Gems of Krylov’s fables
小箱子/a little box . 1
帕尔纳索斯山/parnassus 3
黄雀和刺猬/bullfinch and hedgehog 5
狼和小羊/wolf and lamb 7
驴子/the ass 9
金卢布/a gold piece 11
青蛙们想要一个国王/the frogs ask for a king 13
狮子和豹子/lion and leopard 16
兽类的瘟疫/the plague of the beasts 17
一只桶/a cask 20
小溪/the brook 21
蜻蜓和蚂蚁/gadfly and ant 23
梭子鱼和猫儿/pike and cat 25
小乌鸦/the raven chick 27
富翁和鞋匠/rich man and cobbler 29
不幸的农夫/the peasant in distress 33
猴子/monkey 35
猫和厨子/cat and cook 37
悔过的狐狸/the penitent fox 39
鹅/geese 41
.鹰和蜘蛛/eagle and spider 43
鹰和鼹鼠/eagle and mole 45
四重奏/a quartette 47
狼和狐狸/wolf and fox 49
山姆的外套/sammy's coat 50
隐士和熊/hermit and bear 51
参观者/the sightseer 53
农民和河/the peasants and the river 54
仁慈的狐狸/the kind fox 55
野兽会议/beasts in council 57
照莺和鸽子/bullfinch and pigeon 58
石头和小虫子/stone and worm 59
乌鸦和狐狸/crow and fox 60
挑剔的老姑娘/the dainty spinster 61
路人和猎狗/wayfarers and hounds 63
野兔打猎/the hare a-hunting 64
驴子和夜莺/ass and nightingale 65
狼和它的孩子/wolf and his cub 66
花/the flowers 68
马和骑师/horse and rider 70
狗、人、猫和鹰/dog,man,cat and hawk 72
受到宠爱的大象/the elephant in favour 74
好运来访/fortune on a visit 75
猎人/the sportsman 77
驴子和乡下人/ass and rustic 80
蛇和农夫/snake and master will 81
网中的熊/mike in the net 82
老鼠会议/mice in council 83
两只狗/two dogs 85
跳舞的鱼/fishes dancing 87
狼和羊/wolves and sheep 89
橡树和芦苇/oak and reed 91
小树林和火/grove and fire 94
鹰和蜜蜂/eagle and bee 96
大车队/a train of carts 98
天鹅、梭子鱼和虾/swan, pike and crab 100
农夫和蛇/the peasant and the snake 101
狮子打猎/the lion a-hunting 102
人和他的影子/a man and his shadow 103
牧羊人和大海/the shepherd and the sea 105
葬礼/a funeral 107
鹅卵石和钻石/boulder and diamond 109
农夫和蛇/peasant and snake 111
两个孩子/two boys 112
乌鸦和母鸡/crow and fowl 114
山雀/tom-tit 116
工程师/the engineer 118
农夫和强盗 peasant and robber 120
猴子和镜子/monkey and mirror 121
狐狸和葡萄/fox and the grapes 122
男孩和蛀虫/the boy and the worm 123
狮子和老鼠/lion and mouse 125
公鸡和杜鹃/cock and cuckoo 127
乌鸦/crow 128
剃刀/razors 130
蛤蟆和小公牛/frog and bullock 132
纸鸢/a kite 133
火与钻石/fire and diamond 134
小羊/lambkin 136
大官/a great lord 138
神谕/the oracle 141
狮子和猎人/lion and man 142
狮子老了/lion grown old 144
驴子和它的铃铛/the ass and his bell .. 145
矢车菊/the cornflower 147
杂色羊/speckled sheep 149
农夫和羊/peasant and sheep 151
守财奴/the miser 153
猴子/apes 155
强盗和车夫/robber and carter 157
诗人和百万富翁/poet and millionaire 159
农夫和死神/the peasant and death 161
骑士/the knight 162
猴子小姐和她的眼镜/miss monkey and
her spectacles 163
小狗/puppy 164
树叶和树根/leaves and roots 165
狐狸和土拨鼠/fox and marmot 167
狗的友谊/dog's friendship 169
两只鸽子/two pigeons 171
八哥/starling 174
猪/pig 175
