《校园英语口语倒背如流》集中展现了校园英语口语中一些巧妙达意的地道用法,以Words and Phrases(闪亮词语)、Useful Sentences(七彩精句)、Fashion Conversations(鲜活会话)和Rattling Off(倒背如流)4个版块穿插各个单元,展现集体生活、校园情感、娱乐生活、毕业及异国学习相关知识,校园场景面面俱到,便于读者查询及学习。
Chapter 1 集体生活
1 Arrival入学
2 Introduction介绍
3 Greetings问候
4 In the Classroom在课堂上
5 Attending a Lecture听讲座
6 Problems in Study学习中的问题
7 Assignments家庭作业
8 Examinations考试
9 Reading阅读
10 In the Library在图书馆
11 In the Dormitory在宿舍
12 At the Dining Room在餐厅
13 Telephone Call打电话
14 In the English Corner在英语角
15 Joining a Club社团活动
Chapter 2 校园情感
16 Request请求
17 Advice建议
18 Compliments赞美
19 Apologies道歉
20 Thanks致谢
21 Complaining抱怨
22 Congratulations祝贺
23 Wishes祝愿
24 Encouragement鼓励
25 Sympathy and Consolation同情与安慰
26 Invitation邀请
27 Agreement and Disagreement同意和不同意
28 Likes and Dislikes喜欢和不喜欢
29 Help帮助
30 Saying Goodbye道别
Chapter 3 娱乐生活
31 Sports运动
32 Shopping购物
33 At the Bank在银行
34 At the Post Office在邮局
35 Surfing the Internet网上冲浪
36 Television and Movies电视和电影
37 Parties聚会
38 At the Barber's在理发店
39 Seeing a Doctor看医生
40 Hobbies爱好
41 Music音乐
42 Travelling旅游
43 Outing and Picnic郊游和野炊
44 Transportation交通工具
45 Love Season恋爱时节
Chapter 4 毕业
46 Term Paper学期论文
47 Advanced Study进修考研
48 Job Hunting找工作
49 Study Abroad 出国留学
50 Dance Party 毕业舞会
51 Graduation 毕业
Chapter 5 异国学习 Studying Abroad
52 Applying for Admission to a University 申请入学
53 Choosing Course and Registration 选课注册
54 Academic Study 专业学习
55Dealing with Examinations 应对考试
56 Visiting a Teacher 拜访导师
Chapter 1 集体生活
1 Arrival入学
2 Introduction介绍
3 Greetings问候
4 In the Classroom在课堂上
5 Attending a Lecture听讲座
6 Problems in Study学习中的问题
7 Assignments家庭作业
8 Examinations考试
9 Reading阅读
10 In the Library在图书馆
11 In the Dormitory在宿舍
12 At the Dining Room在餐厅
13 Telephone Call打电话
14 In the English Corner在英语角
15 Joining a Club社团活动
Chapter 2 校园情感
16 Request请求
17 Advice建议
18 Compliments赞美
19 Apologies道歉
20 Thanks致谢
21 Complaining抱怨
22 Congratulations祝贺
23 Wishes祝愿
24 Encouragement鼓励
25 Sympathy and Consolation同情与安慰
26 Invitation邀请
27 Agreement and Disagreement同意和不同意
28 Likes and Dislikes喜欢和不喜欢
29 Help帮助
30 Saying Goodbye道别
Chapter 3 娱乐生活
31 Sports运动
32 Shopping购物
33 At the Bank在银行
34 At the Post Office在邮局
35 Surfing the Internet网上冲浪
36 Television and Movies电视和电影
37 Parties聚会
38 At the Barber's在理发店
39 Seeing a Doctor看医生
40 Hobbies爱好
41 Music音乐
42 Travelling旅游
43 Outing and Picnic郊游和野炊
44 Transportation交通工具
45 Love Season恋爱时节
Chapter 4 毕业
46 Term Paper学期论文
47 Advanced Study进修考研
48 Job Hunting找工作
49 Study Abroad 出国留学
50 Dance Party 毕业舞会
51 Graduation 毕业
Chapter 5 异国学习 Studying Abroad
52 Applying for Admission to a University 申请入学
53 Choosing Course and Registration 选课注册
54 Academic Study 专业学习
55Dealing with Examinations 应对考试
56 Visiting a Teacher 拜访导师
Collection of oral English rattling off
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