unit 1 pre-coursework evaluation
evaluating listening comprechension and note-taking skils
lecture 1: the process of lecure comprebension
note-taking feedback form
unit 2 look at lecture transcripts
comparing the language of lecturing to the language of writiting
recognizing cues
recognizing paraphrase,repetition,exemplifiaction,and tangential information
summarizing key differences between the language of lecturing and the language of writing
getting the main ideas using context and prediction
unit 3 note-taking basics
noting key words
using note-taking symbols and abbrevivations
visually pepresenting relationships and the relative importance of information
lecture2:women and work
eight dos and dont'ts for improving lecture comprechension and note-taking
unit 4 noting numbers and statistics
differentiating between numbers that sound similar
. noting years
noting large numbers in isolation
noting fractions and decimals
listening to and taking notes on lectures containing numbers and statistics
lecture3: american attitudes toward work
lecture4: milestones in technology
lecture5: immigration to the united states
unit 5 listening for organization in lectures
unit 6 lecture comprehension and note-taking practice
unit 7 post-coursework evaluation
appendix a lecture index by organizational plan
appendix b lecture index by subject matter
appendix c rewritten notes for lectures
appendix d 如何听英语讲座
unit 1 pre-coursework evaluation
evaluating listening comprechension and note-taking skils
lecture 1: the process of lecure comprebension
note-taking feedback form
unit 2 look at lecture transcripts
comparing the language of lecturing to the language of writiting
recognizing cues
recognizing paraphrase,repetition,exemplifiaction,and tangential information
summarizing key differences between the language of lecturing and the language of writing
getting the main ideas using context and prediction
unit 3 note-taking basics
noting key words
using note-taking symbols and abbrevivations
visually pepresenting relationships and the relative importance of information
lecture2:women and work
eight dos and dont'ts for improving lecture comprechension and note-taking
unit 4 noting numbers and statistics
differentiating between numbers that sound similar
. noting years
noting large numbers in isolation
noting fractions and decimals
listening to and taking notes on lectures containing numbers and statistics
lecture3: american attitudes toward work
lecture4: milestones in technology
lecture5: immigration to the united states
unit 5 listening for organization in lectures
unit 6 lecture comprehension and note-taking practice
unit 7 post-coursework evaluation
appendix a lecture index by organizational plan
appendix b lecture index by subject matter
appendix c rewritten notes for lectures
appendix d 如何听英语讲座
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