Construction project management = 建筑工程项目管理 / Professional ed.


作   者:Frederick E. Gould, Nancy E. Joyce.





建设管理原是我国土木工程专业中重要的方向,许多土木类院系设有该专业,近年不少综合性大学也设置了该专业。随着我国加入WTO、中国企业角逐国际工程、国外建筑企业挤入中国市场,使得建设管理专业教育必须提供从内容到语言上能够与国际建筑业接轨的课程。 鉴于这种趋势,清华大学出版社秉承在引进国外原版教材方面的领先地位,与全球高等教育出版巨擘--美国培生教育出版集团--合作,经过清华大学建设管理系专家评审,精选出这套"国外大学优秀教材--建设管理系列(影印版)"教材。 "国外大学优秀教材--建设管理系列(影印版)"适合作为建设管理专业、相关经济类专业和土木工程专业的原版教材,以及具有较好英文基础和专业背景、渴望了解国外相关领域知识的企业界人士学习使用。 "国外大学优秀教材--建设管理系列(影印版)"包括:《房屋设计与施工案例分析》(Case Studies in Building Design and Construction, 1e)、《建筑工程合同》(Construction Contracts, 3e)、《建筑工程估价》(Estimating in Building Construction, 5e)、《建筑工程项目管理(专业版)》(Construction Project Management-Professional Edition, 1e)和《建筑施工计划与进度》(Construction Planning and Scheduling, 1e)。另外,在我社的"清华经济学系列英文版教材"中包括《工程经济学》(Engineering Economy, 12e)、《环境与自然资源经济学》(Environmental and Natural Resource Economics,6e),在"清华管理学系列英文版教材"和"工商管理优秀教材译丛·管理学系列"中包括《面向商务和技术的项目管理》(Project Management for Business and Technology,2e)等教材可配套选用。对清华大学出版社相关教材最新资讯感兴趣的读者,可查询清华大学出版社网站。


