《高校英语选修课系列教材:英文影视赏析》内容包括对八部优秀英文原版影片的学习和欣赏,以及相应文化背景知识的介绍,每单元分为两部分:Part A围绕影片精心设计了表式丰富的练习和课后研究任务,集视听说、读写译、抵人赏于一体,全方位训练学生的巨语技能;Part B则是一篇关于电影知识的专题介绍,能更好地帮助学生扩大知识面,提高影响视欣赏能力。书后附有习题答案,听力原文和口语表达法汇总释义,便于检验或自学。《高校英语选修课系列教材:英文影视赏析》听畴练习所需的全部视频材料,读者可以登录http://epstan.zsu.deu.cn,免费下载。
unit one rebecca
part a movie appreciation
part b hitchcock
unit two singin' in the rain
part a movie appreciation
part b the history of movie
unit three forrest gump
part a movie appreciation
part b oscar awards
unit four the legend of 1900
part a movie appreciation
part b walk of fame
unit five the truman show
part a movie appreciation
part b studios
unit six shrek
part a movie appreciation
part b disney
unit seven a.i.:artificial intelligence
part a movie appreciation
.part b film genres
unit eight the lord of the rings -- the return of the king
part a movie appreciation
part b film festivals
appendix i expressions
appendix ii key to listening drills
appendix iii transcript of listening drills
part a movie appreciation
part b hitchcock
unit two singin' in the rain
part a movie appreciation
part b the history of movie
unit three forrest gump
part a movie appreciation
part b oscar awards
unit four the legend of 1900
part a movie appreciation
part b walk of fame
unit five the truman show
part a movie appreciation
part b studios
unit six shrek
part a movie appreciation
part b disney
unit seven a.i.:artificial intelligence
part a movie appreciation
.part b film genres
unit eight the lord of the rings -- the return of the king
part a movie appreciation
part b film festivals
appendix i expressions
appendix ii key to listening drills
appendix iii transcript of listening drills
English from the Silver Screen
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