Onset and evolution of the South China Sea monsoon and its interaction with the ocean
作 者:丁一汇,李崇银主编
1998年亚洲季风活动与中国的暴雨/洪涝[丁一汇 薛纪善 王守荣 巢清尘 孙源 柳艳菊]
The Onset and Activities of Asian Monsoon and Heavy Flooding in China in 1998[Ding Yihui Xue Jishan Wang Shourong Chao Qingchen Sun Yuan Lin Yanju]
南海夏季风爆发的大气环流演变特征[李崇银 屈昕]
Characteristics of Atmospheric Circulation Associated with Summer Monsoon Onset in the South China Sea[Li Chongyin Qu Xin]
1998年SCSMEX期间南海夏季风爆发特征及其机制的初步分析[陈隆勋 祝从文]
Characteristics and Mechanism Analysis of SCS Summer Monsoon Onset during SCSMEX in 1998[Chen Longxun Zhu Congwen]
1998年南海夏季风爆发的分析研究[李崇银 吴静波]
Analysis Study on the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in 1998[Li Chongyin Wu Jingbo]
SCSM Rainfall Outbreak and the Evolution of Associated Rain-bands[Luo Huibang]
1998年南海夏季风建立前后的突变特征及爆发过程的初步分析[何金海 王黎娟 徐海民]
Abrupt Change in Elements around 1998 SCS Summer Monsoon Establishment with Analysis of Its Onset[He Jinghai Wang Lijuan Xu Haimin]
1998年南海季风爆发前后区域环流变化的主要特征[邵慧 钱永甫]
Main Features of Regional Circulation Variation during the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon in 1998[Shao Hui Qian Yongfu]
1998年南海季风爆发前后区域加热场的基本特征[王世玉 钱永甫]
Basic Features of Regional Heating Field before and after the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon in 1998[Wang Shiyu Qian Yougfu]
海温纬向梯度与南海夏季风爆发[谢安 毛江玉 叶谦]
Relationship between SST Zonal Gradient and the Onset of Summer Monsoon over South China Sea[Xie An Mao Jiangyu Ye Qian]
1998年南海西南季风建立特征分析[梁建茵 吴尚森]
An Analysis on the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in 1998[Liang Jinayin Wu Shangsen]
The Climatic Characteristics of Summer Monsoon Onset over the South China Sea Based on TBB Data[Jin Zuhui]
南海的环流和涡旋[苏纪兰 许建平 蔡树群 王欧]
Cyres and Eddies in the South China Sea[Su Jilan Xu Jianping Cai Shuqun Wang Ou]
Some Preliminary Results from the SCSMEX Oceanographic Observation:The Pre-Onset State and the Response on Surface[Li Li]
1998年夏季南海上层海洋状况[许建平 王殿昌 李金洪]
Oceanographic Conditions in the Upper Layer of the South Chian Sea in the Summer of 1998[Xu Jianping Wang Dianchang Li Jinhong]
1998年4~7月南海暖池和冷槽的演变特点[潘玉球 许建平 李金洪]
Evolution Feature of Warm Pools and Cold Troughs of South China Sea from April to July 1998[Pan Yuqiu Xu Jianping Li Jinhong]
南海夏季风持续异常的特征及其与大尺度环流的关系[孙淑清 马淑杰]
Characteristics of Persistent Anomaly of South China Sea Summer Monsoom and its Relation to Large Scale Circulation[Sun Shuqing Ma Shujie]
1997年东亚夏季风活动的初步分析[孙颖 丁一汇]
An Analysis of the East Asian Summer Monsoon Activities during 1997[Sun Ying Ding Yihui]
1997年夏季风时期大尺度水汽输送的分析[孙颖 丁一汇]
An Analysis of Large Scale Moisture Transport during the Summer Monsoom of 1997[Sun Ying Ding Yihui]
1998年南海夏季风低频振荡特征及其对长江流域降水的影响[朱乾根 徐国强]
Features of 1998 SCS Summer Monsoon LFO with Effect on Rainfall in Yangtze Basin[Zhu Qiangen Xu Guoqiang]
南海夏季风对中国夏季降水的影响及预测[何敏 宋文玲]
Perspective and Prediction of South China Sea Monsoon and Its Effect on Rainfalls in Summer in China[He Min Song Wenling]
