The Finest Collection of English Humour


作   者:马洵,刘哲主编





本书根据国外出版的书刊精选英语幽默故事200余篇,每篇幽默故事均有精解注释和关键句的译文,是读者一目了然,更好地体会其中的乐趣和哲理。内容包括人生、工作、学习、社会和文化。这些幽默故事大多在英语国家广为流传,语言诙谐,寓意明确,易于理解,可以使每位读者增添生活的情趣和信心。 服务对象 英语爱好者


1. The Wrong Eye
2. To Lose Weight
3. A Peculiar Animal
4. No Argument
5. The Nearest
6. Self-defence
7. Correct
8. Thanks
9. Where Are You Going?
10. May I Look at the Book Again?
11. What Is a Traitor?
12. Mother and Father
13. Forgotten
14. Two Sons
15. The Thief
16. A Barking Wife
17. A Mysterious Letter
18. Henpecked Husbands
19. A Driver and a Policeman
20. It's His Fault
21. An Hour
22. A Useful Lesson
23. Fire
24. Visual Training
25. A Pupil
26. Jim's Shoes
27. Not Responsible
28. The Joke
29. Dumas
30. Home Tooke
31. A Note
32. You Are Paying for It
33. To Bear False Witness
34. How Could You Afford to Buy the Ticket?
35. A Job
36. Musical Ability
37. Picture and Word
38. The Bells
39. I Lost
40. Do You Know My Work?
41. The Same Questions
42. A Rope Round His Neck
43. The Governor
44. Two Cross-Eyed Men
45. Stupid Question
46. A New Captain
47. Are You Waiting for Autumn?
48. You Don't Have the Guts to Pull the Trigger
49. A Clever Thief
50. Your Neighbor Did
51. Don't Lie to Me!
52. My Grandpa Will Pay the Bill
53. The Person Who Lived Up to 145 Years
54. Where Do You Find a Lawyer?
55. Where Is My Other Shoe?
56. Making Loan
57. Doctor's Prescription
58. How to Celebrate Your Birthday?
59. It Depends
60. I Could Count on You!
61. A Clever Parrot
62. A Pair of Crocodile Shoes
63. Whose Fault Was It?
64. It's For the Funeral Tomorrow
65. The Daughter's Husband
66. Negative Words
67. A Pitty Lawyer
68. What a Coincidence!
69. Out They Go!
70. A Good Mother
71. Six Cups of Coffee
72. To Hire a Driver
73. The Formula for Water
74. Who Has the Worst Odor?
75. The Payment
76. Dieting and Investment
77. Where Should I Put the Napkins?
78. An Innocent Question
79. The Reason for Being Late
80. Homesick
81.Have You Ever Tried Mouthwash?
82. The Most Pity Man in the World
83. Marry Him
84. I'm the Papal Nuncio
85. Kill the Umpire
86. Who Broke the Dishes?
87. The Meaning of Dreams
88. How to Get His Attention?
89. Begging
90. A Bet
9i. Thank Goodness
92. Don't Blame Me
93. The Wager
94. Let It Walk
95. I Didn't Expect to Get the Necklace!
96. Frozen River
97. The Trouble-maker
98. The Poor Old Man
99. Looking for a Cashier
100. Waiting



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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