本书,这部用儿童能读懂的语言写给成人的童话经典,曾是法国著名的童话经典,也是全世界最令人喜爱的书之一,现在仍是!1943年,圣埃克苏佩里在美国用英文完成本书并出版,1944年法文版于法国问世。至今长销不衰,成为永恒的经典! 据本书官方统计数据,本书在全球销量高达1.5亿册,仅法国销量就达1100多万册,如今已被译为280多种语言,成为世界上畅销的法文图书。法国人也毫不吝啬地将“20世纪最佳法语书”的桂冠授予了本书,并引以为骄傲! 本书为中、法、英三语种出版,其中中文译文根据法文原版翻译而成,同时提供英文、法文朗读文件免费下载。让读者在品读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升外语朗读水平。 TheLittle Prince , first published in 1943, is the most famous work of the Frencharistocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Thenovella is the 3rd most-translated book in the world and was voted the bestbook of the 20th century in France. Translated into more than 280 languages anddialects, selling nearly two million copies annually with total sales over 150 millioncopies worldwide, it has become one of the bestselling books ever published. Sinceits first publication in the United States, the novella has been adapted tonumerous art forms and media, including audio recordings, radio plays, livestage, film screen, television, ballet, and operatic works.
Le Petit Prince (法文版)
TheLittle Prince (英文版)
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