南海-热带东印度洋海温年际变异与南海季风关系的初步分析[赵永平 陈永利 白学志 王凡]
The Relations between the SST Anomalies in South China Sea-Tropical Eastern Indian Ocean and the South China Sea Monsoon[Zhao Yongping Chen Yongli Bai Xuezhi Wang Fan]
南海次表层海温与南海夏季风关系初探[张秀芝 李江龙]
The Relation between Subsurface Water Temperature and Summer Monsoon in the South China Sea[Zhang Xiuzhi Li Jianglong]
南海和热带太平洋海温异常对亚洲夏季风环流的影响[吴爱明 白学志]
Influences of SST Anomalies in the South China Sea and the Tropical Pacific on Asian Summer Monsoon[Wu Aiming Bai Xuezhi]
南海西南季风强度变化特征及其与海温的耦合关系分析[梁建茵 吴尚森]
The Analyses of the Intensity Variation Characteristics of South China Sea Summer Monsoon and Its Relationship with SST in 1998[Liang Jianyin Wu Shangsen]
ENSO循环与中国东部地区夏季和冬季降水关系的研究[金祖辉 陶诗言]
A Study on the Relationships between ENSO Cycle and Rainfalls during Summer and Winter in Eastern China[Jin Zuhui Tao Shiyan]
西沙海-气通量观测资料初步分析[阎俊岳 姚华栋 王强 杨志勇]
A Preliminary Analysis for Air-Sea Flux Observation Data at the Tower in Xisha[Yan Junyue Yao Huadong Wang Qiang Yang Zhiyong]
1998年夏季风爆发前后南海海气热通量主要特征[孙即霖 刘秦玉 张秀芝]
The Main Characteristics of Heat Flux in the South China Sea before and after the Onset of Summer Monsoon[Sun Jilin Liu Qinyu Zhang Xiuzhi]
南海季风爆发前后南海南部SST和海表热通量变化机制分析[白学志 吴爱明 赵永平]
Variability of SST and Surface Heat Flux in Southern Part of South China Sea Fore-and-aft the Onset of South China Sea Monsoon[Bai Xuezhi Wu Aiming Zhao Yongping]
南海区域海-气耦合模式发展及试验[吕世华 陈玉春 朱伯承 伊兰]
Development and Verfication of a Regionally Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Model in the South China Sea Area[Lu Shihua Chen Yuchun Pater Chu Yi Lan]
1998年夏季风爆发前后南海及邻近海区海况模拟[任雪娟 钱永甫 张耀存]
Numerical Simulations of Oceanic Elements in the SCS and Its Neighbouring Sea Regions before and after the Summer Monsoon in 1998[Ren Xuejuan Qian Yongfu Zhang Yaochun]
1994年6月东亚季风的数值模拟[罗丕瑜 王安宇 吴池胜]
Numerical Simulation of the East Asia Monsoon in June 1994[Luo Piyu Wan Anyu Wu Chisheng Kai-Hon Lau Ying-Hwa Kuo]
南海季风试验资料同化系介绍[王在志 薛纪善]
The South China Sea Monsoon Experiment Data Assimilation System[Wang Zaizhi Xue Jishan]
南海季风试验第一加密观测期同化资料分析[王在志 薛纪善]
The Assimilation Data Comparison during the First Intensive Observation Period of the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment[Wang Zaizhi Xue Jishan]
1998年亚洲季风活动与中国的暴雨/洪涝[丁一汇 薛纪善 王守荣 巢清尘 孙源 柳艳菊]
The Onset and Activities of Asian Monsoon and Heavy Flooding in China in 1998[Ding Yihui Xue Jishan Wang Shourong Chao Qingchen Sun Yuan Lin Yanju]
南海夏季风爆发的大气环流演变特征[李崇银 屈昕]
Characteristics of Atmospheric Circulation Associated with Summer Monsoon Onset in the South China Sea[Li Chongyin Qu Xin]
1998年SCSMEX期间南海夏季风爆发特征及其机制的初步分析[陈隆勋 祝从文]
Characteristics and Mechanism Analysis of SCS Summer Monsoon Onset during SCSMEX in 1998[Chen Longxun Zhu Congwen]
1998年南海夏季风爆发的分析研究[李崇银 吴静波]
Analysis Study on the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in 1998[Li Chongyin Wu Jingbo]
SCSM Rainfall Outbreak and the Evolution of Associated Rain-bands[Luo Huibang]
