

作   者:孙若莹,赵刚 著





  多主体的研究与应用是近年来备受关注的热点领 域,多主体强化学习理论与方法、多主体协作策略的 研究是该领域重要研究方向,其理论和应用价值极为 广泛,备受广大从事计算机应用、人工智能、自动控 制、以及经济管理等领域研究者的关注。孙若莹、赵 刚所著的《多主体强化学习协作策略研究》清晰地介 绍了多主体、强化学习及多主体协作等基本概念和基 础内容,明确地阐述了有关多主体强化学习、协作策 略研究的发展过程及最新动向,深入地探讨了多主体 强化学习与协作策略的理论与方法,具体地分析了多 主体强化学习与协作策略在相关研究领域的应用方法 。 全书系统脉络清晰、基本概念清楚、图表分析直 观,注重内容的体系化和实用性。通过本书的阅读和 学习,读者即可掌握多主体强化学习及协作策略的理 论和方法,更可了解在实际工作中应用这些研究成果 的手段。本书可作为从事计算机应用、人工智能、自 动控制、以及经济管理等领域研究者的学习和阅读参 考,同时高等院校相关专业研究生以及人工智能爱好 者也可从中获得借鉴。


Chapter 1  Introduction1.1  Reinforcement Learning1.1.1  Generality of Reinforcement Learning1.1.2  Reinforcement Learning on Markov Decision Processes1.1.3  Integrating Reinforcement Learning into Agent Architecture1.2  Multiagent Reinforcement Learning1.2.1  Multiagent Systems1.2.2  Reinforcement Learning in Multiagent Systems1.2.3  Learning and Coordination in Multiagent Systems1.3  Ant System for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization1.3.1  Ants Forage Behavior1.3.2  Ant Colony Optimization1.3.3  MAX-MIN Ant System1.4  Motivations and Consequences1.5  Book SummaryBibliographyChapter 2  Reinforcement Learning and Its Combination with Ant Colony System2.1  Introduction2.2  Investigation into Reinforcement Learning and Swarm Intelligence2.2.1  Temporal Differences Learning Method2.2.2  Active Exploration and Experience Replay in Reinforcement Learning2.2.3  Ant Colony System for Traveling Salesman Problem2.3  The Q-ACS Multiagent Learning Method2.3.1  The Q-ACS Learning Algorithm2.3.2  Some Properties of the Q-ACS Learning Method2.3.3  Relation with Ant-Q Learning Method2.4  Simulations and Results2.5  ConclusionsBibliographyChapter 3  Multiagent Learning Methods Based on Indirect Media Information Sharing3.1  Introduction3.2  The Multiagent Learning Method Considering Statistics Features3.2.1  Accelerated K-certainty Exploration3.2.2  The T-ACS Learning Algorithm3.3  The Heterogeneous Agents Learning3.3.1  The D-ACS Learning Algorithm3.3.2  Some Discussions about the D-ACS Learning Algorithm3.4  Comparisons with Related State-of-the-arts3.5  Simulations and Results3.5.1  Experimental Results on Hunter Game3.5.2  Experimental Results on Traveling Salesman Problem3.6  ConclusionsBibliographyChapter 4  Action Conversion Mechanism in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning4.1  Introduction4.2  Model-Based Reinforcement Learning4.2.1  Dyna-Q Architecture4.2.2  Prioritized Sweeping Method4.2.3  Minimax Search and Reinforcement Learning4.2.4  RTP-Q Learning4.3  The Q-ac Multiagent Reinforcement Learning4.3.1  Task Model4.3.2  Converting Action4.3.3  Multiagent Cooperation Methods4.3.4  Q-value Update4.3.5  The Q-ac Learning Algorithm4.3.6  Using Adversarial Action Instead o{ ~ Probability Exploration4.4  Simulations and Results4.5  ConclusionsBibliographyChapter 5  Multiagent Learning Approaches Applied to Vehicle Routing Problems5.1  Introduction5.2  Related State-of-the-arts5.2.1  Some Heuristic Algorithms5.2.2  The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows5.3  The Multiagent Learning Applied to CVRP and VRPTW5.4  Simulations and Results5.5  ConclusionsBibliographyChapter 6  Multiagent learning Methods Applied to Multicast Routing Problems6.1  Introduction6.2  Multiagent Q-learning Applied to the Network Routing6.2.1  Investigation into Q-routing6.2.2  AntNet Investigation6.3  Some Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks6.4  The Multiagent Q-learning in the Q-MAP Multicast Routing Method6.4.1  Overview of the Q-MAP Multicast Routing6.4.2  Join Query Packet, Join Reply Packet and Membership Maintenance6.4.3  Convergence Proof of Q-MAP Method6.5  Simulations and Results6.6  ConclusionsBibliographyChapter 7  Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Supply Chain Management7.1  Introduction7.2  Related Issues of Supply Chain Management7.3  SCM Network Scheme with Multiagent Reinforcement Learning7.3.1  SCM with Multiagent7.3.2  The RL Agents in SCM Network7.4  Application of the Q-ACS Method to SCM7.4.1  The Application Model in SCM7.4.2  The Q-ACS Learning Applied to the SCM System7.5  ConclusionBibliographyChapter 8  Multiagent Learning Applied in Supply Chain Ordering Management8.1  Introduction8.2  Supply Chain Management Model8.3  The Multiagent Learning Model for SC Ordering Management8.4  Simulations and Results8.5  ConclusionsBibliography



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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