《北极星大学英语系列教程》是由清华大学出版社引进,培生教育集团面向非英语国家精心打造的21世纪最新大学英语教材。它知识内容极其丰富、内涵颇深,极具亲和力,更能适应新世纪英语学习者的需要。教材分两个系列:听说系列(Focus on Listening and Speaking)和读写系列(Focus on Reading and Writing)。每个系列各分为5个等级,即:入门(Introductory)、基础(Basic)、中级(Intermediate)、提高(High Intermediate)、高级(Advanced),它具有多方面的特色:编写思路明确,编写人员水平出众,语言真实地道,文化信息量大,强调互动式学习,教材体系完备,设有配套学习网站(www.loangman.com/northstar))。本书为读写(高级)学生用书。读者对象:广大高等院校,尤其是扩招、新升本的大学,专升本等及师范类院校、高职高专学生。
1. my time in a bottle..
theme: addiction
reading one: my time in a bottle, mickey mantle
reading two: mick's toughest inning, cathy burke
grammar: unreal conditionals
style: elements of autobiographical writing
2. a bridge across the generations
theme: aging
reading one: senior citizens at wilton high
reading two: i don't feel or look my age susan scalone-bonnici
grammar: noun clauses
style: introductory paragraphs and thesis statements
3. the road to success
theme: personality
reading one: gotta dance, jackson jodie daviss
reading two: keeping your confidence up, dennis o'grady
grammar: identifying and nonidentifying adjective clauses
style: paragraph development—supporting a topic sentence with illustration and conclusion
4. water, water everywhere
theme: our environment—water
.reading one: the great flood of 93, alan mairson
reading two: the bounty of the sea, jacques cousteau
grammar: adverb clauses and discourse connectors expressing cause and effect
style: cause-and-effect essays
5. what is lost in translation?..
theme: crosscultural insights
reading one: lost in translation, eva hoffman, and the struggle to be an all-american girl, elizabeth wong
reading two: in one school, many sagas, alan riding
grammar: adverb clauses of comparison and contrast
style: comparison and contrast essays
6. managing a career
theme: business
readingone: the expanding role of temps, hal lancaster
reading two: coca cola' thinks international,alan m. rugman and richard m. hodgetts
grammar: specific uses of gerunds and infinitives
style: cover letters and resumes
7. when the soldier is a woman
theme: the military
reading one: women at war, glamour
reading two: in peace, women warriors rank low, james c. mckinley, jr.
grammar: direct and indirect speech
style: paragraph development--writing a summary
8. the cellist of sarajevo
theme: the arts
reading one: the cellist of sarajevo, paul sullivan
reading two: the soloist, mark salzman
grammar: reporting ideas and facts with passiives
style: using descriptive language
9. the right to read
theme: first amendment issues
reading one: book banning must be stopped,marcia cohen
reading two: some books that have been banned school libraries
grammar: review of verb tenses
style: argumentative essays
answer key...
theme: addiction
reading one: my time in a bottle, mickey mantle
reading two: mick's toughest inning, cathy burke
grammar: unreal conditionals
style: elements of autobiographical writing
2. a bridge across the generations
theme: aging
reading one: senior citizens at wilton high
reading two: i don't feel or look my age susan scalone-bonnici
grammar: noun clauses
style: introductory paragraphs and thesis statements
3. the road to success
theme: personality
reading one: gotta dance, jackson jodie daviss
reading two: keeping your confidence up, dennis o'grady
grammar: identifying and nonidentifying adjective clauses
style: paragraph development—supporting a topic sentence with illustration and conclusion
4. water, water everywhere
theme: our environment—water
.reading one: the great flood of 93, alan mairson
reading two: the bounty of the sea, jacques cousteau
grammar: adverb clauses and discourse connectors expressing cause and effect
style: cause-and-effect essays
5. what is lost in translation?..
theme: crosscultural insights
reading one: lost in translation, eva hoffman, and the struggle to be an all-american girl, elizabeth wong
reading two: in one school, many sagas, alan riding
grammar: adverb clauses of comparison and contrast
style: comparison and contrast essays
6. managing a career
theme: business
readingone: the expanding role of temps, hal lancaster
reading two: coca cola' thinks international,alan m. rugman and richard m. hodgetts
grammar: specific uses of gerunds and infinitives
style: cover letters and resumes
7. when the soldier is a woman
theme: the military
reading one: women at war, glamour
reading two: in peace, women warriors rank low, james c. mckinley, jr.
grammar: direct and indirect speech
style: paragraph development--writing a summary
8. the cellist of sarajevo
theme: the arts
reading one: the cellist of sarajevo, paul sullivan
reading two: the soloist, mark salzman
grammar: reporting ideas and facts with passiives
style: using descriptive language
9. the right to read
theme: first amendment issues
reading one: book banning must be stopped,marcia cohen
reading two: some books that have been banned school libraries
grammar: review of verb tenses
style: argumentative essays
answer key...
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