1998年南海夏季风建立前后的突变特征及爆发过程的初步分析[何金海 王黎娟 徐海民]
Abrupt Change in Elements around 1998 SCS Summer Monsoon Establishment with Analysis of Its Onset[He Jinghai Wang Lijuan Xu Haimin]
1998年南海季风爆发前后区域环流变化的主要特征[邵慧 钱永甫]
Main Features of Regional Circulation Variation during the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon in 1998[Shao Hui Qian Yongfu]
1998年南海季风爆发前后区域加热场的基本特征[王世玉 钱永甫]
Basic Features of Regional Heating Field before and after the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon in 1998[Wang Shiyu Qian Yougfu]
海温纬向梯度与南海夏季风爆发[谢安 毛江玉 叶谦]
Relationship between SST Zonal Gradient and the Onset of Summer Monsoon over South China Sea[Xie An Mao Jiangyu Ye Qian]
1998年南海西南季风建立特征分析[梁建茵 吴尚森]
An Analysis on the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in 1998[Liang Jinayin Wu Shangsen]
The Climatic Characteristics of Summer Monsoon Onset over the South China Sea Based on TBB Data[Jin Zuhui]
南海的环流和涡旋[苏纪兰 许建平 蔡树群 王欧]
Cyres and Eddies in the South China Sea[Su Jilan Xu Jianping Cai Shuqun Wang Ou]
Some Preliminary Results from the SCSMEX Oceanographic Observation:The Pre-Onset State and the Response on Surface[Li Li]
1998年夏季南海上层海洋状况[许建平 王殿昌 李金洪]
Oceanographic Conditions in the Upper Layer of the South Chian Sea in the Summer of 1998[Xu Jianping Wang Dianchang Li Jinhong]
1998年4~7月南海暖池和冷槽的演变特点[潘玉球 许建平 李金洪]
Evolution Feature of Warm Pools and Cold Troughs of South China Sea from April to July 1998[Pan Yuqiu Xu Jianping Li Jinhong]
南海夏季风持续异常的特征及其与大尺度环流的关系[孙淑清 马淑杰]
Characteristics of Persistent Anomaly of South China Sea Summer Monsoom and its Relation to Large Scale Circulation[Sun Shuqing Ma Shujie]
1997年东亚夏季风活动的初步分析[孙颖 丁一汇]
An Analysis of the East Asian Summer Monsoon Activities during 1997[Sun Ying Ding Yihui]
1997年夏季风时期大尺度水汽输送的分析[孙颖 丁一汇]
An Analysis of Large Scale Moisture Transport during the Summer Monsoom of 1997[Sun Ying Ding Yihui]
1998年南海夏季风低频振荡特征及其对长江流域降水的影响[朱乾根 徐国强]
Features of 1998 SCS Summer Monsoon LFO with Effect on Rainfall in Yangtze Basin[Zhu Qiangen Xu Guoqiang]
南海夏季风对中国夏季降水的影响及预测[何敏 宋文玲]
Perspective and Prediction of South China Sea Monsoon and Its Effect on Rainfalls in Summer in China[He Min Song Wenling]
南海-热带东印度洋海温年际变异与南海季风关系的初步分析[赵永平 陈永利 白学志 王凡]
The Relations between the SST Anomalies in South China Sea-Tropical Eastern Indian Ocean and the South China Sea Monsoon[Zhao Yongping Chen Yongli Bai Xuezhi Wang Fan]
南海次表层海温与南海夏季风关系初探[张秀芝 李江龙]
The Relation between Subsurface Water Temperature and Summer Monsoon in the South China Sea[Zhang Xiuzhi Li Jianglong]
南海和热带太平洋海温异常对亚洲夏季风环流的影响[吴爱明 白学志]
Influences of SST Anomalies in the South China Sea and the Tropical Pacific on Asian Summer Monsoon[Wu Aiming Bai Xuezhi]
南海西南季风强度变化特征及其与海温的耦合关系分析[梁建茵 吴尚森]
The Analyses of the Intensity Variation Characteristics of South China Sea Summer Monsoon and Its Relationship with SST in 1998[Liang Jianyin Wu Shangsen]
ENSO循环与中国东部地区夏季和冬季降水关系的研究[金祖辉 陶诗言]
