一 生活之趣Interest of Life
This Dog is Acting Badly这只狗在干坏事
Are Blind Pilots Flying?驾驶员是瞎子吗?
The Blind skydiver失明的跳伞员
How Many Sheep Do I Have?我有多少只羊?
Blonde Loses Weight金发女郎减肥
Touring Washington华盛顿观光
Blondes to the Sun金发女郎向太阳进发
You've Got Mail你有邮件
The Loss of Engines失去的引擎
Blonde State of Mind美女的心境
I Put Him There to Dry我把他放那儿晾干
What Should They Say他们该说什么
Letter from a Redneck Mother乡下母亲的信
Jet Fuel Alcoholics喝飞机燃料的酒鬼
Chicken Farmers Somewhere某地养鸡农民
Dealing with Horse Thieves对付马贼
Special Lip Gloss特别的口红
A Sack Full of Chickens一整袋子鸡
Airline Safety航班安全
Bring Riches with You把财富带在身上
Four Jokes四则笑话
Texas v. Australia德克萨斯和澳大利亚
Thankful He's Drunk幸亏醉了
Causes of Arthritis关节炎的病因
Cardinal Nicklaus红衣主教尼克拉斯
Golfing for Dollars有赌注的高尔夫比赛
Cat and the Rooster猫和公鸡
Never Talk to the Parrot千万别跟那只鹦鹉说话
Two Roaches' Discussion两只蟑螂讨论
Snail Buys a Fast New Car蜗牛买了一辆新高速车
A Rabbit Writing a Paper兔子写论文
Deaf Hood?聋?
Indian Predictions印第安人的预测
Crafty Old Bird老奸巨猾
Please Show the I.D请出示身份证
Very Stupid Robbers很傻的强盗
Brag about Fathers拿父亲吹牛
A Good Chess Player优秀的棋手
Pass out in Shock吃惊昏倒
Fish Cost a Fortune昂贵的鱼
What Goes up?什么在上升?
Crossing Ohio River跨越俄亥俄河
二 开心就好Great to Be Happy
“I'll tell him!”“我会告诉他的。”
Spot Seemed Depressed斯波特有点沮丧
What a Large Crowd一大群人
Most Damaging Food最有害的食物
What Neighbors Think?邻居们会怎么想?
A Nun and a Driver修女与司机
New Regulation新规定
Whire Wedding白色婚礼
Buying Fabric买布
A Blonde's Brain金发女郎的智慧
The Lost Lamb丢失的羊羔
Four Floors' Knocking四层的敲门声
Rednecks Want to Fight想打架的乡下人
A Pig Weighed称猪
By Any Other Name通过别名记忆
“Your horse called.”“你下注的那匹马打来了电话。”
Half a Year to Live半年的活头
Chief Was at a Wedding长官在出席婚礼
Coronary Surgery心脏病手术
Solomon's Wisdom所罗门的智慧
Six Months to Live六个月的活头
Dog and Mother-in-law狗和丈母娘
Slow Clock钟老是慢
A Prisoner with Skills有技能的犯人
Big Game Mishap遭遇猛兽
Someone Really Stinks有人真臭
Catching the Fish捉鱼
Get up起床
Decent Proposal得体的求婚
Take Care of the Baby照看孩子
The Date约会
Is It True?这是真的吗?
Husband Gets Double丈夫得到两倍
Bug Matter小虫风波
Role Reversal角色转换
Marriage Quotes(1)婚姻引语(1)
Short Jokes简短笑话
Marriage Quotes(2)婚姻引语(2)
Sweet Words甜言蜜语
Lunch Time午饭时间
50th Anniversary结婚五十周年纪念日
Clarinet instead of Piano单簧管取代钢琴
The Burglary入室偷窃
Farmer and Golden Pot农夫和金盆
Great Game of Golf伟大的高尔夫球运动
The Lonely Frog孤独的青蛙
The Three Bears三只熊
After the Physical查体之后
Brave Visit to the Dentist勇看牙医
Get Money to Heaven带钱去天堂
Steal from This Family偷这家
三 年轻的心Keep Youth in Mind
Visiting Police Station参观警察局
A Child in Need需要帮助的孩子
Go Slowly!慢行!