小狮子的教育 young lion's education 176
狼落狗窝/wolf in the kennels 179
三重婚者/the trigamist 181
羊和狗/sheep and dogs 183
狼和鹤/wolf and crane 184
阿尔喀德斯/alcides 185
约翰的汤/soup of master john 186
鹰和鸡/eagle and fowls 188
浪子和燕子/spendthrift and swallow 190
橡树下的猪/pig under the oak 192
狼和牧人/wolf and shepherds 193
狮子和狼/lion and wolf 194
蜜蜂和苍蝇/bee and flies 195
男孩和蛇/boy and snake 197
政治家和思想家/statesman and thinker 198
分红/sharing up 199
苍蝇和马车/the fly and the coach 200
强壮的蚂蚁/the strong ant 202
蜘蛛和痛风/spider and gout 204
建筑师狐狸/fox as architect 207
磨房主/the miller 209
狐狸/fox 211
小老鼠和大老鼠/mouse and rat 213
阿佩利斯和小毛驴/apelles and the young ass 214
一颗麦子/a blade of corn 215
农夫和马/peasant and horse 217
狼和杜鹃/wolf and cuckoo 218
说谎者/the liar 220
小树/the sapling 222
袋子/the bag 225
园丁和自以为聪明的人/gardener and wiseacre 227
池沼和河流/pond and river 229
公鸡和珍珠/cock and pearl 231
勤勉的熊/the industrious bear 232
攀藤/the creeper 233
青蛙和朱庇特/froggy and jupiter 235
杜鹃和斑鸠/cuckoo and wood-pigeon 237
老农夫和长工/old mat and his man 239
地方长官的象/elephant as governor 241
作家和强盗/author and robber 242
小石斑鱼/the young roach 244
云/a cloud 247
诽谤/a calumny 248
农夫和他的斧头/the peasant and his axe 250
松鼠/squirrel 251
盛宴/a feast 252
老鼠/mice 254
蛇/snake 256
铁锅和瓦罐/kettle and pot 258
采珍珠的人/the pearl divers 260
游泳者与海/the swimmer and the sea 263
蜘蛛和蜜蜂/spider and bee 264
主人和老鼠/master and the mice 266
狮子和蚊子/lion and gnat 268
熊的晚宴/mike's dinner party 270
狼和猫/wolf and cat 272
野山羊/wild goats 274
狮子、羚羊和狐狸/lion, chamois and fox 276
贫苦的富人/the poor rich man 278
狮子和狐狸/lion and fox 281
狐狸和驴子 fox and ass 282
苍蝇和蜜蜂/fly and bee 284
农夫和狗/peasant and dog 286
鳊鱼/bream 288
夜莺/nightingales 289
大象和巴儿狗 elephant and pug 291
老人和三个花花公子/the old
man and the three young dandies 292
转笼上的松鼠/squirrel on his wheel 294
扫帚/besom 295
猫和夜莺/cat and nightingale 296
母鹿和苦修僧人/the doe and the dervish 298
在蜂房中的熊/mike among the hives 299
命运女神和乞丐/fortune and the beggar 300
牧羊人桑迪/shepherd sandy 302
狼和老鼠/wolf and mouse 303
来自另外一个教区/from the next parish 304
主妇和她的两个女佣/mistress and her two maids 306
三个乡下人/the three townies 308
两个乡下人/two countrymen 310
梭子鱼/pike 312
商人/the merchant 313
造谣中伤者和蛇/slanderer and snake 314
两只桶/two casks 317
蛇和小羊/snake and lamb 318
狮王的床/king lion's bed 319
猫头鹰和驴子/owl and donkey 321
军刀/the sabre blade 323
瀑布和温泉/waterfall and brook 325
梳子/a comb 326
小猫和八哥/kitten and starling 328
富翁坡爱坡/pop-a-pop 330
贪心人和母鸡/the miser and the hen 332
杜鹃和鹰/cuckoo and eagle 334
大炮和船帆/cannon and sails 335
农夫和狐狸/peasant and fox 337
狗和马/dog and horse ... 338
帕尔纳索斯山/parnassus 3
