 7
practice test 8
key to practice test 8
practice test 9
key to practice test 9
practice test 10
.key to practice test 10
第二部分 口语练习
speaking test 1
key to speaking test 1
speaking test 2
key to speaking test 2
speaking test 3
key to speaking test 3
speaking test 4
key to speaking test 4
speaking test 5
key to speaking test 5
speaking test 6
key to speaking test 6
speaking test 7
key to speaking test 7
speaking test 8
key to speaking test 8
speaking test 9
key to speaking test 9
speaking test 10
key to speaking test 10
practice test 1
key to practice test 1
practice test 2
key to practice test 2
practice test 3
key to practice test 3
practice test 4
key to practice test 4
practice test 5
key to practice test 5
practice test 6
key to practice test 6
practice test 7
key to practice test 7
practice test 8
key to practice test 8
practice test 9
key to practice test 9
practice test 10
.key to practice test 10
第二部分 口语练习
speaking test 1
key to speaking test 1
speaking test 2
key to speaking test 2
speaking test 3
key to speaking test 3
speaking test 4
key to speaking test 4
speaking test 5
key to speaking test 5
speaking test 6
key to speaking test 6
speaking test 7
key to speaking test 7
speaking test 8
key to speaking test 8
speaking test 9
key to speaking test 9
speaking test 10
key to speaking test 10
Practice tests for BEC vantage
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
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