A Study on the Relationships between ENSO Cycle and Rainfalls during Summer and Winter in Eastern China[Jin Zuhui Tao Shiyan]
西沙海-气通量观测资料初步分析[阎俊岳 姚华栋 王强 杨志勇]
A Preliminary Analysis for Air-Sea Flux Observation Data at the Tower in Xisha[Yan Junyue Yao Huadong Wang Qiang Yang Zhiyong]
1998年夏季风爆发前后南海海气热通量主要特征[孙即霖 刘秦玉 张秀芝]
The Main Characteristics of Heat Flux in the South China Sea before and after the Onset of Summer Monsoon[Sun Jilin Liu Qinyu Zhang Xiuzhi]
南海季风爆发前后南海南部SST和海表热通量变化机制分析[白学志 吴爱明 赵永平]
Variability of SST and Surface Heat Flux in Southern Part of South China Sea Fore-and-aft the Onset of South China Sea Monsoon[Bai Xuezhi Wu Aiming Zhao Yongping]
南海区域海-气耦合模式发展及试验[吕世华 陈玉春 朱伯承 伊兰]
Development and Verfication of a Regionally Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Model in the South China Sea Area[Lu Shihua Chen Yuchun Pater Chu Yi Lan]
1998年夏季风爆发前后南海及邻近海区海况模拟[任雪娟 钱永甫 张耀存]
Numerical Simulations of Oceanic Elements in the SCS and Its Neighbouring Sea Regions before and after the Summer Monsoon in 1998[Ren Xuejuan Qian Yongfu Zhang Yaochun]
1994年6月东亚季风的数值模拟[罗丕瑜 王安宇 吴池胜]
Numerical Simulation of the East Asia Monsoon in June 1994[Luo Piyu Wan Anyu Wu Chisheng Kai-Hon Lau Ying-Hwa Kuo]
南海季风试验资料同化系介绍[王在志 薛纪善]
The South China Sea Monsoon Experiment Data Assimilation System[Wang Zaizhi Xue Jishan]
南海季风试验第一加密观测期同化资料分析[王在志 薛纪善]
The Assimilation Data Comparison during the First Intensive Observation Period of the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment[Wang Zaizhi Xue Jishan]
The Onset and Activities of Asian Monsoon and Heavy Flooding in China in 1998[Ding Yihui Xue Jishan Wang Shourong Chao Qingchen Sun Yuan Lin Yanju]
南海夏季风爆发的大气环流演变特征[李崇银 屈昕]
Characteristics of Atmospheric Circulation Associated with Summer Monsoon Onset in the South China Sea[Li Chongyin Qu Xin]
1998年SCSMEX期间南海夏季风爆发特征及其机制的初步分析[陈隆勋 祝从文]
Characteristics and Mechanism Analysis of SCS Summer Monsoon Onset during SCSMEX in 1998[Chen Longxun Zhu Congwen]
1998年南海夏季风爆发的分析研究[李崇银 吴静波]
Analysis Study on the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in 1998[Li Chongyin Wu Jingbo]
SCSM Rainfall Outbreak and the Evolution of Associated Rain-bands[Luo Huibang]
1998年南海夏季风建立前后的突变特征及爆发过程的初步分析[何金海 王黎娟 徐海民]
Abrupt Change in Elements around 1998 SCS Summer Monsoon Establishment with Analysis of Its Onset[He Jinghai Wang Lijuan Xu Haimin]
1998年南海季风爆发前后区域环流变化的主要特征[邵慧 钱永甫]
Main Features of Regional Circulation Variation during the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon in 1998[Shao Hui Qian Yongfu]
1998年南海季风爆发前后区域加热场的基本特征[王世玉 钱永甫]
Basic Features of Regional Heating Field before and after the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon in 1998[Wang Shiyu Qian Yougfu]
海温纬向梯度与南海夏季风爆发[谢安 毛江玉 叶谦]
Relationship between SST Zonal Gradient and the Onset of Summer Monsoon over South China Sea[Xie An Mao Jiangyu Ye Qian]
1998年南海西南季风建立特征分析[梁建茵 吴尚森]
An Analysis on the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in 1998[Liang Jinayin Wu Shangsen]
