part one
unit1 meeting new friends
unit2 when shall we meet?
unit3 your family
unit4 do some shopping
unit5 job interview
unit6 seeing a doctor
unit7 tell me about your new house
unit8 likes and dislikes
unit9 oral practice
unit10 sports
unit11 entertainment
unit12 i dont's know how to do
unit13 at school
unit14 holidays
unit15 your opinions,please
unit16 telephone
unit17 make a complaint
unit18 oral practice
part two
.unit1 talking with a foreign friend
unit2 on the airplane
unit3 going to the dentist
unit4 fingding housing
unit5 environment
unit6 family and love
unit7 steps to success
unit8 at the beauty salon
unit9 jobs and professions
unit10 wedding
unit11 thanksgiving day
unit12 something about america
unit13 transportaion
unit14 how to keep fit
unit15 typical english dialogues
unit16 skill work
unit17 role play interview questions
unit1 meeting new friends
unit2 when shall we meet?
unit3 your family
unit4 do some shopping
unit5 job interview
unit6 seeing a doctor
unit7 tell me about your new house
unit8 likes and dislikes
unit9 oral practice
unit10 sports
unit11 entertainment
unit12 i dont's know how to do
unit13 at school
unit14 holidays
unit15 your opinions,please
unit16 telephone
unit17 make a complaint
unit18 oral practice
part two
.unit1 talking with a foreign friend
unit2 on the airplane
unit3 going to the dentist
unit4 fingding housing
unit5 environment
unit6 family and love
unit7 steps to success
unit8 at the beauty salon
unit9 jobs and professions
unit10 wedding
unit11 thanksgiving day
unit12 something about america
unit13 transportaion
unit14 how to keep fit
unit15 typical english dialogues
unit16 skill work
unit17 role play interview questions
Speaking this Way.3
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