英文共同题名:Century business English


作   者:姜荷梅总主编;姜荷梅,陈振云主编





  编者在充分吸收了广大用户的反馈意见的前提下对第三版教材作了修改和完善,使内容更加精炼、实用,梯度更合理,以期达到更好的教学效果。本套教程根据商务英语教学的特点,将语言能力培养、文化背景知识和商务知识融于一体,选材注意新颖性、信息性、知识性、趣味性和实用性:听力技能与商务内容并重。   根据听说教学的特点和教学对象的实际英语水平,本版教材遵循下列原则修订:   1.本版教材仍然着重听力的基础技能训练,把功能意念与日常社交和商务场景结合起来,难度逐渐提高,信息量逐渐加大。   2.听力材料覆盖基本功能意念所涉及的内容,以及听力微技能训练的要求。   3.在培养学生听懂基本语言单位如语音、数字、句型等的基础上,逐步加强学生在语篇水平上的听力理解能力,提高学生的分析、归纳、综合和推断能力。   4.练习的题型丰富多样,其中包括大学英语四六级考试、BEC考试、托业考试和全国国际商务英语认证考试的题型,力求让学生得到多种形式的听力理解训练。   5.除保留和调整使用效果较好的内容外,在降低语言难度和缩短篇幅的前提下重新选材,并增加反映最新信息的内容。   本版教材具有如下特点:   1.实用:以具体的社交活动与商务场景为主线。突出语言交际功能,使学生既学到实用的语言技能。又掌握在商务环境中常用的句型和表达用语,达到学以致用的目的。   2.系统:通过各项听力微技能和综合技能的训练,培养学生在听懂基本语言信息的基础上,逐步提高对语篇的理解能力,进而发展对所听内容的分析、推理和归纳能力。   3.丰富:内容丰富,题材各异,主题贴近生活和常见商务场景,视角触及面广。   4.贴切:文化贴士,教语言不忘讲文化,与时俱进,旁征博引,点睛之笔,精彩纷呈。   5.新颖:练习形式活泼多样、语料时尚、新鲜有趣、图文并茂、富有现代气息,避免了传统的一成不变、单一乏味的缺憾。


Unit1 Interview
1.Apply Iistenign skills to understand posters and advertisements
2.Understand the main ideas and select specific information while listening.
3.Be familiar With important Points about interviews.
4.Carry out a simple interview.
Unit 2 Routines
1.Follow announcements broadcasting at the railway station and airport.
2.Identify major points.
3.Select specific information.
4.Practice the usage of frequency adverbs.
5.Talk about routine activities.
Unit 3 Reception
1.Apply listening skills to follow telephone conversation and take messages.
2.Identify major Points and important details while listening.
3.Be familiar with important points about receptions.
4.Carry out a Reception
Unit 4 Plans & Arrangements
1.Apply listening skills to follw memos and basic business letters.
2.Understand main ideas and dey words while listening.
3.Be Familiar With Important Points about Plans and arrangements.
4.Be able to make simple Plans and arrangements.
Unit 5 Describing a Process
1.Follow instructions (identify steps in a process).
2.Be able to give instructions.
3.Be able to talk about steps in a process.
Unit 6 Complaining
1.Apply listening skills to follow weather forecast.
2.Identify major points and details while listening.
3.Summarize the main idea.
4.Be familiar with important points about making a complaint.
5.Make complaints and respond to them.
Unit 7 Negotiating
1.Apply listening skills to follow different speeches,
2.Be able to summarize the main idea after listening.
3.Carry out a simple negotiation.
Unit 8 Etiquette
1.Apply listening skills to draw inferences while listening.
2.Get to know some cultural differences.
3.Be able to talk about some cultural differences.
Unit 9 Meetings
1.Apply listening skills to follow broadcasting news.
2.Draw inferences while listening.
3.Be familiar with important points about meetings.
4.Carry out a simple meeting.
Unit 10 Surveys
1.Apply listening skills to follow news items.
2.Detect implied meaning while listening.
3.Be familiar with important points about surveys.
4.Be able to carry out simple surveys.
Unit 11 Buying & Selling
1.Apply listening skills to follow news items.
2.Detect implied meaning while listening.
3.Understand important points about buying and selling.
4.Be able to act out simple situations about buying and selling.
Unit 12 Entertining
1.Learn to summarize news items.
2.Learn to take notes while listening.
3.Be able to talk about entertainment.
Unit 13 Success Stories
1.Learn to make an outline while listening.
2.Be able to do a compound dictation which includes a paragraph dictation.
3.Be able to talk about your own success experiences.
Unit 14 Presentations
1.Apply listening skills to identify the order of a presentation.
2.Be able to interpret charts and graphs.
3.Be able to describe charts and graphs.
4.Be able to make a presentation.
Unit 15 Future Trends
1.Be able to make a news summary.
2.Apply listening skills to complete an outline while listening.
3.Be able to talk about future trends.
Unit 16 Companies
1.Learn to predict while listening.
2.Take notes while listening.
3.Follow the description of company structures.
4.Talk about setting up your own business.



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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