The Climatic Characteristics of Summer Monsoon Onset over the South China Sea Based on TBB Data[Jin Zuhui]
南海的环流和涡旋[苏纪兰 许建平 蔡树群 王欧]
Cyres and Eddies in the South China Sea[Su Jilan Xu Jianping Cai Shuqun Wang Ou]
Some Preliminary Results from the SCSMEX Oceanographic Observation:The Pre-Onset State and the Response on Surface[Li Li]
1998年夏季南海上层海洋状况[许建平 王殿昌 李金洪]
Oceanographic Conditions in the Upper Layer of the South Chian Sea in the Summer of 1998[Xu Jianping Wang Dianchang Li Jinhong]
1998年4~7月南海暖池和冷槽的演变特点[潘玉球 许建平 李金洪]
Evolution Feature of Warm Pools and Cold Troughs of South China Sea from April to July 1998[Pan Yuqiu Xu Jianping Li Jinhong]
南海夏季风持续异常的特征及其与大尺度环流的关系[孙淑清 马淑杰]
Characteristics of Persistent Anomaly of South China Sea Summer Monsoom and its Relation to Large Scale Circulation[Sun Shuqing Ma Shujie]
1997年东亚夏季风活动的初步分析[孙颖 丁一汇]
An Analysis of the East Asian Summer Monsoon Activities during 1997[Sun Ying Ding Yihui]
1997年夏季风时期大尺度水汽输送的分析[孙颖 丁一汇]
An Analysis of Large Scale Moisture Transport during the Summer Monsoom of 1997[Sun Ying Ding Yihui]
1998年南海夏季风低频振荡特征及其对长江流域降水的影响[朱乾根 徐国强]
Features of 1998 SCS Summer Monsoon LFO with Effect on Rainfall in Yangtze Basin[Zhu Qiangen Xu Guoqiang]
南海夏季风对中国夏季降水的影响及预测[何敏 宋文玲]
Perspective and Prediction of South China Sea Monsoon and Its Effect on Rainfalls in Summer in China[He Min Song Wenling]
南海-热带东印度洋海温年际变异与南海季风关系的初步分析[赵永平 陈永利 白学志 王凡]
The Relations between the SST Anomalies in South China Sea-Tropical Eastern Indian Ocean and the South China Sea Monsoon[Zhao Yongping Chen Yongli Bai Xuezhi Wang Fan]
南海次表层海温与南海夏季风关系初探[张秀芝 李江龙]
The Relation between Subsurface Water Temperature and Summer Monsoon in the South China Sea[Zhang Xiuzhi Li Jianglong]
南海和热带太平洋海温异常对亚洲夏季风环流的影响[吴爱明 白学志]
Influences of SST Anomalies in the South China Sea and the Tropical Pacific on Asian Summer Monsoon[Wu Aiming Bai Xuezhi]
南海西南季风强度变化特征及其与海温的耦合关系分析[梁建茵 吴尚森]
The Analyses of the Intensity Variation Characteristics of South China Sea Summer Monsoon and Its Relationship with SST in 1998[Liang Jianyin Wu Shangsen]
ENSO循环与中国东部地区夏季和冬季降水关系的研究[金祖辉 陶诗言]
A Study on the Relationships between ENSO Cycle and Rainfalls during Summer and Winter in Eastern China[Jin Zuhui Tao Shiyan]
西沙海-气通量观测资料初步分析[阎俊岳 姚华栋 王强 杨志勇]
A Preliminary Analysis for Air-Sea Flux Observation Data at the Tower in Xisha[Yan Junyue Yao Huadong Wang Qiang Yang Zhiyong]
1998年夏季风爆发前后南海海气热通量主要特征[孙即霖 刘秦玉 张秀芝]
The Main Characteristics of Heat Flux in the South China Sea before and after the Onset of Summer Monsoon[Sun Jilin Liu Qinyu Zhang Xiuzhi]
南海季风爆发前后南海南部SST和海表热通量变化机制分析[白学志 吴爱明 赵永平]
Variability of SST and Surface Heat Flux in Southern Part of South China Sea Fore-and-aft the Onset of South China Sea Monsoon[Bai Xuezhi Wu Aiming Zhao Yongping]
南海区域海-气耦合模式发展及试验[吕世华 陈玉春 朱伯承 伊兰]
Development and Verfication of a Regionally Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Model in the South China Sea Area[Lu Shihua Chen Yuchun Pater Chu Yi Lan]
