Contemporary business English: listening workshop.2


作   者:李荣庆,李全福主编





《现代商务英语听力教程》(下)是高等职业教育商务英语专业高年级学生的主干课程教材。本教材内容涵盖工商领域产、供、销和对外贸易的各个环节。各单元由对话、选择、填空、听写、判断和理解等多种听力练习组成。 教材各练习环节均按以学生为中心的教学模式而设。比如每单元听力练习均设不同朗读速度,并以/VIP3格式录制,方便学生自主进行听力练习。 本系列教材重视整体构建,另编有《现代商务英语综合教程》、《现代商务英语口语教程》。这些教材各单元的主题与《现代商务英语听力教程》基本一致,形成呼应关系,数种教材同时使用,可以产生课程间教学合力,为迄今比较先进的教材组合设计。本教材附带教师教学用PPT演示文稿,其中收入每单元练习题目的答案,方便教师使用。


Unit One The Theory oflnternational Trade
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Urut Two World Trade Organization
Section One: Listen and rarm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit Three Marketing ..
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit Four Marketing Mix
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and FiLl in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit Five Promotion Activities
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit Six Brand Strategy
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit Seven Business and Managerial Ethics
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit Eight Women in Business
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and FiLl ir; Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit Nine TheStocks
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit t Ten Business Recession
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen arrd Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit Eleven Free Trade and Protectiorusm
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: IAsten and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand

Unit Twelve Intellectual Property Rights
Section One: Listen and Warm up
Section Two: Listen and Make Choices
Section Three: Listen and Fill in Blanks
Section Four: Listen and Dictate
Section Five: Listen and Make Judgments
Section Six: Listen and Understand



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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