第1篇 冲压成形工艺与模具设计
第1章 冲压工艺基础(Basic of Stamping Process)
1.1 模具概述(What's mould and die?)
1.2 冲压成形的特点与分类(Features
and Classification of Stamping)
1.3 板料的冲压成形性能(Stamping
Formability of Metal Sheet)
1.4 冲压常用的材料(Frequent Material
in Stamping)
1.5 冲压设备(Stamping Machine)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical Training)
第2章 冲裁工艺与冲裁模(Blanking Process and Blanking Die)
2.1 冲裁工艺设计基础(Basic of Blanking Process Design)
2.2 冲裁模典型结构(Typical Structure of Blanking Die)
2.3 排样设计(Black Layout Design)
2.4 冲裁工艺计算(Blanking Process
2.5 冲裁模零部件结构设(Parts Structure Design of Blanking Die)
2.6 综合案例(Comprehensive Case)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
第3章 弯曲工艺与弯曲模(Bending Process and Bending Die)
3.1 弯曲工艺及弯曲件工艺性(Bending Process and Processability of Bending Parts)
3.2 弯曲模典型结构(Typical Structure of Bending Die)
3.3 弯曲件的质量分析(Quality Analysis of Bending Part)
3.4 弯曲工艺计算(Bending Process
3.5 弯曲模具设计(Bending Die Design)
3.6 综合案例(Comprehensive Case)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical Training)
第4章 拉深工艺与拉深模(Drawing Process and Drawing Die)
4.1 拉深工艺与拉深件工艺性(Drawing
Process and Processability of Drawing Part)
4.2 拉深模典型结构(Typical Structure of Drawing Die)
4.3 拉深件的起皱与破裂(Wrinkling and
Fracture of Drawing Part)
4.4 拉深工艺计算(Drawing Process
4.5 拉深模具设计(Drawing Die Design)
4.6 综合案例(Comprehensive Case)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical
第5章 其他冲压成形工艺与模具设计
(Other Stamping Processes and Corresponding Die Design)
5.1 胀形(Bulging)
5.2 翻边(Flanging)
5.3 缩口(Necking)
5.4 综合案例(Comprehensive Case)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
第6章 冲模设计流程及eta/ DYNAFORM
有限元分析软件(Stamping Die Design Procedure and eta/DYNAFORM Finite Element
Analysis Software)
6.1 冲模设计内容及流程(Design Procedure of Stamping Die)
6.2 冲压成形分析软件eta/DYNAFORM
简介(Brief Introduction of eta/DYNAFORM Software for Forming Analysis in Stamping)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this
第2篇 塑料成型工艺与模具设计
第7章 塑料成型工艺基础(Basic of
Plastics Molding Process)
7.1 塑料的基本组成、分类与特性(Basic
Composition of Plastics)
7.2 塑料成型的方法及工艺特性(Methods
and Processability of Plastic Molding)
7.3 塑件的结构工艺性(Processability of
Plastic Parts Structure)
7.4 塑料成型设备(Plastic Molding
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical
第8章 注射成型工艺及注射模(Injection
Molding Process and Injection Mould)
8.1 注射成型工艺原理及工艺条件
(Injection Molding Principle and Process Condition)
8.2 注射模结构(Injection Mould
Structure )
8.3 分型面(Parting Surface)
8.4 浇注系统设计(Gating System Design)
8.5 成型零件设计(Molding Part Design)
8.6 侧向分型与抽芯机构(Side-parting and Core-pulling Mechanism)
8.7 推出机构设计(Ejecting Mechanism
8.8 合模导向机构(Guide Mechanism in
Mould Clamping)
8.9 温度调节系统设(Design of Temperature Regulating System)
8.10 塑料注射模模架(Injection Mould Bases for Plastics)
8.11 模具与注射机有关参数的校核(Checking Parameters of Mould and Injection Machine)
8.12 注射模设计流程及MoldFlow有限元分
析软件(Design Procedure of Injection
Mould and MoldFlow Finite Element Analysis Software)
8.13 综合案例(Comprehensive Examples)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical
第9章 其他塑料成型工艺及模具(Other
Plastic Molding Process and
Corresponding Mould)
9.1 压缩成型工艺与压缩模(Compression
Molding Process and Compression
9.2 压注成型工艺与压注模 (Pressure