黄雀和刺猬/bullfinch and hedgehog 5
狼和小羊/wolf and lamb 7
驴子/the ass 9
金卢布/a gold piece 11
青蛙们想要一个国王/the frogs ask for a king 13
狮子和豹子/lion and leopard 16
兽类的瘟疫/the plague of the beasts 17
一只桶/a cask 20
小溪/the brook 21
蜻蜓和蚂蚁/gadfly and ant 23
梭子鱼和猫儿/pike and cat 25
小乌鸦/the raven chick 27
富翁和鞋匠/rich man and cobbler 29
不幸的农夫/the peasant in distress 33
猴子/monkey 35
猫和厨子/cat and cook 37
悔过的狐狸/the penitent fox 39
鹅/geese 41
.鹰和蜘蛛/eagle and spider 43
鹰和鼹鼠/eagle and mole 45
四重奏/a quartette 47
狼和狐狸/wolf and fox 49
山姆的外套/sammy's coat 50
隐士和熊/hermit and bear 51
参观者/the sightseer 53
农民和河/the peasants and the river 54
仁慈的狐狸/the kind fox 55
野兽会议/beasts in council 57
照莺和鸽子/bullfinch and pigeon 58
石头和小虫子/stone and worm 59
乌鸦和狐狸/crow and fox 60
挑剔的老姑娘/the dainty spinster 61
路人和猎狗/wayfarers and hounds 63
野兔打猎/the hare a-hunting 64
驴子和夜莺/ass and nightingale 65
狼和它的孩子/wolf and his cub 66
花/the flowers 68
马和骑师/horse and rider 70
狗、人、猫和鹰/dog,man,cat and hawk 72
受到宠爱的大象/the elephant in favour 74
好运来访/fortune on a visit 75
猎人/the sportsman 77
驴子和乡下人/ass and rustic 80
蛇和农夫/snake and master will 81
网中的熊/mike in the net 82
老鼠会议/mice in council 83
两只狗/two dogs 85
跳舞的鱼/fishes dancing 87
狼和羊/wolves and sheep 89
橡树和芦苇/oak and reed 91
小树林和火/grove and fire 94
鹰和蜜蜂/eagle and bee 96
大车队/a train of carts 98
天鹅、梭子鱼和虾/swan, pike and crab 100
农夫和蛇/the peasant and the snake 101
狮子打猎/the lion a-hunting 102
人和他的影子/a man and his shadow 103
牧羊人和大海/the shepherd and the sea 105
葬礼/a funeral 107
鹅卵石和钻石/boulder and diamond 109
农夫和蛇/peasant and snake 111
两个孩子/two boys 112
乌鸦和母鸡/crow and fowl 114
山雀/tom-tit 116
工程师/the engineer 118
农夫和强盗 peasant and robber 120
猴子和镜子/monkey and mirror 121
狐狸和葡萄/fox and the grapes 122
男孩和蛀虫/the boy and the worm 123
狮子和老鼠/lion and mouse 125
公鸡和杜鹃/cock and cuckoo 127
乌鸦/crow 128
剃刀/razors 130
蛤蟆和小公牛/frog and bullock 132
纸鸢/a kite 133
火与钻石/fire and diamond 134
小羊/lambkin 136
大官/a great lord 138
神谕/the oracle 141
狮子和猎人/lion and man 142
狮子老了/lion grown old 144
驴子和它的铃铛/the ass and his bell .. 145
矢车菊/the cornflower 147
杂色羊/speckled sheep 149
农夫和羊/peasant and sheep 151
守财奴/the miser 153
猴子/apes 155
强盗和车夫/robber and carter 157
诗人和百万富翁/poet and millionaire 159
农夫和死神/the peasant and death 161
骑士/the knight 162
猴子小姐和她的眼镜/miss monkey and
her spectacles 163
小狗/puppy 164
树叶和树根/leaves and roots 165
狐狸和土拨鼠/fox and marmot 167
狗的友谊/dog's friendship 169
两只鸽子/two pigeons 171
八哥/starling 174
猪/pig 175
小狮子的教育 young lion's education 176
狼落狗窝/wolf in the kennels 179
