“清华少儿英语科学馆”系列是从国外引进的针对学龄儿童的科普类英语读物,是国内首套以单句图解来辅助英语学习的产品。它由美国儿童教育专家编写,资深英语教师审读,适合学龄儿童课外独立阅读。 它的内容设置符合我国促进中小学生语言能力与科学知识同步发展的教育理念。以9岁以上儿童最想了解的趣味百科为阅读内容,以英语以主要阅读文字,以中文为辅助学习工具,能切实激发他们的阅读兴趣,扩大其知识面,并对各科目的学习都有辅助作用。 《自然科学(上、下)》是该系列的第3辑,全书内容按百科问题的难度划分为6级,每级由4个百科测试组成,每个测试都包括百科提问、科学解答、词句讲解、发音指导、朗读练习和课后习题6个环节,各环节有机结合,帮助小读者从自然拼读阶段顺利过渡到独立阅读阶段。 自然科学问题包括:音乐有助于植物生长吗?为什么盐能融化冰?为什么铅笔在水杯里看起来是弯曲的?等等。
Quiz 01 How can you tell the age of a tree? (你怎么知道一棵树几岁了呢?)
Quiz 02 Why does a pencil look bent in a glass of water?(为什么铅笔在水杯里看起来是弯曲的?)
Quiz 03 Can music help a plant grow better?(音乐有助于植物生长吗?)
Quiz 04 Why is the ozone layer helpful?(臭氧层为什么有用?)
Words Review 1(单词回顾1)
Quiz 05 Why did dinosaurs become extinct?(恐龙为什么会灭绝?)
Quiz 06 Why do we use red to indicate “stop” in traffic lights? (交通灯为什么用红色来表示“停”?)
Quiz 07 Why does salt melt ice? (为什么盐能融化冰?)
Quiz 08 Why are some bacteria good for you? (为什么有些细菌对你是有益的?)
Words Review 2 (单词回顾2)
Quiz 09 Is the inside of the Earth soft or hard?
Quiz 10 How much of the Earth’s surface is covered by water?
Quiz 11 Where does oil come from?
Quiz 12 What do plants breathe?
Words Review 3
Quiz 13 Why are tires black?
Quiz 14 What ingredients in chocolate are harmful to dogs?
Quiz 15 Which freezes quicker, hot water or cold water?
Quiz 16 Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?
Words Review 4
Quiz 17 When we cook chicken, what should we use to make it softer?
Quiz 18 Why do flies touch their front legs again and again?
Quiz 19 Why is the Earth round?
Quiz 20 Why is the sky blue?
Words Review 5
Quiz 21 What happens when you put an egg in vinegar?
Quiz 22 What should you do if you get oil on your clothes?
Quiz 23 How many pieces were the continents 400 million years ago?
Quiz 24 Where do vegetable oil come from?
Words Review 6
Quiz 01 How can you tell the age of a tree? (你怎么知道一棵树几岁了呢?)
Quiz 02 Why does a pencil look bent in a glass of water?(为什么铅笔在水杯里看起来是弯曲的?)
Quiz 03 Can music help a plant grow better?(音乐有助于植物生长吗?)
Quiz 04 Why is the ozone layer helpful?(臭氧层为什么有用?)
Words Review 1(单词回顾1)
Quiz 05 Why did dinosaurs become extinct?(恐龙为什么会灭绝?)
Quiz 06 Why do we use red to indicate “stop” in traffic lights? (交通灯为什么用红色来表示“停”?)
Quiz 07 Why does salt melt ice? (为什么盐能融化冰?)
Quiz 08 Why are some bacteria good for you? (为什么有些细菌对你是有益的?)
Words Review 2 (单词回顾2)
Quiz 09 Is the inside of the Earth soft or hard?
Quiz 10 How much of the Earth’s surface is covered by water?
Quiz 11 Where does oil come from?
Quiz 12 What do plants breathe?
Words Review 3
Quiz 13 Why are tires black?
Quiz 14 What ingredients in chocolate are harmful to dogs?
Quiz 15 Which freezes quicker, hot water or cold water?
Quiz 16 Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?
Words Review 4
Quiz 17 When we cook chicken, what should we use to make it softer?
Quiz 18 Why do flies touch their front legs again and again?
Quiz 19 Why is the Earth round?
Quiz 20 Why is the sky blue?
Words Review 5
Quiz 21 What happens when you put an egg in vinegar?
Quiz 22 What should you do if you get oil on your clothes?
Quiz 23 How many pieces were the continents 400 million years ago?
Quiz 24 Where do vegetable oil come from?
Words Review 6
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