1 the construction industry 1

introduction . 2

what is the construction industry? 4

industry sectors 6

the residential sector 7

building construction 9

infrastructure and heavy construction 10

industrial 11

research and development 13

trends in the industry 13

promoting the construction profession 14

construction ethics 16

demographics 17

opportunities 17

computer-integrated construction 19

conclusion 24

2 project participants 25

introduction 26

owners 27

public owners 27

.private owners 29

owner representatives 29

design professionals 31

architects 34

engineers 37

construction professionals 40

constructors 40

specialty contractors 42

the trades 42

the advantages of union versus merit shops 43

material suppliers 45

equipment suppliers 46

other participants 46

organization of companies 48

conclusion 50

3 organizing and leading the construction project 53

introduction 54

organizing and managing 56

levels of specialization and authority 56

decision making 57

organizational structure 57

quality management 65

total quality management 67

legal forms of organizations 69

sole proprietorship 69

partnership 70

corporation 70

leadership 72

flexibility 72

morale building 73

order and discipline 74

goals and accountability 74

mentoring 76

communication 76

conclusion 78

4 project delivery methods 81

introduction 82

managing project risks 83

lessons from history 83

delivering a project fast 85

assessing project risks 86

general risks 87

project-specific risks 88

seabrook station 89

the owner organization 92

minimizing risk 93

choosing the right delivery method 93

choosing a contract type 94

monitoring the entire process 94

partnering 94

delivery methods 95

traditional 95

designfbuild 99

construction project management 102

contract types 106

single fixed price 106

unit price contract 107

cost plus a fee 109

contract changes 110

conclusion 112

5 project chronology 115

introduction 116

initiation of the project 118

feasibility analysis 118

financing 121

design of the project 121

programming 122

schematic design 123

design development 124

construction documents 125

procurement 125

construction 126

turnover and startup 127

operation of the facility 127

disposal of the facility 128

conclusion 128

6 construction services during design 129

introduction 130

finding the right construction manager 132

request for proposal 134

team introductions 135

tasks and responsibilities of the construction manager 136

feasibility studies 136

site investigations 137

construction,not disruption 141

noise mitigation 141

traffic flow 142

pedestrian and business access 143

air quality 144

the way of the future 144

value engineering 147

up/down construction in boston:an example of construction innovation 153

what is up/down construction? 153

example projects 154

conclusion 156

design review 156

estimating 157

scheduling 157

long-lead item procurement 158

work packages 158

conclusion 159

7 bidding and procurement 161

introduction 163

qualification of bidders 164

work packages 165

construction documents 168

bidding information 168

invitation to bid 169

instruction to the bidders 170

bid form 170

alternates 171

addenda 172

contractual information 172

agreement 172

general conditions 174

special conditions 175

bonds 175

insurance 176

risk management trends 178

technical information 180

drawings 181

specifications 181

analysis of bids 186

award of the contract 188

conclusion .. 189

8 construction and closeout 191

introduction 192

subcontracts 194

staffing 195

job start 196

construction operations 197

procurement 198

job site 199

organizing for efficiency:the construction of the empire state building 200

project completion 204

construction closeout and turnover 204

planning 205

owner startup 207

operating phase 208

conclusion 208

9 estimating project costs 209

introduction 210

common estimating traits 211

the function of the estimate 213

estimate considerations 214

project size 214

project quality 215

location 218

time 218

other 220

types of estimates 220

estimating during design 221

estimating during construction 229

conclusion 236

10 project planning and scheduling 239

introduction 240

scheduling throughout the project 243

preconstruction planning 243

scheduling during construction 245

postconstruction scheduling 245

the planning and scheduling process 246

scheduling methods 248

bar chart schedules 248

matrix schedules 250

network schedules 253

creating the schedule 255

activity definition 255

network diagram 256

activity duration 258

calculations 259

refining 264

monitoring 265

conclusion 266

11 controlling project cost, time, and quality 269

introduction 270

project control objectives 271

standards 271

actuals 272

basic control theory 274

control in the new millennium 277

communication today 277

new millennium communication 277

preparing a project for construction 278

cost baseline 278

time baseline 279

baseline summary 281

minimum cost scheduling 283

direct versus indirect costs 284

direct costs 284

indirect costs 284

home office overhead 284

project overhead (general conditions) 285

crashing 285

cost and schedule performance models 287

income projection 288

payment projection 291

control in action 295

cost engineering 296

progress evaluation and control 297

cost and schedule performance 299

project documentation 301

conclusion 304

12 job site administration 307

introduction 308

communication 309

notice to proceed 309

meeting minutes 310

requests for information 311

daily reports 314

diaries 316

progress photographs 316

monthly reports 316

electronic communication 318

advanced project communication

leveraging the internet and computer-aided design to achieve project goals 320

sharing information 320

integrating the models 321

efficiencies by combining cad and internet 321

greater understanging leads to commitment 322

submittals 325

shop drawings 325

product data 331

samples 332

application for payment 333

schedule of values 334

stored material 336

lien waivers 336

retainage 336

changes to the work 337

change orders 339

extension of time 340

claims and disputes 341

conclusion 342

13 construction law 343

introduction 344

the role of government 344

federal statues and regulations 345

state statutes and regulations 346

local ordinances and bylaws 347

the role of courts 348

state and federal court systems 348

jurisdiction 349

common law torts 349

the role of contracts 350

contract formation 351

contract interpretation 353

statutory controls 353

damages 354

equitable relief 360

perini v. sands hotel 356

defenses 361

dispute resolution 361

conclusion 363

14 construction safety and health 365

introduction 366

the cost of accidents 368

contractor experience rating 370

the cause of accidents 373

types of accidents 375

accident prevention 376

occupational safety and health administration

safety programs 378

employee orientation and training 381

safety meetings 383

preventive devices 384

owner and architect roles 385

identification of hazards 387

enforcement 387

osha inspections 388

if an accident occurs 389

accident investigation 390

conclusion 390

appendix 393

index ... 397



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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