1998年夏季风爆发前后南海及邻近海区海况模拟[任雪娟 钱永甫 张耀存]
Numerical Simulations of Oceanic Elements in the SCS and Its Neighbouring Sea Regions before and after the Summer Monsoon in 1998[Ren Xuejuan Qian Yongfu Zhang Yaochun]
1994年6月东亚季风的数值模拟[罗丕瑜 王安宇 吴池胜]
Numerical Simulation of the East Asia Monsoon in June 1994[Luo Piyu Wan Anyu Wu Chisheng Kai-Hon Lau Ying-Hwa Kuo]
南海季风试验资料同化系介绍[王在志 薛纪善]
The South China Sea Monsoon Experiment Data Assimilation System[Wang Zaizhi Xue Jishan]
南海季风试验第一加密观测期同化资料分析[王在志 薛纪善]
The Assimilation Data Comparison during the First Intensive Observation Period of the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment[Wang Zaizhi Xue Jishan]
1998年亚洲季风活动与中国的暴雨/洪涝[丁一汇 薛纪善 王守荣 巢清尘 孙源 柳艳菊]
The Onset and Activities of Asian Monsoon and Heavy Flooding in China in 1998[Ding Yihui Xue Jishan Wang Shourong Chao Qingchen Sun Yuan Lin Yanju]
南海夏季风爆发的大气环流演变特征[李崇银 屈昕]
Characteristics of Atmospheric Circulation Associated with Summer Monsoon Onset in the South China Sea[Li Chongyin Qu Xin]
1998年SCSMEX期间南海夏季风爆发特征及其机制的初步分析[陈隆勋 祝从文]
Characteristics and Mechanism Analysis of SCS Summer Monsoon Onset during SCSMEX in 1998[Chen Longxun Zhu Congwen]
1998年南海夏季风爆发的分析研究[李崇银 吴静波]
Analysis Study on the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in 1998[Li Chongyin Wu Jingbo]
SCSM Rainfall Outbreak and the Evolution of Associated Rain-bands[Luo Huibang]
1998年南海夏季风建立前后的突变特征及爆发过程的初步分析[何金海 王黎娟 徐海民]
Abrupt Change in Elements around 1998 SCS Summer Monsoon Establishment with Analysis of Its Onset[He Jinghai Wang Lijuan Xu Haimin]
1998年南海季风爆发前后区域环流变化的主要特征[邵慧 钱永甫]
Main Features of Regional Circulation Variation during the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon in 1998[Shao Hui Qian Yongfu]
1998年南海季风爆发前后区域加热场的基本特征[王世玉 钱永甫]
Basic Features of Regional Heating Field before and after the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon in 1998[Wang Shiyu Qian Yougfu]
海温纬向梯度与南海夏季风爆发[谢安 毛江玉 叶谦]
Relationship between SST Zonal Gradient and the Onset of Summer Monsoon over South China Sea[Xie An Mao Jiangyu Ye Qian]
1998年南海西南季风建立特征分析[梁建茵 吴尚森]
An Analysis on the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in 1998[Liang Jinayin Wu Shangsen]
The Climatic Characteristics of Summer Monsoon Onset over the South China Sea Based on TBB Data[Jin Zuhui]
南海的环流和涡旋[苏纪兰 许建平 蔡树群 王欧]
Cyres and Eddies in the South China Sea[Su Jilan Xu Jianping Cai Shuqun Wang Ou]
Some Preliminary Results from the SCSMEX Oceanographic Observation:The Pre-Onset State and the Response on Surface[Li Li]
1998年夏季南海上层海洋状况[许建平 王殿昌 李金洪]
Oceanographic Conditions in the Upper Layer of the South Chian Sea in the Summer of 1998[Xu Jianping Wang Dianchang Li Jinhong]
1998年4~7月南海暖池和冷槽的演变特点[潘玉球 许建平 李金洪]
Evolution Feature of Warm Pools and Cold Troughs of South China Sea from April to July 1998[Pan Yuqiu Xu Jianping Li Jinhong]
南海夏季风持续异常的特征及其与大尺度环流的关系[孙淑清 马淑杰]
Characteristics of Persistent Anomaly of South China Sea Summer Monsoom and its Relation to Large Scale Circulation[Sun Shuqing Ma Shujie]