三重婚者/the trigamist 181
羊和狗/sheep and dogs 183
狼和鹤/wolf and crane 184
阿尔喀德斯/alcides 185
约翰的汤/soup of master john 186
鹰和鸡/eagle and fowls 188
浪子和燕子/spendthrift and swallow 190
橡树下的猪/pig under the oak 192
狼和牧人/wolf and shepherds 193
狮子和狼/lion and wolf 194
蜜蜂和苍蝇/bee and flies 195
男孩和蛇/boy and snake 197
政治家和思想家/statesman and thinker 198
分红/sharing up 199
苍蝇和马车/the fly and the coach 200
强壮的蚂蚁/the strong ant 202
蜘蛛和痛风/spider and gout 204
建筑师狐狸/fox as architect 207
磨房主/the miller 209
狐狸/fox 211
小老鼠和大老鼠/mouse and rat 213
阿佩利斯和小毛驴/apelles and the young ass 214
一颗麦子/a blade of corn 215
农夫和马/peasant and horse 217
狼和杜鹃/wolf and cuckoo 218
说谎者/the liar 220
小树/the sapling 222
袋子/the bag 225
园丁和自以为聪明的人/gardener and wiseacre 227
池沼和河流/pond and river 229
公鸡和珍珠/cock and pearl 231
勤勉的熊/the industrious bear 232
攀藤/the creeper 233
青蛙和朱庇特/froggy and jupiter 235
杜鹃和斑鸠/cuckoo and wood-pigeon 237
老农夫和长工/old mat and his man 239
地方长官的象/elephant as governor 241
作家和强盗/author and robber 242
小石斑鱼/the young roach 244
云/a cloud 247
诽谤/a calumny 248
农夫和他的斧头/the peasant and his axe 250
松鼠/squirrel 251
盛宴/a feast 252
老鼠/mice 254
蛇/snake 256
铁锅和瓦罐/kettle and pot 258
采珍珠的人/the pearl divers 260
游泳者与海/the swimmer and the sea 263
蜘蛛和蜜蜂/spider and bee 264
主人和老鼠/master and the mice 266
狮子和蚊子/lion and gnat 268
熊的晚宴/mike's dinner party 270
狼和猫/wolf and cat 272
野山羊/wild goats 274
狮子、羚羊和狐狸/lion, chamois and fox 276
贫苦的富人/the poor rich man 278
狮子和狐狸/lion and fox 281
狐狸和驴子 fox and ass 282
苍蝇和蜜蜂/fly and bee 284
农夫和狗/peasant and dog 286
鳊鱼/bream 288
夜莺/nightingales 289
大象和巴儿狗 elephant and pug 291
老人和三个花花公子/the old
man and the three young dandies 292
转笼上的松鼠/squirrel on his wheel 294
扫帚/besom 295
猫和夜莺/cat and nightingale 296
母鹿和苦修僧人/the doe and the dervish 298
在蜂房中的熊/mike among the hives 299
命运女神和乞丐/fortune and the beggar 300
牧羊人桑迪/shepherd sandy 302
狼和老鼠/wolf and mouse 303
来自另外一个教区/from the next parish 304
主妇和她的两个女佣/mistress and her two maids 306
三个乡下人/the three townies 308
两个乡下人/two countrymen 310
梭子鱼/pike 312
商人/the merchant 313
造谣中伤者和蛇/slanderer and snake 314
两只桶/two casks 317
蛇和小羊/snake and lamb 318
狮王的床/king lion's bed 319
猫头鹰和驴子/owl and donkey 321
军刀/the sabre blade 323
瀑布和温泉/waterfall and brook 325
梳子/a comb 326
小猫和八哥/kitten and starling 328
富翁坡爱坡/pop-a-pop 330
贪心人和母鸡/the miser and the hen 332
杜鹃和鹰/cuckoo and eagle 334
大炮和船帆/cannon and sails 335
农夫和狐狸/peasant and fox 337
狗和马/dog and horse ... 338
Gems of Krylov’s fables
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