The fight against money laundering:A comparative perspective:比较法的视角
作 者:何萍著
In February 2001 I was luckily selected by the Chairman of CHERC (ChinaHolland Education and Research Centre), Prof. Willem Lammerts van Bueren, to have the chance to be included in a two-month Master Class in Erasmus University Rotterdam in July-August 2001. During the two months, I attended all the wonderful lectures organized by CHERC and showed great interest in the research topic with regard to money laundering. Under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Hans de Doelder, the then dean of the law faculty, and Dr. Vincent Mul, an expert in the field of anti-money laundering, I embarked on a preliminary research work. With the approval from Prof. De Doelder of my proposal, I was encouraged to pursue a further research. Therefore, conducting Ph. D. research abroad, a long-cherished dream turned out to be a reality for me in the beginning of the New Millennium...
chpapter 1 general remarks on money laundering
1.1 introduction
1.2 the emergence and status quo of money laundering
1.3 the definition of money laundering
1.4 the characterisics of money laundering
1.5 the singnificance of preventing and fighting against money laundering
1.6 conclusions
chapter 2 global responses to money laundering
2.1 introdction
2.2 the basel committee statement
2.3 united nations convention against illicit traffic in narcotic durgs and psychotropic subsatnces
2.4 united nations convention against transnational oragnized crime
2.5 the financial action task force
2.6 interpol
2.7 conclusion
chapter 3 western european responses to money laundering
3.1 introduction..
3.2 the council of europe recommendation
3.3 the council of europe convention on laundering,search,seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime
.3.4 conucil directive of 10 june 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering
3.5 directive 2001/97/ec of the european parliament and of the council,amending council directive 91/308/eec on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering
3.6 europol
3.7 eurojust
3.8 conclusions
chapter 4 chinese criminal law concerning money laundering
4.1 introduction
4.2 evolution of the criminal law
4.3 the elements of money laundering crime by criminal law
4.4 the relationship between money laundering and relevant offences
4.5 the punishment for money laundering crime
4.6 conclusions
chapter 5 the chinese financial institution campaign against money laundering
5.1 introduction
5.2 background
5.3 major contents
5.4 conclusions
chapter 6 the current situation of money laundering crime in china
6.1 introduction
6.2 predicate offences
6.3 other factors conducive to money laundering crime
6.4 the judicial situation of money laundering crime: few has been prosecuted yet
6.5 the endeavors to be made to investigate money laundering crime
6.6 conclusions
chapter 7 comparison of anti-money laundering system between the eu and china
7.1 introduction
7.2 criminal measures
7.3 preventive measures
7.4 conclusions
chapter 8 several special issues
8.1 banking secrecy and money laundering
8.2 lawyers, notaries, accountants and money laundering
8.3 high technology and money laundering--a new trend in money laundering: from the real world to cyherspace
chapter 9 summary and conclusions
9.1 the issue of money laundering
9.2 common efforts in the world
9.3 china's anti-money laundering efforts and the gaps between the eu and china
9.4 banking secrecy, professional privilege and high technology
9.5 final remarks
appendix 1 《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(六)》对洗钱罪的修改
appendix 2 rules for anti-money laundering by financial institutions
appendix 3 administrative rules for the reporting of large-value and suspicious rmb payment transactions
appendix 4 administrative rules for the reporting by financial institutions of large-value and suspicious foreign exchange transactions
appendix 5 the forty recommendations (2003)
appendix 6 council directive on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering (2001)
chpapter 1 general remarks on money laundering
1.1 introduction
1.2 the emergence and status quo of money laundering
1.3 the definition of money laundering
1.4 the characterisics of money laundering
1.5 the singnificance of preventing and fighting against money laundering
1.6 conclusions
chapter 2 global responses to money laundering
2.1 introdction
2.2 the basel committee statement
2.3 united nations convention against illicit traffic in narcotic durgs and psychotropic subsatnces
2.4 united nations convention against transnational oragnized crime
2.5 the financial action task force
2.6 interpol
2.7 conclusion
chapter 3 western european responses to money laundering
3.1 introduction..
3.2 the council of europe recommendation
3.3 the council of europe convention on laundering,search,seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime
.3.4 conucil directive of 10 june 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering
3.5 directive 2001/97/ec of the european parliament and of the council,amending council directive 91/308/eec on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering
3.6 europol
3.7 eurojust
3.8 conclusions
chapter 4 chinese criminal law concerning money laundering
4.1 introduction
4.2 evolution of the criminal law
4.3 the elements of money laundering crime by criminal law
4.4 the relationship between money laundering and relevant offences
4.5 the punishment for money laundering crime
4.6 conclusions
chapter 5 the chinese financial institution campaign against money laundering
5.1 introduction
5.2 background
5.3 major contents
5.4 conclusions
chapter 6 the current situation of money laundering crime in china
6.1 introduction
6.2 predicate offences
6.3 other factors conducive to money laundering crime
6.4 the judicial situation of money laundering crime: few has been prosecuted yet
6.5 the endeavors to be made to investigate money laundering crime
6.6 conclusions
chapter 7 comparison of anti-money laundering system between the eu and china
7.1 introduction
7.2 criminal measures
7.3 preventive measures
7.4 conclusions
chapter 8 several special issues
8.1 banking secrecy and money laundering
8.2 lawyers, notaries, accountants and money laundering
8.3 high technology and money laundering--a new trend in money laundering: from the real world to cyherspace
chapter 9 summary and conclusions
9.1 the issue of money laundering
9.2 common efforts in the world
9.3 china's anti-money laundering efforts and the gaps between the eu and china
9.4 banking secrecy, professional privilege and high technology
9.5 final remarks
appendix 1 《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(六)》对洗钱罪的修改
appendix 2 rules for anti-money laundering by financial institutions
appendix 3 administrative rules for the reporting of large-value and suspicious rmb payment transactions
appendix 4 administrative rules for the reporting by financial institutions of large-value and suspicious foreign exchange transactions
appendix 5 the forty recommendations (2003)
appendix 6 council directive on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering (2001)
The fight against money laundering:A comparative perspective:比较法的视角
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