A Moron is a Moron笨蛋就是笨蛋
Three Pigs三只小猪新解
New Hearing Aid新式助听器
The Joke笑话
A Long Happy Life幸福长寿
Meet together Again重逢
An Old Friend一位老朋友
Oldster's Advice老人的建议
Deep Thoughts深刻思想
More Thoughts更多的思想
Friends through the Years多年的老友
Cats and Teenagers猫和十几岁孩子
What Just Happened Here这里刚发生的一切
President's Jigsaw Puzzle总统的拼图游戏
Why It's Great to Be a Guy当个小伙不错的理由
Stress Diet重压节食
Word game文字游戏
Humorous Facts事实也幽默
He is New to Baseball他玩棒球是新手
Helping Your father给爸爸帮忙
Cut Your Hair First先把你的头发剪了
The Blonde Test Taker赴考的金发女子
Episode in the Train火车上的小插曲
A Kiss on a Train火车上的吻
Civil Right公民权利
Pick a Starting Salary选择起始薪水
New Ticket新罚单技术
I Would Do Anything我什么都愿意做
In Class(1)课上(1)
Get a Beating有人要挨揍了
Funny Professor有趣的教授
In Class(2)课上(2)
Number 12 Goes to a Bar数字“12”进酒吧
High Military Ranks高等军衔
Physical Training Job体能训练任务
Requesting a Pass请假
The Unemployed Actor失业的演员
Purchasing a Turkey买火鸡
The Train Has Failed火车停止了运行
四 快乐驿站Terrific End
Garlic on Board大蒜专车
Obey the Speed Limit遵守限速规定
Outrageous Lying不可忍受的撒谎
Identify the Problem发现问题
Escape a DWI Rap逃脱酒后驾车的处罚
Free Advice免费建议
Free Haircuts免费理发
Trying to Be Impressive急欲表现
Lawyer's Club律师俱乐部
At a Lawyer's Office在律师办公室
Made a Donation?你捐赠了吗?
Where's My Rolex?我的劳力士哪儿去了?
Stella Awards(Fabricated)史特拉奖(纯属虚构)
The Stupid Lawyer愚蠢的律师
Good and Bad News(1)好消息和坏消息(1)
Fighting Mood好战状态
Good and Bad News(2)好消息和坏消息(2)
At the Doctor's在医生的诊所
Keep Closed封紧
His Military Etiquette他的军事礼仪
American Soldiers美国大兵
Candidates in the Air空中的候选人
Fishing on the Lake湖中垂钓
Genie Story精灵故事
Wisdom,Wealth or Beauty智慧、财富和美貌
A Sermon about Lying针对谎言的说教
Stop Being Late不再迟到
Disarming the Guard解除警卫武装
The Job Sucks工作黄了
Job Application工作申请表
Making a Bet at a Bar酒吧打赌
A Bet赌注
A Nun at the Local Bar修女进酒吧
Disorderly Conduct妨碍治安的行为
Qualifying for Heaven进天国的标准
Accountant in Heaven会计升入天堂
U.S. Story美国笑话
British Story英国笑话
Canadian Story加拿大笑话
German Story德国笑话
Australian Story澳大利亚笑话
Probe Surrendered探测仪投降
Incredible Events荒谬事件
Stupid Criminal犯罪傻事
An Investigation一项调查
Burglar in Trouble小偷遇麻烦了
Money for the Dead烧纸钱
Darwin Award达尔文奖
Darwin Award—Runner-up达尔文奖——亚军
一 生活之趣Interest of Life
This Dog is Acting Badly这只狗在干坏事
Are Blind Pilots Flying?驾驶员是瞎子吗?
The Blind skydiver失明的跳伞员
How Many Sheep Do I Have?我有多少只羊?
Blonde Loses Weight金发女郎减肥
Touring Washington华盛顿观光
Blondes to the Sun金发女郎向太阳进发
You've Got Mail你有邮件
The Loss of Engines失去的引擎
Blonde State of Mind美女的心境
I Put Him There to Dry我把他放那儿晾干
What Should They Say他们该说什么
Letter from a Redneck Mother乡下母亲的信
Jet Fuel Alcoholics喝飞机燃料的酒鬼
Chicken Farmers Somewhere某地养鸡农民
Dealing with Horse Thieves对付马贼
Special Lip Gloss特别的口红
A Sack Full of Chickens一整袋子鸡
Airline Safety航班安全
Bring Riches with You把财富带在身上
Four Jokes四则笑话
Texas v. Australia德克萨斯和澳大利亚
Thankful He's Drunk幸亏醉了
Causes of Arthritis关节炎的病因
Cardinal Nicklaus红衣主教尼克拉斯
Golfing for Dollars有赌注的高尔夫比赛
Cat and the Rooster猫和公鸡
Never Talk to the Parrot千万别跟那只鹦鹉说话
Two Roaches' Discussion两只蟑螂讨论
Snail Buys a Fast New Car蜗牛买了一辆新高速车
A Rabbit Writing a Paper兔子写论文
Deaf Hood?聋?
Indian Predictions印第安人的预测
Crafty Old Bird老奸巨猾
Please Show the I.D请出示身份证
Very Stupid Robbers很傻的强盗
Brag about Fathers拿父亲吹牛
A Good Chess Player优秀的棋手
Pass out in Shock吃惊昏倒
Fish Cost a Fortune昂贵的鱼
What Goes up?什么在上升?
Crossing Ohio River跨越俄亥俄河
二 开心就好Great to Be Happy
“I'll tell him!”“我会告诉他的。”
Spot Seemed Depressed斯波特有点沮丧
What a Large Crowd一大群人
Most Damaging Food最有害的食物
What Neighbors Think?邻居们会怎么想?