1997年东亚夏季风活动的初步分析[孙颖 丁一汇]
An Analysis of the East Asian Summer Monsoon Activities during 1997[Sun Ying Ding Yihui]
1997年夏季风时期大尺度水汽输送的分析[孙颖 丁一汇]
An Analysis of Large Scale Moisture Transport during the Summer Monsoom of 1997[Sun Ying Ding Yihui]
1998年南海夏季风低频振荡特征及其对长江流域降水的影响[朱乾根 徐国强]
Features of 1998 SCS Summer Monsoon LFO with Effect on Rainfall in Yangtze Basin[Zhu Qiangen Xu Guoqiang]
南海夏季风对中国夏季降水的影响及预测[何敏 宋文玲]
Perspective and Prediction of South China Sea Monsoon and Its Effect on Rainfalls in Summer in China[He Min Song Wenling]
南海-热带东印度洋海温年际变异与南海季风关系的初步分析[赵永平 陈永利 白学志 王凡]
The Relations between the SST Anomalies in South China Sea-Tropical Eastern Indian Ocean and the South China Sea Monsoon[Zhao Yongping Chen Yongli Bai Xuezhi Wang Fan]
南海次表层海温与南海夏季风关系初探[张秀芝 李江龙]
The Relation between Subsurface Water Temperature and Summer Monsoon in the South China Sea[Zhang Xiuzhi Li Jianglong]
南海和热带太平洋海温异常对亚洲夏季风环流的影响[吴爱明 白学志]
Influences of SST Anomalies in the South China Sea and the Tropical Pacific on Asian Summer Monsoon[Wu Aiming Bai Xuezhi]
南海西南季风强度变化特征及其与海温的耦合关系分析[梁建茵 吴尚森]
The Analyses of the Intensity Variation Characteristics of South China Sea Summer Monsoon and Its Relationship with SST in 1998[Liang Jianyin Wu Shangsen]
ENSO循环与中国东部地区夏季和冬季降水关系的研究[金祖辉 陶诗言]
A Study on the Relationships between ENSO Cycle and Rainfalls during Summer and Winter in Eastern China[Jin Zuhui Tao Shiyan]
西沙海-气通量观测资料初步分析[阎俊岳 姚华栋 王强 杨志勇]
A Preliminary Analysis for Air-Sea Flux Observation Data at the Tower in Xisha[Yan Junyue Yao Huadong Wang Qiang Yang Zhiyong]
1998年夏季风爆发前后南海海气热通量主要特征[孙即霖 刘秦玉 张秀芝]
The Main Characteristics of Heat Flux in the South China Sea before and after the Onset of Summer Monsoon[Sun Jilin Liu Qinyu Zhang Xiuzhi]
南海季风爆发前后南海南部SST和海表热通量变化机制分析[白学志 吴爱明 赵永平]
Variability of SST and Surface Heat Flux in Southern Part of South China Sea Fore-and-aft the Onset of South China Sea Monsoon[Bai Xuezhi Wu Aiming Zhao Yongping]
南海区域海-气耦合模式发展及试验[吕世华 陈玉春 朱伯承 伊兰]
Development and Verfication of a Regionally Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Model in the South China Sea Area[Lu Shihua Chen Yuchun Pater Chu Yi Lan]
1998年夏季风爆发前后南海及邻近海区海况模拟[任雪娟 钱永甫 张耀存]
Numerical Simulations of Oceanic Elements in the SCS and Its Neighbouring Sea Regions before and after the Summer Monsoon in 1998[Ren Xuejuan Qian Yongfu Zhang Yaochun]
1994年6月东亚季风的数值模拟[罗丕瑜 王安宇 吴池胜]
Numerical Simulation of the East Asia Monsoon in June 1994[Luo Piyu Wan Anyu Wu Chisheng Kai-Hon Lau Ying-Hwa Kuo]
南海季风试验资料同化系介绍[王在志 薛纪善]
The South China Sea Monsoon Experiment Data Assimilation System[Wang Zaizhi Xue Jishan]
南海季风试验第一加密观测期同化资料分析[王在志 薛纪善]
The Assimilation Data Comparison during the First Intensive Observation Period of the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment[Wang Zaizhi Xue Jishan]
Onset and evolution of the South China Sea monsoon and its interaction with the ocean
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