Injection Molding and Pressure Injection Mould)
9.3 挤出成型工艺及模具(Extrusion
Molding Process and Mould)
9.4 中空吹塑成型(Hollow Blow Molding)
9.5 真空成型(Vacuum Molding)
9.6 压缩空气成型(Molding with Compressed Air)
9.7 泡沫塑料成型(Foam Plastic Molding)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
第3篇 模具制造技术
第10章 模具制造基础(Basic of Mould and Die Manufacturing)
10.1 模具制造特点(Feature of Mould and
Die Manufacturing)
10.2 模具制造工艺过程(Mould and Die
Manufacturing Process)
10.3 模具制造工艺规程制订的原则和步骤
(Principles and Steps of Process Scheduling for Mould and Die Manufacturing)
10.4 模具零件图的工艺分析(Part Processability Analysis of Mould and Die)
10.5 模具零件的毛坯选择(Blank Selection of Part in Mould and Die)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
第11章 模具成形表面的加工(Profile
Manufacturing of Mold and Die)
11.1 模具成形表面的机械加工(Profile
Machining of Mold and Die)
11.2 模具成形表面的特种加工(Non-traditional Manufacturing of Mould and Die Profile)
11.3 现代模具制造技术(Modern Manufacturing Technology for Mould and Die)
11.4 模具工作零件的加工工艺(Processing Technic of Working Parts in Mould and Die)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical Training)
第12章 模具装配工艺(Assembly Process of Mould and Die)
12.1 模具装配概述(Introduction to Mould and Die Assembly)
12.2 装配尺寸链(Dimension Chain in
Assembling Process)
12.3 模具间隙的控制方法 (Clearance
Controlling Methods for Mould and Die)
12.4 冲压、注射模具装配工艺(Assembly
Process of Mould and Die)
12.5 综合案例(Comprehensive Examples)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical
附录A 冲模零件常用材料及热处理要求
附录B 常用塑料的收缩率
附录C 塑料模具成型零件及其他工作零件常用材料及热处理要求
附录D 冲压模和塑料模专业术语中英文对照
附录E 金属材料性能符号的新旧标准
第1章 冲压工艺基础(Basic of Stamping Process)
1.1 模具概述(What's mould and die?)
1.2 冲压成形的特点与分类(Features
and Classification of Stamping)
1.3 板料的冲压成形性能(Stamping
Formability of Metal Sheet)
1.4 冲压常用的材料(Frequent Material
in Stamping)
1.5 冲压设备(Stamping Machine)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical Training)
第2章 冲裁工艺与冲裁模(Blanking Process and Blanking Die)
2.1 冲裁工艺设计基础(Basic of Blanking Process Design)
2.2 冲裁模典型结构(Typical Structure of Blanking Die)
2.3 排样设计(Black Layout Design)
2.4 冲裁工艺计算(Blanking Process
2.5 冲裁模零部件结构设(Parts Structure Design of Blanking Die)
2.6 综合案例(Comprehensive Case)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
第3章 弯曲工艺与弯曲模(Bending Process and Bending Die)
3.1 弯曲工艺及弯曲件工艺性(Bending Process and Processability of Bending Parts)
3.2 弯曲模典型结构(Typical Structure of Bending Die)
3.3 弯曲件的质量分析(Quality Analysis of Bending Part)
3.4 弯曲工艺计算(Bending Process
3.5 弯曲模具设计(Bending Die Design)
3.6 综合案例(Comprehensive Case)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical Training)
第4章 拉深工艺与拉深模(Drawing Process and Drawing Die)
4.1 拉深工艺与拉深件工艺性(Drawing
Process and Processability of Drawing Part)
4.2 拉深模典型结构(Typical Structure of Drawing Die)
4.3 拉深件的起皱与破裂(Wrinkling and
Fracture of Drawing Part)
4.4 拉深工艺计算(Drawing Process
4.5 拉深模具设计(Drawing Die Design)
4.6 综合案例(Comprehensive Case)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical
第5章 其他冲压成形工艺与模具设计
(Other Stamping Processes and Corresponding Die Design)
5.1 胀形(Bulging)
5.2 翻边(Flanging)
5.3 缩口(Necking)
5.4 综合案例(Comprehensive Case)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
第6章 冲模设计流程及eta/ DYNAFORM