A Nun and a Driver修女与司机
New Regulation新规定
Whire Wedding白色婚礼
Buying Fabric买布
A Blonde's Brain金发女郎的智慧
The Lost Lamb丢失的羊羔
Four Floors' Knocking四层的敲门声
Rednecks Want to Fight想打架的乡下人
A Pig Weighed称猪
By Any Other Name通过别名记忆
“Your horse called.”“你下注的那匹马打来了电话。”
Half a Year to Live半年的活头
Chief Was at a Wedding长官在出席婚礼
Coronary Surgery心脏病手术
Solomon's Wisdom所罗门的智慧
Six Months to Live六个月的活头
Dog and Mother-in-law狗和丈母娘
Slow Clock钟老是慢
A Prisoner with Skills有技能的犯人
Big Game Mishap遭遇猛兽
Someone Really Stinks有人真臭
Catching the Fish捉鱼
Get up起床
Decent Proposal得体的求婚
Take Care of the Baby照看孩子
The Date约会
Is It True?这是真的吗?
Husband Gets Double丈夫得到两倍
Bug Matter小虫风波
Role Reversal角色转换
Marriage Quotes(1)婚姻引语(1)
Short Jokes简短笑话
Marriage Quotes(2)婚姻引语(2)
Sweet Words甜言蜜语
Lunch Time午饭时间
50th Anniversary结婚五十周年纪念日
Clarinet instead of Piano单簧管取代钢琴
The Burglary入室偷窃
Farmer and Golden Pot农夫和金盆
Great Game of Golf伟大的高尔夫球运动
The Lonely Frog孤独的青蛙
The Three Bears三只熊
After the Physical查体之后
Brave Visit to the Dentist勇看牙医
Get Money to Heaven带钱去天堂
Steal from This Family偷这家
三 年轻的心Keep Youth in Mind
Visiting Police Station参观警察局
A Child in Need需要帮助的孩子
Go Slowly!慢行!
A Moron is a Moron笨蛋就是笨蛋
Three Pigs三只小猪新解
New Hearing Aid新式助听器
The Joke笑话
A Long Happy Life幸福长寿
Meet together Again重逢
An Old Friend一位老朋友
Oldster's Advice老人的建议
Deep Thoughts深刻思想
More Thoughts更多的思想
Friends through the Years多年的老友
Cats and Teenagers猫和十几岁孩子
What Just Happened Here这里刚发生的一切
President's Jigsaw Puzzle总统的拼图游戏
Why It's Great to Be a Guy当个小伙不错的理由
Stress Diet重压节食
Word game文字游戏
Humorous Facts事实也幽默
He is New to Baseball他玩棒球是新手
Helping Your father给爸爸帮忙
Cut Your Hair First先把你的头发剪了
The Blonde Test Taker赴考的金发女子
Episode in the Train火车上的小插曲
A Kiss on a Train火车上的吻
Civil Right公民权利
Pick a Starting Salary选择起始薪水
New Ticket新罚单技术
I Would Do Anything我什么都愿意做
In Class(1)课上(1)
Get a Beating有人要挨揍了
Funny Professor有趣的教授
In Class(2)课上(2)
Number 12 Goes to a Bar数字“12”进酒吧
High Military Ranks高等军衔
Physical Training Job体能训练任务
Requesting a Pass请假
The Unemployed Actor失业的演员
Purchasing a Turkey买火鸡
The Train Has Failed火车停止了运行
四 快乐驿站Terrific End
Garlic on Board大蒜专车
Obey the Speed Limit遵守限速规定
Outrageous Lying不可忍受的撒谎
Identify the Problem发现问题
Escape a DWI Rap逃脱酒后驾车的处罚
Free Advice免费建议
Free Haircuts免费理发
Trying to Be Impressive急欲表现
Lawyer's Club律师俱乐部
At a Lawyer's Office在律师办公室
Made a Donation?你捐赠了吗?
Where's My Rolex?我的劳力士哪儿去了?
Stella Awards(Fabricated)史特拉奖(纯属虚构)
The Stupid Lawyer愚蠢的律师
Good and Bad News(1)好消息和坏消息(1)
Fighting Mood好战状态
Good and Bad News(2)好消息和坏消息(2)
At the Doctor's在医生的诊所
Keep Closed封紧
His Military Etiquette他的军事礼仪
American Soldiers美国大兵
Candidates in the Air空中的候选人
Fishing on the Lake湖中垂钓
Genie Story精灵故事
Wisdom,Wealth or Beauty智慧、财富和美貌
A Sermon about Lying针对谎言的说教
Stop Being Late不再迟到
Disarming the Guard解除警卫武装
The Job Sucks工作黄了
Job Application工作申请表
Making a Bet at a Bar酒吧打赌
A Bet赌注
A Nun at the Local Bar修女进酒吧
Disorderly Conduct妨碍治安的行为
Qualifying for Heaven进天国的标准
Accountant in Heaven会计升入天堂
U.S. Story美国笑话
British Story英国笑话
Canadian Story加拿大笑话
German Story德国笑话
Australian Story澳大利亚笑话
Probe Surrendered探测仪投降
Incredible Events荒谬事件
Stupid Criminal犯罪傻事
An Investigation一项调查
Burglar in Trouble小偷遇麻烦了
Money for the Dead烧纸钱
Darwin Award达尔文奖
Darwin Award—Runner-up达尔文奖——亚军
Laughing all the way
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- 大小
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