unit 1 general operating procedures
1.1 transmission of letters
1.2 transmission of numbers
1.3 standard words and phrases
1.4 callsigns
1.5 communications procedures
1.6 transmitting technique
unit check 1
unit 2 pre-flight
2.1 automatic terminal information service (atis)
2.2 departure information
2.3 atc clearance
2.4 pushback
2.5 start-up
2.6 taxi
unit check 2
unit 3 departure and takeoff
3.1 line-up
3.2 takeoff
.3.3 departure
3.4 traffic circuit
unit check 3
unit 4 cruise and descent
4.1 en route: position report
4.2 en route: traffic information
4.3 flights joining, leaving, crossing airways and holding en-route
4.4 descent
unit check 4
unit 5 approach and landing
5.1 approach
5.2 final approach and landing
5.3 after landing
unit check 5
unit 6 emergency communications
6.1 urgency and communications failure
6.2 distress
unit check 6
unit 7 radiotelephony practice
7.1 lamar to dodge (complete flight)
7.2 detroit to atlanta (complete flight)
unit 8 glossary
8.1 definitions
8.2 abbreviations
answers and transcript 1
光盘服务联系方式: 020-38250260 客服QQ:4006604884
用户发送的提问,这种方式就需要有位在线客服来回答用户的问题,这种 就属于对话式的,问题是这种提问是否需要用户登录才能提问