有限元分析软件(Stamping Die Design Procedure and eta/DYNAFORM Finite Element
Analysis Software)
6.1 冲模设计内容及流程(Design Procedure of Stamping Die)
6.2 冲压成形分析软件eta/DYNAFORM
简介(Brief Introduction of eta/DYNAFORM Software for Forming Analysis in Stamping)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this
第2篇 塑料成型工艺与模具设计
第7章 塑料成型工艺基础(Basic of
Plastics Molding Process)
7.1 塑料的基本组成、分类与特性(Basic
Composition of Plastics)
7.2 塑料成型的方法及工艺特性(Methods
and Processability of Plastic Molding)
7.3 塑件的结构工艺性(Processability of
Plastic Parts Structure)
7.4 塑料成型设备(Plastic Molding
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical
第8章 注射成型工艺及注射模(Injection
Molding Process and Injection Mould)
8.1 注射成型工艺原理及工艺条件
(Injection Molding Principle and Process Condition)
8.2 注射模结构(Injection Mould
Structure )
8.3 分型面(Parting Surface)
8.4 浇注系统设计(Gating System Design)
8.5 成型零件设计(Molding Part Design)
8.6 侧向分型与抽芯机构(Side-parting and Core-pulling Mechanism)
8.7 推出机构设计(Ejecting Mechanism
8.8 合模导向机构(Guide Mechanism in
Mould Clamping)
8.9 温度调节系统设(Design of Temperature Regulating System)
8.10 塑料注射模模架(Injection Mould Bases for Plastics)
8.11 模具与注射机有关参数的校核(Checking Parameters of Mould and Injection Machine)
8.12 注射模设计流程及MoldFlow有限元分
析软件(Design Procedure of Injection
Mould and MoldFlow Finite Element Analysis Software)
8.13 综合案例(Comprehensive Examples)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical
第9章 其他塑料成型工艺及模具(Other
Plastic Molding Process and
Corresponding Mould)
9.1 压缩成型工艺与压缩模(Compression
Molding Process and Compression
9.2 压注成型工艺与压注模 (Pressure
Injection Molding and Pressure Injection Mould)
9.3 挤出成型工艺及模具(Extrusion
Molding Process and Mould)
9.4 中空吹塑成型(Hollow Blow Molding)
9.5 真空成型(Vacuum Molding)
9.6 压缩空气成型(Molding with Compressed Air)
9.7 泡沫塑料成型(Foam Plastic Molding)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
第3篇 模具制造技术
第10章 模具制造基础(Basic of Mould and Die Manufacturing)
10.1 模具制造特点(Feature of Mould and
Die Manufacturing)
10.2 模具制造工艺过程(Mould and Die
Manufacturing Process)
10.3 模具制造工艺规程制订的原则和步骤
(Principles and Steps of Process Scheduling for Mould and Die Manufacturing)
10.4 模具零件图的工艺分析(Part Processability Analysis of Mould and Die)
10.5 模具零件的毛坯选择(Blank Selection of Part in Mould and Die)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
第11章 模具成形表面的加工(Profile
Manufacturing of Mold and Die)
11.1 模具成形表面的机械加工(Profile
Machining of Mold and Die)
11.2 模具成形表面的特种加工(Non-traditional Manufacturing of Mould and Die Profile)
11.3 现代模具制造技术(Modern Manufacturing Technology for Mould and Die)
11.4 模具工作零件的加工工艺(Processing Technic of Working Parts in Mould and Die)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical Training)
第12章 模具装配工艺(Assembly Process of Mould and Die)
12.1 模具装配概述(Introduction to Mould and Die Assembly)
12.2 装配尺寸链(Dimension Chain in
Assembling Process)
12.3 模具间隙的控制方法 (Clearance
Controlling Methods for Mould and Die)
12.4 冲压、注射模具装配工艺(Assembly
Process of Mould and Die)
12.5 综合案例(Comprehensive Examples)
本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter)
综合实训(Comprehensive Practical
附录A 冲模零件常用材料及热处理要求
附录B 常用塑料的收缩率
附录C 塑料模具成型零件及其他工作零件常用材料及热处理要求
附录D 冲压模和塑料模专业术语中英文对照
附录E 金属材料性能符号的新旧标准
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